Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 186 Building a House

The three people in the room looked at Li Min, especially Wang Jiancheng, the elder of the Wang family, with an indescribably squinting smile on his lips.

There is still a smirk hanging from the corner of his mouth, especially the sloppy look that makes people look down on it.

"Sister, beautiful!"

After saying this, he smiled and approached Li Min, and actually reached out to Li Min's hand.

Li Min was taken aback, no one had ever dared to be so blatant.

Don't you understand the truth that men and women can't kiss each other?

Not a three year old.

"What are you doing?"

Li Min was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

Zhang Cuie smiled and said, "The boss of our family has a good heart. He suffered from meningitis when he was young. His brain is a little weaker than others, but he is a very good person.

He really thinks of you as his younger sister. "

Only then did Li Min realize that his actions just now were a bit inappropriate. After all, he had to work in the production team under Wang Zhanjun.

You can't offend this family either.

She understood the boss of the Wang family, but he just had a bad brain.

"Auntie, I'd better live with the educated youth. It's inappropriate to bother you too much. My dad said that I came here to mingle with everyone."

Although Zhang Cui'e is kind to herself, who knows what kind of mind this woman is doing?

Li Min now feels that something bad is about to happen in this family, Li Min is a very smart person.

The instinctive choice is the one that is most beneficial to you.

"Xiao Li, when can't we get along with the educated youth? It's convenient to live with us, or else our educated youth would sleep in the Datong shop, with a dozen educated youths crowded together.

Although the number of you female educated youths is small.But there are eight people in one bunk, do you want to squeeze together with them?Or do you want to sleep in the same room with our Xiaomei?It doesn't matter if you choose me.

It's just that I feel sorry for you so far away to go to the countryside alone to jump in the queue. Your uncle and I treat you like my own daughter. "

Zhang Cui'e smiled and said polite words, but her eyes were like knives.

She could see that the girl disliked her son.

Of course, she left Li Min at their house, perhaps because she had some petty thoughts that her son would not be able to marry a wife for so many years.

It is because no one in the production team knows that they have a stupid son whose IQ is only that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

This child had a fever and meningitis when he was a child, and after he recovered, this problem remained. He only had the IQ of a seven or eight-year-old child.

The children are coaxed like children, otherwise they will lose their temper and even beat their parents.

The production team all know the basics, and no one is willing to marry their own daughter.

There is no way, the son is already 26, and he has not married a wife until now.

The couple are also worried.

The couple thought about finding a female educated youth from among the educated youths to marry their son.

After all, if nothing else, just say that her husband is the production team leader.

The benefits of marrying his son are self-evident.

But the problem is that the eight educated youths are as smart as monkeys.

Some people thought about it at the beginning. After all, it was too tiring to work in the fields, but when they heard that their son was a fool, they immediately stopped thinking about it.

Finally, a Li Min who doesn't know his roots and background came here. Although Li Min's father can be regarded as a cadre, what happened to the cadre's children?

Now it's not the same as getting under the hands of her husband.

She purposely kept Li Min at home just to fool Li Min into marrying her son.

"Auntie, then I will bother you."

Li Min couldn't bear that crime by nature, and it was already unbearable for four female educated youths to squeeze into one kang.

Now that he has to squeeze into the same kang with eight female educated youths, Li Min thinks about it and finds it unbearable.

Although the Wang family is full of weirdness, but Li Min believes that she will not be fooled with her intelligence.

Wang Zhanjun glanced at his wife. He knew what she was thinking, although he felt a little sorry for his old classmate.

But his son's marriage problem is indeed a serious problem.

If the daughter of an old classmate married his son, the couple would definitely not treat the child badly.

It can be regarded as kissing and kissing.

Li Min has completely settled down in the Wang family.

Feng Huizhen's well has been completely dug, and the villagers have pressurized wells, and the watering problem in the field has finally been partially solved.

Seeing that the seedlings are more energetic than the previous days, and have grown a lot taller, and even the wheat seedlings are covered with heavy ears of wheat.

The mood of the villagers finally improved a lot.

But what they don't know is that the surrounding environment outside is very bad.

The drought was so widespread that dozens of production teams and dozens of farms around them were severely affected.

The most intuitive feeling of the villagers is that the Huhuyu River they rely on for their livelihood has reached below the standard line.

Moreover, the water level of the two wells used in their village all year round has also reached the lowest level.

Thankfully they drilled three wells this year.

Otherwise, it would really be a problem for everyone to drink water now.

Although the well that waters the field produces a lot of water, they have to strictly control the water flow, otherwise all the fields will not have enough water.

And the water levels of the three newly drilled wells are also clearly declining.

If things go on like this, everyone is worried about whether they can make it to this year's autumn harvest.

In the hottest month of June, although everyone was in the haze of the drought, they still bustlingly started building houses.

With rich money in hand, coupled with the encouragement of Feng Huizhen and everyone, many people really started to build houses.

In the brigade department of the production team.

Wang Dazhuang started the brigade headquarters meeting again, but since Feng Huizhen came up with the idea to help everyone dig three wells, now Feng Huizhen attends every brigade headquarters meeting.

Everyone is also willing, and Feng Huizhen helps everyone with ideas.

"Captain, we village representatives hope that you can contact the brick factory in the county on our behalf. We are building houses, and every family wants to build brick houses.

This time, let's join forces to buy bricks and tiles, so it will be cheaper. "

"The captain heard that there is no approval, and the brick and tile factory can't sell us bricks and tiles."

"Captain, now every household is waiting for bricks and tiles to build a house, you have to come up with an idea."

This is the representative of the villagers. Everyone thinks that since they want to build a house, they can simply spend the money on hand. It is no problem to build a brick house.

Wang Dazhuang scratched his head. He had contacted the brick factory for this matter in the past few days. There were only three kiln factories near them.

It is indeed necessary to approve the approval, and only the director of the county economic and trade committee can approve this approval, and they do not recognize other people's approval.

Wang Dazhuang also found some acquaintances in the county, but the director of the Economic and Trade Committee, no one can get to him.

He was also worried that the bricks his village needed were not rare.

"Feng Huizhen, why don't you ask Director Zhao?"

Feng Huizhen shook her head hastily this time. She couldn't be bothered with Director Zhao. In the future, if something happened to the production team, she would ask Director Zhao to pay it back.

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