Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 187 Feng Gaihua's First Move

"Village chief, you also know that Director Zhao is the director of the Supply and Marketing Department, and has nothing to do with the Economic and Trade Bureau. I have quietly called Director Zhou to ask him, but Director Zhou said that he didn't know him. We still have to figure out a way."

Feng Huizhen can help the villagers, but she can't help everything. In the end, she will easily become Sheng Mi En and fight Mi En.

"Captain, you forgot, your youngest son's classmate seems to be the director of the brick kiln in Li County, didn't you say that last time?"

A villager reminded Wang Dazhuang that Wang Dazhuang suddenly remembered that his youngest son's classmate had indeed heard that he was the director of a brick kiln in Li County.

Being able to become the director of a brick kiln at a young age was once praised by myself.

But the reason why I didn't think about Li County was that it was not the same place as their side at all, and the distance between the two sides was almost 800 miles.

Such a large batch of bricks, 800 miles back and forth is 1600 miles, how can this be pulled back?

"I don't think so. Li County is more than 800 miles away from us, and it's 1600 miles back and forth. Besides, can we pull all the bricks back in one trip? If we need to pull a few trips, the house will not be built this year."

Wang Dazhuang's words made everyone a little downcast.

But Feng Huizhen knew that everyone's thinking was stuck in the thinking of using horse-drawn carts and ox carts to pull bricks, if the other party could really give them bricks.

It's really not possible, considering the number of their production team, this batch of bricks can completely borrow a truck from the county.

Although it costs a little gas money, it can solve everyone's urgent problems.

When Feng Huizhen said this, Wang Dazhuang's eyes really lit up.

"Okay. I know the section chief of the transportation team of the waterworks. I discussed with them and asked them to provide a car and a driver.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a driver, Feng Huizhen, you can drive, and both of your educated youths can drive.

At that time, we will go there by ourselves, and at most we will pay them some gas money. "

When the other villagers heard this, they also smiled. After all, things seemed to have a light.

Wang Dazhuang drove them away, and hurriedly called his younger son, who had already joined the army as a soldier.

This matter has to be done by the youngest son.

By the early morning of the next day, the other party had already called.

I made it very clear to Wang Dazhuang that they can sell the quantity of this batch of bricks, and the price is even [-]% lower than that of their brick factory.

If they pull the goods back in person, the price can be lowered by two percent.

If you agree, the other party will prepare the goods for them within two days, and it should be ready for them within three days.

Wang Dazhuang was overjoyed when he heard this, and the rest was to borrow a car from the waterworks.

According to the current quantity, it is definitely unrealistic for them to bring back one car. They would have to borrow three cars. I don't know if he has the face.

Feng Huizhen followed Wang Dazhuang to the county, but of course she didn't go to the waterworks.

He wanted to go to the art troupe in the county to find out when Feng Gaihua would come back.

Feng Gaihua is too cunning a woman, she has been in the down-country sympathy art team, never showing up at all.

Feng Huizhen inquired for a long time, but also returned in defeat.

What she didn't know was that she really missed out on Feng Gaihua and Feng Gaihua during her trip to the county seat.

Feng Gaihua has followed the art team to the Xishan Coal Mine.

She insisted on coming to the Xishan Coal Mine. Although she had never been there in her previous life, she knew that Baipengju was in the Xishan Coal Mine.

Originally, she wanted to get to know Bai Pengju through Jiang Lei's hand, but unfortunately, Jiang Lei obviously didn't like her. After several times she went to her door, Jiang Lei's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away was obvious.

Feng Gaihua had already received a call from her parents in the village, knowing that Liu Cuihua was alive and well, not only alive and kicking, but also that Liu Cuihua had almost escaped death, but after Feng Huizhen returned, Liu Cuihua immediately came back to life.

Feng Gaihua realized that Feng Huizhen might also have some extraordinary means.

Feng Gaihua was scared, and it was because of fear that she deliberately avoided Feng Huizhen.

Jiang Lei hit a wall again and again, Feng Gaihua decided to take the initiative.

Since Jiang Lei doesn't need it, at worst, he can let go of Jiang Lei's line, although she wants to work on Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei doesn't know how to flatter her, so she can only find another way.

Without Jiang Lei in her previous life, Feng Huizhen could also climb into the Bai family.

In this life, she already knew where Bai Pengju was.

Seriously speaking, Xishan Coal Mine is located on the mountain behind Feng Huizhen's production team.

According to the linear position, after Feng Huizhen and the others climbed over the mountain where the educated youths lived in the cave, the big mountain behind them was Xishan.

But that's just a straight-line distance from a bird's-eye view. Seriously speaking, it is necessary to reach the Xishan Coal Mine.

It takes more than 80 miles from their production team to reach the mine of Xishan Coal Mine.

And the only way to get to the main road of Xishan Coal Mine is from the road in front of Feng Huizhen's production team.

Feng Huizhen had never lived here in her previous life, and she didn't know that Bai Pengju, whom she was looking for, was actually very close to her.

Feng Gaihua came to the mine with the art troupe, and they were arranged in the guest house in the mine.

Of course, Feng Gaihua came to find Bai Pengju on purpose.

Bai Pengju has now gone to the Xishan Coal Mine as an ordinary coal miner.

These days, being a coal miner makes a lot of money.

But this job is very dangerous.

Feng Gaihua didn't dare to look for Bai Pengju blatantly.

Bai Pengju's current status is quite special, and he is not a good person in people's eyes.

Xiao Liu, who received their art team, was a propagandist of the Mine Propaganda Office.

Especially when he saw Feng Gaihua for the first time, Xiao Liu couldn't help being amazed by Feng Gaihua.

The girls in the art team are all beautiful, but Feng Gaihua can be spotted from the crowd at a glance.

"Comrade Xiao Liu, thank you for sending us to the guest house."

Feng Gaihua was very enthusiastic.

She had to understand the situation of the mine, since she had never been here in her previous life, how to operate it.

She had to try her best to get close to Bai Pengju, but she couldn't be too blatant and cause trouble for herself.

"Comrade Xiao Feng, you are too polite. If you encounter any difficulties in the mine in the future, if you need help with anything, just ask me. We are all revolutionary comrades, and I will definitely help where we can."

Xiao Liu felt that Comrade Feng Gaihua was gentle, kind, and very polite, and such a girl was also beautiful.

He is even more willing to help Feng change flowers from the bottom of his heart.

I wish I could shorten the distance between him and Feng Gaihua.

"Comrade Xiao Liu, thank you very much. This time, I am responsible for leading the team to perform in our mine. Can you tell me about the situation of the mine?

The distribution of our workers?

In this way, we can also arrange a few performances, which can match everyone's working hours and take care of everyone's feelings. "

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