Zhai Wei also patted the empty chair and said, "Leader, sit down quickly. Let's move quickly, I can't help it, this smell is really delicious."

Jiang Lei sat silently on the only vacant seat, watching Wang Shun sitting beside Feng Huizhen with a smile on his face.

"Let's get started, it's rare for us to get together. Although there is no wine, let's use mung bean water instead of wine. Let's have a toast. I wish everyone a better life, good health and smooth career."

Feng Huizhen stood up and held up the large bowl in her hand. Everyone's bowl was filled with mung bean water.

Everyone raised their bowls.

"It's started."

"Oh, why is this fish so delicious?"

"Huizhen, this fish is so delicious, what's the name of this fish?"

Feng Huizhen smiled and said, "This fish is called boiled fish. You like to eat it. When you are on vacation next time, if you come to catch the fish, I will cook it for you as usual."

Stretching out his chopsticks, he picked up a piece of fish fillet and took a bite. He couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and said to Wang Shun with a sideways smile.

"I didn't expect your knife skills to be really good. The thickness of the fish fillets is appropriate. The taste is very good."

As soon as Wang Shun heard this, he quickly picked up another piece of fish fillet with his chopsticks and put it in Feng Huizhen's bowl.

"You can eat more if it's delicious. Don't worry, wait until the next time we have a holiday. I'll catch the fish for you in advance. What else do you like to eat? If we meet outside, I can find it for you. "

Feng Huizhen had no choice but to help Wang Shun cook fish with chopsticks in a courteous manner.

"How can you be so polite? You don't need to come to see me. You are so busy at work. When you have a break, take a good rest. Why do you have to travel so far?"

I always feel that Wang Shun is very kind and warm to me.

But she is not such an ignorant person.

They were busy with work in the fields, and when they finally had a rest one day, everyone wished they could fall down on the kang and sleep for a day and a night.

Comparing heart to heart, Wang Shun and the others are the same.

Although the maintenance work is a little easier than farming, it is actually very tiring.

Wang Shun said indifferently.

"Why are you tired? I'm not tired at all. Don't worry. I'm so young and strong. It's a long way to walk. Maybe there will be a car on the way. When we went to the countryside to jump in the queue, we went to the elementary school. What a long way to go to sell a store!

We can walk such a long way, let alone such a little way.Much closer than that road. "

Wang Shun wished to shorten the distance between him and Feng Huizhen immediately.

"It's also not too far away compared to the way we jumped in the queue. That's fine. Come over when you are on vacation later, and I will take the opportunity to improve your life. You call Zhai Wei and the others together." , let’s improve together.”

After hearing this, Zhai Wei showed a mean smile meaningfully.

"We won't come here anymore. Who can't see Wang Shun's ghostly thoughts? Feng Huizhen, let me tell you straight up, kid Wang Shun. I must have taken a fancy to you."

"We're not light bulbs."

Everyone laughed, and Feng Huizhen looked back at Wang Shun amusedly.

"You're not angry when they make fun of you like this? Zhiqing Wang, you have a very easy-going temper. I know you don't like people like me. All right, everyone, hurry up and eat."

Feng Huizhen really didn't think there was any possibility between Wang Shun and herself.

The two people are not right.

Wang Shun silently swallowed what he wanted to say. This occasion is not suitable for any confession.

Let's wait until later, when he has the opportunity to be alone with Feng Huizhen in the future, he will make it clear.

Jiang Lei choked on the pepper in his mouth and coughed violently.

Zhai Wei who was beside him hurriedly handed the mung bean water in the bowl to Jiang Lei.

"Team leader, take a few sips quickly, Shun Yishun, you can't eat spicy food, can you? See how spicy it makes you."

Jiang Lei drank two sips of mung bean water, but still couldn't stop coughing, waved his hands, turned and ran out of the kitchen.

Holding on to the half mud wall outside, he coughed violently.

See the warm interaction between Feng Huizhen and Wang Shun.

Seeing Feng Huizhen accept the boiled fish that Wang Shun gave her with a smile, she ate deliciously.

Seeing the happy smile on Wang Shun's face because of Feng Huizhen's care for him.

Jiang Lei didn't know why, but he just felt sore, astringent and uncomfortable in his heart, as if there was a tightness in his chest.

Depressedly, he slammed his fist against the dirt wall.

Watching the lumps of dirt being smashed down by his punch.

Does Feng Huizhen really like Wang Shun?

For some reason, Jiang Lei suddenly felt uncomfortable when he thought of Feng Huizhen liking other boys.

Jiang Lei, who was sitting there sullenly, suddenly said something.

"Feng Huizhen, this fish is not as delicious as it was at your house last time."

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Feng Huizhen tasted it carefully, "No, I made it exactly the same as the one I made at my house, and the seasonings have not changed. How could it be different, at most the fish is different."

"Probably the last time you ate at my house, it was the first time you ate it and it felt delicious. It's the same thing if you eat it more times."

Wang Shun looked at Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen, did they know each other before?

Has Jiang Lei been to Feng Huizhen's house?

This is a fellow?

What fellow?

Just finished a meal.

Everyone chatted for a while, it was getting late, they had to go back, otherwise they would not be able to go back when it was dark.

It was agreed that their maintenance team's car would pick them up at the entrance of the village.

Feng Huizhen found some dried jujubes, pine nuts and so on, and packed them for several of them.

They don't need other dry goods in the mountains, dried vegetables, etc. These big men don't fire.

Jujubes, pine nuts, etc., can be eaten as snacks if you are hungry.

Handed the big bag to Wang Shun, "This is for all the educated youths, you all share a share when you go back. Don't say that we favor one another, these are all things produced on our mountain, and you also contributed to them back then. "

Wang Shun felt warm when he heard Feng Huizhen's instructions.

"Wait until this autumn, we will help you go to the mountains to find mountain goods."

Wang Shun was a little bit reluctant to leave the educated youth, and regretted it for the first time, why did he leave the educated youth in a flash of enthusiasm?

If you are here, you don't have to think about Feng Huizhen all the time.

"Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus later!"

Jiang Lei's cold voice came from a distance, and he strode away from the educated youth.

Feng Huizhen took the small paper bag back again.

Originally, this was prepared for Jiang Lei, who knows why Director Jiang is so narrow-minded?

The anger I got just now has not healed yet.

A big man, what kind of anger is this?

If you don't give it, you can save it.

Wang Shun and the others hurriedly followed Officer Jiang's footsteps and left.

Li Min saw this scene through the window, and gritted his teeth fiercely, this educated youth couldn't stay anyway.

She has no place here at all, and she decides to go to the farm next door.

Li Min packed her things and ran to the next farm overnight to find her father's old friend.

Wang Zhanjun looked at the female educated youth in front of him, "You are Lao Li's daughter, right? Just come, let's go, I will arrange for you to rest at the educated youth point."

Suddenly the daughter-in-law Zhang Cui'e opened the curtain and came out with a smile.

"Why do you want to go to the educated youth place? Since she is your old friend's daughter, she will live in our house, and it's not that you can't afford it. You said that your old friend's child will be arranged in the educated youth place. It seems that our elders are too ignorant."

He kindly took Li Min's hand and entered the cave.

"Xiao Li, I know you are a good boy, and you will treat our family as your own from now on. Come, let me introduce you.

This is my eldest son Wang Jiancheng!This is my second son, Wang Jiangong, and this is my daughter, Wang Jianmei. "

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