Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 184 Wang Shun Did It On Purpose

"Wang Shun, kill the fish, and fillet the fish into such thick and thin fillets as I said."

Feng Huizhen taught Wang Shun one by one, and the two leaned against each other.

In fact, they were not really close together, but from the outside of the door, the two seemed to be close together.

Wang Shun was so excited that his hands shook a little.

Feng Huizhen was so close to him.

Feng Huizhen held his hand with one hand and pressed the fish with the other hand, teaching him how to operate it.

"Okay, you...don't worry, I'll what you said."

Wang Shun felt that he stuttered a bit.

Feng Huizhen turned and left without paying attention.

"Ask me if you don't understand, Wang Shun, you are very smart, I trust you."

Beads of sweat were dripping from Wang Shun's excited forehead, and he was staring at the fish intently.

As if holding the most precious treasure in the world in your hand.

"Huizhen, is the fish fillet thin?"

"Not thin, a little thick!"

"Now? Is it still thick?"

"It's just right now! Wang Shun, you're doing really well."

"I'm a little shy when you say that."

"Hahaha, Wang Shun, you are so funny!"

Jiang Lei laughed continuously as he listened to the witty words in it, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

The person inside should have been him.

He screwed everything up.

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun had already returned to the Educated Youth Point with their hoes and shovels on their shoulders. They met Zhai Wei on the way, and they laughed and laughed.

Let the other educated youths who are educated youth look a little sideways.

Many educated youths know that the five male educated youths who used to be educated youths have become workers.

They came back to see the educated youth they knew well.

This is a kind of honor. Seeing the other party wearing clean and tidy work clothes, and then looking at their disheveled appearance, I am a little ashamed.

But also envy.

Jiang Lei silently glanced at the kitchen, where Feng Huizhen was cooking and talking to Wang Shun from time to time.

Wang Shun's proactive appearance made him a little displeased.

Especially the way Feng Huizhen was rocked by Wang Shun's teasing laughter, and Jiang Lei's chest was sore.

Fortunately, Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun had already changed their clothes, rolled up their sleeves, and joined the army of cooking in the kitchen.

Jiang Lei coughed.

"Wang Shun and Zhai Wei, let's help them with other things. I see that the benches and tables are falling apart. Let's find some tools to repair the furniture here."

Jiang Lei wandered his eyes for a long time, and finally found the most suitable reason.

The bench under his buttocks is precarious.

Zhai Wei nodded as soon as he heard it. This is the place where they used to live.

Here are their fondest memories.

Besides, Feng Huizhen, Liu Xuemei, and Zhang Xiuyun were also comrades-in-arms who shared weal and woe.

In particular, the five of them are grateful for Feng Huizhen's kindness to them. If Feng Huizhen hadn't helped them, would they be where they are now?

"Okay, Team Leader Jiang, you're right, let's do what we can, not only repair the furniture, but also clean up their cave."

Zhai Wei is an enthusiastic young man.

Everyone knows how to repay their kindness.

Gu Huaigang shouted at Wang Shun.

"Wang Shun, come on, let's do some work that men should do, don't be like a woman, what does a cat look like in the kitchen!"

Wang Shun had no choice but to reluctantly put down the work in hand, turned and left the kitchen.

A group of men began to get busy at the educated youth.

Jiang Lei watched Wang Shun busy on the roof with satisfaction.

Looking at the fragrant boiled fish, Liu Xuemei almost drools.

"Huizhen, Huizhen, how can you make such delicious food?"

"If I knew this, the two of us should go to the Huyu River to catch fish for you. If I didn't, I would have eaten it long ago. I want to know that you can still cook such delicious fish. I have to catch fish no matter what. "

Zhang Xiuyun laughed at Liu Xuemei's smirk.

"I don't want to go, although I love to eat, but I can't swim, how can Huyu River be so easy to go?

If I fall into the river, I will die. Compared with my life, I would rather not eat it. "

"Okay, your life is important, you are not allowed to eat boiled fish later."

Liu Xuemei gave Zhang Xiuyun a hard look. Zhang Xiuyun has always been cautious all her life.

"Forget it, Huizhen made it, and Huizhen didn't even say that I'm not allowed to eat it. It doesn't count if you say so."

Zhang Xiuyun cheerfully set the table and brought in some benches.

Today can be regarded as a big change, their kitchen has a new look.

The table and chairs alone feel much stronger.

Feng Huizhen laughed and shouted, "Put the food on the table quickly and tell them to wash their hands and eat."

Liu Xuemei ran out in a hurry.

"The meal is ready, the meal is ready, everyone come and eat."

A group of educated youths hurried down from the room when they heard this.

They are repairing the roof of their kitchen for Feng Huizhen.

Hu Zhiqiang looked at a few male educated youths laughing outside, and went into the kitchen after washing his face, and sniffed again when he smelled the fragrance wafting from the other party's kitchen.


"You said, what if we talk to Feng Huizhen and join their cafeteria?"

From the fried bacon with dried radish last time, to the aroma of boiled fish today, several people are eager to move.

"It's definitely not right now. Where are those educated youths? What do we care? Wait a while, as soon as the educated youths leave, let's take the opportunity to discuss with Feng Huizhen. It's really impossible for the few of us to cook.

The few of them couldn't do it either, they ate with Meng Xianbin and the others, and it was said that they were similar to pig food.

Although I know how to cook, it's either that the pot is sticky today, or the steamed buns are steamed like stones tomorrow. "

A group of educated youths finally rested their minds.

Everyone in the kitchen was seated at the table.

Jiang Lei pretended to help get the bowls and chopsticks.

He leaned in front of Feng Huizhen, "Huizhen, where are the bowls and chopsticks?"

When I asked this question, I felt very uneasy, for fear that Feng Huizhen would ignore her.

Feng Huizhen turned her head and pointed to a bamboo basket next to her with a smile.

"Team Leader Jiang, over there."

Although Jiang Lei saw Feng Huizhen smiling, he felt relieved.

But hearing Feng Huizhen call him by that name made me feel uncomfortable.

When we first met, Feng Huizhen didn't call him Team Leader Jiang, but Team Leader Jiang was very different.

"Don't be so busy, come and eat first, everyone is waiting for you."

Jiang Lei smoothly took the rice bowl from Feng Huizhen's hand.

Feng Huizhen smiled and took off the apron on her waist, and threw it on the cabinet beside her.

He followed Jiang Lei to the table, but saw that there were three empty stools in front of the table.

Feng Huizhen took advantage of the situation and sat beside Zhang Xiuyun.

There were still two empty seats next to her.

Jiang Lei was about to sit next to Feng Huizhen with a smile on his face, but suddenly he squeezed over by himself.

"Team leader, sit down quickly."

Wang Shun sat down beside Feng Huizhen confidently, smiled and patted the empty seat beside him at Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei frowned.

Wang Shun did it on purpose.

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