Feng Huizhen saw Jiang Lei's innocent expression at a glance.

"That... I just want to say that the vegetables have been picked."

Jiang Lei tried his best to squeeze out a gentle smile. He still didn't understand why Feng Huizhen was angry?

He was genuinely worried about Feng Huizhen, but why Feng Huizhen acted like she couldn't listen to it.

Feng Huizhen was embarrassed.

She was really angry just now.

Adding two lifetimes together, she can be regarded as a novice in terms of relationships.

Which girl can not look forward to being enthusiastically pursued by others in love?Which girl is not in late spring?

What's more, having already gone through puberty as a girl, how can a single woman in her teens not long for the arrival of spring?

A cavity of tenderness, but in exchange for another result.

It's no wonder that Feng Huizhen misunderstood. Jiang Lei's behavior just now would be misunderstood by any woman.

Especially Jiang Lei's serious and focused eyes made people think that Jiang Lei only had Feng Huizhen in his eyes.

In the end, in exchange for Jiang Lei's words, Feng Huizhen felt ashamed and ashamed as if struck by lightning.

It's not that Feng Huizhen really has any special feelings for Jiang Lei.

There is really a revolutionary friendship between the two.

Who knows all kinds of things, coincidences have evolved into this way now.

Feng Huizhen looked at the vegetables that had been picked in the pot, and Jiang Lei was very meticulous and serious in everything, including picking vegetables.

Then I looked at myself holding a kitchen knife like a fierce god, and I knew that I was probably no different from the shrew on the street.

Silently put down the knife.

"Jiang Lei, go out, I'll finish picking the vegetables for me, and I don't need your help with anything else."

"Don't, I can help you with other things, such as chopping onions and pounding garlic."

Jiang Lei didn't know why, but when he saw Feng Huizhen's sad eyes, he suddenly felt very sad.

He wanted to be by Feng Huizhen's side, and hoped that Feng Huizhen could tell himself what she wanted to say in her heart.

He wanted to help Feng Huizhen.

Be the person Feng Huizhen can open her heart to.

Feng Huizhen turned around silently.

"Brother Jiang, you really don't have anything to do here. You can sit in the yard for a while. Rest for a while."

The low, gloomy and weak voice made Jiang Lei wonder what to do to ease the sudden change of atmosphere between him and Feng Huizhen.

The two were talking happily just now, but suddenly they became like this.

Jiang Lei regretted it very much. If he had known earlier, he would not have said those unnecessary words.

Jiang Lei silently took the small bench to the outside of the kitchen door, and sat there against the wall.

I can't wait to give myself a slap, if I knew what I was doing with those words, are you the only smart one in the world?

Feng Huizhen was blinded by others for a while, and she was deceived because of her kindness and enthusiasm.

Why does he think he is right to dictate other people's lives?

Why does he think he is smart?

Wang Shun, Zhai Wei and the others hurried back to the educated youth spot with their backpacks.

Wang Shun was at the forefront, and he returned home like an arrow.

Leaving Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen alone at the educated youth spot, he felt uneasy at all.

Jiang Lei is different from him, Jiang Lei's advantages are too obvious.

Jiang Lei is very attractive to girls, in case Feng Huizhen takes a fancy to Jiang Lei.

Wang Shun felt that he might really have no chance.

It's rare in my life to meet a girl I fall in love with at first sight and fall in love with so much.

Wang Shun was unwilling to quit easily.

When catching fish just now, Wang Shun wished he could get into the water and catch a big fish right away.

He was the first to hurry back when he finally caught the big fish.

Seeing the educated youth's house from a distance, her heart beat very fast, fearing that there might be some sparks between Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen.

He hurriedly ran to the front of the cave, but saw Jiang Lei sitting outside the kitchen with his head drooping.

Jiang Lei wasn't with Feng Huizhen, this scene immediately calmed Wang Shun's irritable heart.

He walked to the door of the kitchen with his back basket and asked with a smile.

"Team Leader Jiang, why are you sitting here? Are you done with your work?"

Jiang Lei turned his head and glanced at Feng Huizhen who was silent in the kitchen.

replied in a low voice.

"I'm done picking vegetables. Feng Huizhen doesn't need my help, so I'll just sit here and wait for you."

Seeing the lively fish in Wang Shun's back basket, he suddenly had an idea.

Asked Feng Huizhen who was busy in the room with her back to them,

"Feng Huizhen, how about I kill the fish for you?"

Jiang Lei is desperate to make up for the sudden rift between him and Feng Huizhen.

As soon as Wang Shun heard this, he immediately quit. Isn't this a cut-off?

"Without Team Leader Jiang, how could you be allowed to kill fish?

Why use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken, I will do it, and I will not bother the two masters.

I caught this fish, so naturally I have to clean it up. Don't you think it's Feng Huizhen? "

Feng Huizhen was busy with the things in her hand and looked back.

At this moment, Feng Huizhen has regained her composure and reason, and she feels a little sorry when she thinks about it just now.

It's because I misunderstood Jiang Lei, but lost my temper with him, which is a bit inappropriate.

But Feng Huizhen felt a little embarrassed from the misunderstanding from just now.

Embarrassed, she didn't want to have too much contact with Jiang Lei.

Feng Huizhen felt uneasy in her heart.

She always thought that she regarded Jiang Lei as a golden thigh that could be hugged, and a golden finger that was very important to her.

Who knew that he was actually greedy for Jiang Lei.

She didn't feel that she was also in this state of hunger and thirst.

No matter what happened in the previous life, it can be regarded as living to the age of five or sixty.

She has been celibate for so many years, so she can't be so calm.

Feng Huizhen fell into deep self-blame and introspection.

"Wang Shun, it's better for you to come, you are right and don't bother the other master. Come, come here and I will teach you how to deal with this fish."

When Wang Shun heard this, he was in a state of 12 spirits.

Pi Dian'er Pi Dian'er carried the basket into the kitchen and dumped the fish in the basket into the big basin in front of him.

Feng Huizhen took a look and a smile appeared on her face.

"Hey, you guys are amazing, you actually caught such a big fish."

Two big fish, each weighing twelve to three catties, are wild fish that have been hidden for many years in rivers like the Huyu River.

To grow like this, there is a lack of natural enemies, and of course there are fewer fishermen to catch.

The local members are all native northerners, and they really don't like eating fish.

It's better for them to grow some sweet potatoes, which are delicious and can replace food.

Feng Huizhen guessed that the taste must be very good.

That is to say, the water level has dropped this year, and the water level of the Huyu River has caused these fish to pop up, otherwise it is generally difficult to catch.

"These two fish took us some effort, and they were so strong that they almost broke free from our nets."

Seeing Feng Huizhen smile, Wang Shun seemed to have opened up a chatterbox.


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