"Brother Jiang, let me tell you that my cousin is not a good person. Next time I meet her, I'd better stay away from her and keep a distance."

Feng Huizhen feels like a gossip who talks about people behind their backs.

But if she didn't tell Jiang Lei, she was afraid that the upright officer Jiang would really be deceived.

Who made Director Jiang look like a Tie Hanhan who could be deceived.

Instead, Jiang Lei became curious. Although he didn't care about these parents' short stories, it was related to Feng Huizhen.

It will inevitably make him very curious about what kind of person would make Feng Huizhen such a cheerful and generous person to say such things.

"Is this Feng Gaihua a bad character?"

"Did she do something to you?"

Jiang Lei felt that Feng Huizhen was a cheerful and generous person, she did things quickly, and never cared about others.

People with such a personality can hate each other so deeply, it is conceivable that the other party must not be a good person.

Feng Huizhen couldn't help smiling when she looked at Officer Jiang who looked like a curious baby.

Tell Officer Jiang what happened before she went to the countryside to jump in the queue.

It is impossible for Jiang Lei to believe other things without evidence.

But in this matter, as a bystander, one can probably guess what happened after hearing the whole story.

That is to say, she, a reborn person, only realized how scheming Feng Gaihua was in what she said and what she did from the perspective of rebirth.

Jiang Lei is not stupid, such a smart officer Jiang, his thinking ability is definitely stronger than her.

Sure enough, Jiang Lei frowned after hearing these words, with an expression of concern on his face.

"According to you, your cousin is quite a scheming person. You, it's a good thing to be smart and cheerful, and it's also a good thing to be enthusiastic about people.

But it depends on the person, your cousin is much smarter than you.

After hearing what you said, I suddenly feel a little worried for you, you said you are so stupid.How can it be so easy to be deceived. "

Jiang Lei was really worried. Before, he thought Feng Huizhen was smart, lively, cheerful, enthusiastic and helpful, and had the courage to take responsibility. He had never seen such a perfect girl.

But from this incident, I felt that Feng Huizhen showed a side he had never seen before.

Feng Huizhen will also become very stupid and be deceived.

Thinking of this kind girl, if she really jumped into the river and died!

Just thinking about it made him feel heartbroken.

Thinking of this, I had the urge to arrest Feng Gaihua and beat him up.

This woman's mind is a bit too vicious, and she has exhausted all her scheming in order not to block her way for others.

If it wasn't for Feng Huizhen's fate and luck to be rescued, what would Feng Huizhen look like now?

Jiang Lei stood up very seriously and walked in front of Feng Huizhen.

He held Feng Huizhen's shoulders tightly, and stared at Feng Huizhen's eyes seriously.

Feng Huizhen was so frightened that she backed away again and again, her body hit the kitchen wall.

The portrait was firmly stuck to the wall like a piece of cardboard.

He was taken aback by Jiang Lei's action.

Officer Jiang, what is this for?

The main thing is that this scene seems familiar.

It seems that in those TV dramas of later generations, the domineering president is just like this.

Feng Huizhen's cheeks blushed a little uncontrollably, could it be that Director Jiang wanted to confess to herself?

How should she react?

In her two lifetimes combined, she had never encountered such an exciting scene.

If Director Jiang said something she likes about her, how should she react?

She should have pretended to be shy, pushed the person away, turned and ran out covering her face.

It is better to answer Officer Jiang calmly and rationally, we are not suitable now, and we should work hard on our careers.

Or simply agree to Jiang Lei?

Chief Jiang's face really makes people jealous.

When she saw Jiang Lei before, she knew that Jiang Lei's face was definitely a disaster.

A man looks like this, with deep and three-dimensional facial features, especially those eyes that are as dark as an ancient well.

When your gaze falls into it, it's like throwing it into a well, and you can't pull it out no matter what.

That was Officer Jiang when he was calm and wise.

When Officer Jiang was gentle, his eyes sparkled like stars in the sky, containing infinite tenderness.

It seemed as if warm spring water surrounded everyone in front of them, making it impossible to extricate themselves.

Feng Huizhen felt her heart beating in her chest, thumping, as if she was carrying a lively little rabbit.

How to do?

How to do?


"Feng Huizhen, you have to be smarter in the future, and discuss with me more when you encounter things. Although I may not be much smarter than you, at least I am a little smarter than you.

One person counts short, two counts long.

Bystanders are clear, authorities are obsessed, I can help you see some strange things in the matter.

I'm really worried about you, look at how stupid you are.Can you believe anything your cousin says?

You, you, how can you make people feel at ease like this? "

Feng Huizhen seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and the flush on her face subsided in an instant.

Raising his head, a pair of bright eyes looked at Jiang Lei in disbelief.

"Jiang Lei, is this what you want to tell me?"

Jiang Lei looked bewildered.

"Of course I'm going to tell you this. What do you think I'm going to tell you? I used to look at you as smart and smart. Who knew you would be so stupid and be led by the nose like this by your cousin."

"Feng Huizhen, I ask you to write me a letter every three days to report your situation. And I will also ask someone to send the letter to me and send it to my construction site. I will reply to you at any time. In case you are deceived .”

"And don't always listen to others when you encounter things."

"Don't give your heart out to anyone."

Feng Huizhen's face turned pale bit by bit, the corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, and there was a fierce gleam in her eyes.

If other people see Feng Huizhen's expression, they will probably know that Feng Huizhen's expression is a bit annoyed.

Feng Huizhen ruthlessly pushed Jiang Lei away, that movement, that strength added together.

Jiang Lei backed away for seven or eight steps in a daze, almost knocking over the vegetable bowl behind him.

"Feng Huizhen, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Huizhen turned around, picked up the kitchen knife on the chopping board, and began to cut the sausage vigorously.

The action of gnashing his teeth made Jiang Lei, who was standing behind her and looking at her back, suddenly feel a chill in his back.

It seemed that Feng Huizhen was not cutting sausages, but her own meat.

"What's the matter? Not so much! Jiang Lei, why are you talking so much, pick the vegetables quickly, otherwise what will everyone eat later?"

Confused, Jiang Lei looked at the vegetables that had been picked on the ground.


"What are you?"

Feng Huizhen turned her head and pointed at Jiang Lei's nose with a kitchen knife in her hand.

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