Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 181 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

"You are like a roundworm in my stomach. I think you can guess everything. Indeed, I am here this time, and I actually want to ask you. Do you have any other books about mechanics?

After reading these books, I know that when the books are used, I will hate them less.And since I am willing to do this line of work, I must love this line of work.

I want to delve into this aspect and do in-depth research.Make some reforms in machinery, at least not let us fall too far behind other developed countries,"

When Jiang Lei mentioned this, he was a little angry.

After the excavator, the experts did come, but after the experts came, they still tried to shirk their responsibilities.

Anyway, relying on your language barrier.

The key points are not mentioned at all, the core technology will never be exposed, anyway, it is just talking about some superficial things.

No matter how they inquire about each other, they don't say a word.

This kind of foreign exchange is too unjustly spent.

If Jiang Lei hadn't thoroughly studied the books Feng Huizhen gave him, and practiced it on the excavator, he couldn't practice it any more.

I'm afraid I can't bring this team out yet.

At present, these excavators in the surrounding counties and cities, if it is not for his ability, I am afraid that they will have to spend a lot of foreign exchange.

Everyone is eagerly looking for talent and thirsty, wishing to learn more about this aspect of knowledge.

But knowledge does not fall from the sky, and no foreign expert is willing to hand over this knowledge to them by precept and example.

It will take more than ten years for them to explore by themselves.

The longer he worked in this line of work, the more Jiang Lei became aware of their technical obstacles.

"What kind of books do you need? I can look for it for you. But I'm not sure if there is anything you need."

Feng Huizhen was happy to help, but she had to be more modest.

"Where's the book? Can I have a look?"

Feng Huizhen choked on these words.

What do you think?

There is a library with books in her space, but the problem is that Jiang Lei can't go in and read them.

Even if she let Jiang Lei in at the risk of exposing the secret, the space would not accept Jiang Lei as a living creature.

This was verified by her in her previous life, and no one can enter this space except her.

"The book must not be placed here. You also know that educated youths have a lot of eyes, and if they are discovered, they will easily become charges for reporting.

Otherwise, tell me, what aspect do you lack?

When the time comes, I will look for it, and if I need it, I will secretly hide it in the box for you first, and then take it away when you come. "

Jiang Lei immediately understood that these books are not easily available in the market.

Hastily wrote a list and handed it to Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen roughly glanced at it, and everything listed on the list was related to machinery.

There are many books on this subject.

"When you come over next time when you have time, I'll prepare it for you. Remember to bring a concealed leather bag."

Feng Huizhen asked Jiang Lei.

"Okay! Do as you say."

Jiang Lei finally felt that a big stone had been put down in his heart. He had great trust in Feng Huizhen, and he didn't know why.

Probably since the two of them lived and died together, Feng Huizhen was not a simple little girl in his mind.

Become a trusted friend who deserves to deliver back.

Feng Huizhen soaked the dried radish.

"Come on! Brother Jiang, you are here to help, don't try to be lazy."

Looking at the pile of things, I feel that Jiang Lei is too real a person. Even if the two of them have a good relationship, they can't carry so many things in big bags.

While helping Feng Huizhen pick vegetables, Jiang Lei suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, do you have a cousin named Feng Gaihua?"

Feng Huizhen turned her head suddenly, unable to hide her surprised expression.

She looked for Feng Gaihua everywhere, but fortunately, this woman never returned to the county seat, leaving her with no chance to implement her ideas.

Why did it suddenly appear?

"how do you know?"

"Really? Two days ago, there was a lesbian in the cultural work team who came to the countryside near our construction site, and her name was Feng Gaihua. Come to me and tell me it's your cousin."

Seeing that the expression on Feng Huizhen's face was not joyful, Jiang Lei relaxed slightly.

He is also afraid that Feng Huizhen and Feng Gaihua are sisters who love each other like sisters.

Is it inappropriate for him to speak ill of Feng Gaihua?

The expression on Feng Huizhen's face now says it all.

"She actually went to find you?"

Feng Huizhen had a serious expression on her face this time, and looked at Jiang Lei carefully from top to bottom.

The scrutiny in his eyes made Jiang Lei suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jiang Lei felt like a light was on his back.

"How did you meet my cousin?"

Feng Huizhen had to pay attention.

Feng Gaihua went all the way to find Jiang Lei on purpose, doesn't this make sense?

Unless Feng Gaihua knew that Jiang Lei had some kind of connection with his future development.

If you want to get benefits from Jiang Lei, you will go to Jiang Lei.

She and Jiang Lei got to know each other by mistake.

She had no idea about Jiang Lei's past and present lives, and she had no idea how Jiang Lei would go about this life.

As a reborn person, she didn't know anyone in the county.

Everything you get in this life is a coincidence.

Obviously Feng Gaihua, a reborn person, is more flexible than the news she got.

More importantly, based on her understanding of Feng Gaihua, this person is a person who can't afford to be early.

Feng Gaihua's likes and dislikes are all determined based on whether this person is beneficial to her path forward.

"I don't know her at all. She ran to our construction site to find me, saying she was your cousin. And she learned about me from you, so she went to meet me specially.

I also find it strange that this woman is strange.She was too enthusiastic about me, and besides, I didn't know her well, and invited me to watch the performance of their art team, but I didn't go. "

Jiang Lei really felt wronged, he didn't know this Feng Gaihua.

What Feng Huizhen said made him feel that he had been wronged by the sky, and besides, he felt that he had to explain clearly.

In order not to make Feng Huizhen think too much.

I think he is a man with a problematic style.

Feng Huizhen looked at Jiang Lei's anxious expression, and finally realized in her heart that Jiang Lei probably didn't know why Feng Gaihua was so active towards him.

Feng Gaihua, oh Feng Gaihua, there is nowhere to find her.

Finally popped up.

Feng Huizhen has been looking for her for several months.

Feng Huizhen's space not only has a lot of supplies, but also a killer.

Don't think that only Feng Gaihua has the ability to get those things, Feng Huizhen also has that ability.

This peach tree of hers can not only produce peaches that can cure all diseases, but also give people infinite manpower, and even give people superpowers.

Feng Huizhen's peach tree will also have some peaches that produce evil energy.

For example, eating peaches can cause mental decline and dementia.

Eating peaches can make people paralyzed and bedridden.

Anyway, there are many kinds of peaches on the trees, and Feng Huizhen has never used this kind of peaches to harm anyone in her previous life.

This was the first time in Feng Huizhen's life that she had such evil thoughts.

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