Five days later, the well-drilling construction team drove a tractor to their production team.

At the same time there was a truck.

The maintenance team of Power Construction No. [-] Company also arrived.

Of course, the place where they work is not in Feng Huizhen's production team, but in the production team next to them.

It is more than 30 miles away.

They are responsible for repairing all the broken tractors in Qingqing Farm. Of course, after the completion of the nearby dam, the remaining projects are still being done.

The trucks and excavators on the nearby construction site have to be refurbished.

The construction team that drilled the well went directly to the production team.

"Captain Wang, we are short on time and heavy tasks, and there are several production teams waiting for us to dig wells. Have you checked the location? We need to move faster, basically at our current speed.

One well is drilled in three days. The three wells you requested, we worked overtime overnight, should be able to drill them for you in a week. "

Now that the drought is severe, their well-drilling and construction teams are basically overwhelmed.

"Several comrades, come, come, I will take you there personally."

Wang Dazhuang took Captain Wu to the place they had chosen.

Captain Wu frowned, "Are you sure you want to fight here?"

This terrain is a bit high, and it is generally not selected for drilling wells.

In the case of high terrain, they may have to work harder to get water than in other places.

"This place is not good either. Look at the surrounding rocks. These are all hard stones, which means that there is such a layer of rock under the ground. This way the drill bit will be damaged."

"This piece is not bad, the terrain is relatively low, and there are no special geological conditions around it, so you can think about it.

If we drill down for you and the drill bit breaks down, it’s no big deal and you can’t pump water from the well, then you will have wasted the money. "

They agreed in advance that the money will not be refunded if there is no water.

"We understand this truth. You just need to dig wells in the three locations we set. Don't worry. We won't let you down."

The construction team leader saw that the production team leader was determined to go his own way.

"That's all right, comrades, come on, unload the equipment here, let's dig this well first, this well seems to be the easiest to produce water."

Captain Wu arranged for his men to start unloading the equipment card, and the workers in the car started to work one after another.

Captain Wu turned his head to look for Wang Dazhuang again.

"Captain Wang, let me discuss something with you. Do you want this well to be a pump well or an ordinary well? Now our country is promoting a new technology pump well.

This kind of well has a large amount of water and is more convenient, but it costs more. "

When he heard about spending money, Wang Dazhuang instinctively opened his mouth to refuse, but was stopped by Feng Huizhen who was following him.

"Captain, the well with the pressure pump has a large amount of water, and it saves time and effort, which is convenient for us to irrigate the field."

As soon as Wang Dazhuang heard that he could irrigate the land, he immediately changed his mind, but he still had to discuss it with the villagers in the village.

"Captain Wu, how much does it cost to drill such a pump well? You can give me an accurate figure. I also need to discuss it with the commune members. After all, it is for the big guys to share the money."

No production team was as generous as theirs, drilling three wells in one go.

"For this kind of pump well, one well costs 1500 and three wells, which is 4500, which is 1500 more than your original budget. If you consider this pump well, it is indeed more suitable for watering the ground as the little girl said.

There is drought everywhere this year, so if we water a little more, at least we will have a better chance of winning in the autumn harvest.

The well we are digging now is quite close to your land.

At that time, if you lay some pipes, watering will be more convenient. "

When Wang Dazhuang heard this, he also began to think deeply.

"Captain Wu, 1500 is enough for the pump well? There won't be any money to spend in the future, right?"

The main reason is that I am afraid of using money everywhere.

"It depends on whether you use a manual pump or an electric pump. If it is an electric pump, the village will have to pull wires.

This project is a big one. I think you can use manual pumps. Anyway, the production team is not short of such a strong labor force. "

Hearing this, Wang Dazhuang smiled cheerfully.

"Manual is fine, manual is fine, we are not afraid of useless people, we are strong and labor-intensive."

Captain Wu was also amused by Wang Dazhuang's words.

It is true that the production team leader in the village has to consider everyone, and every penny of the family has to be broken into several petals.

The progress of drawing water from the first well is very fast.

The main reason is that the location of this well is good.

The soil is soft and the terrain is low.

Captain Wu was a little worried at first, because the soil is very soft, which is very dangerous for the later maintenance of the well.

But I didn't expect that the surrounding soil quality had changed after being drilled seven or eight meters down. <Around, the water has started to bubble.

The villagers have long been watching around.

There is really no way, this is because the village spends money tightly, and it is also a matter related to their livelihood.

Whether we can eat food this year and whether everyone has water to drink depends on wells.

Although it is said that the village pays for the well drilling, the village's money is not all everyone's money.

There is no way to allocate funds from the county to dig wells.

How many times did Wang Dazhuang go to the county?

The county is poor by a word, and there is no money in the county. If there are difficulties, they can solve them by themselves.

The members knew in their hearts that if it wasn't for Feng Huizhen's blessing this year, everyone would have worked on such a batch of work clothes and earned such a large sum of money.

Don't talk about digging a well now.

No wonder everyone is not hungry.

The villagers crowded together to see the soaring water splashing down from the sky, like a hearty heavy rain.

The children cheered in the spray, and the villagers couldn't help showing long-lost smiles.

The only rain that can be seen in this drought.

A child clapped his hands in surprise.

"Look, look, rainbow."

The first well of the production team was completed in two days because of its high speed.

This is really asking them to spend money neatly, give money neatly, and the construction well drilling team is also sincerely working.

Dozens of young men tried their best.

More importantly, because the members have money, they are willing to work hard to entertain the boys on the construction site.

These days, a construction team is invited to dig a well, but they have to take care of the food.

The boys at the construction site had just eaten black dough with wild vegetables in someone else’s production team some time ago, and made a little cornmeal paste with pickles at most, which was considered a good meal.

More importantly, don't be full.

When they came to Wu Dazhuang's production team, the women enthusiastically cooked for them.

Although it is not white flour, but black noodle steamed buns and corn flour steamed buns are mixed with Erhe noodle steamed buns, and the dishes made with bean sprouts and tofu, although there is no meat, and the oil and water are not big, but it is not a bit better than pickled vegetables. Son.

The important thing is that people are full.

Dozens of young men worked with great energy, without wasting energy at all, let alone grinding foreign labor.

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