When the first pressurized well was completely completed, men, women and children in the village circled the well platform ten times and eight times.

No wonder they seem to have never seen the world, mainly in Shuijing Village.

But I have never seen a pressurized well. The wells in the village are all old-fashioned wells.

Put a wheel on it.

With a rope, a wooden bucket, and the wheel on top, every time you fetch water, you have to pump up the buckets one by one, which is basically not enough.

Not to mention time-consuming and laborious.

The main households can't keep up with the trip.

Often, in order to fetch water, several families will get dirty, and maybe they will be beaten to death.

Now there is an extra well, and no one has seen this pressurized well before.

I only saw strange iron bumps on it.

One by one, they looked like they were looking at something rare.

Wang Dazhuang asked Captain Wu for advice, and Captain Wu gave them a demonstration.

"The most important thing about pressing water wells is that it is convenient, quick, and light."

"Everyone see this is our faucet. It is closed when it is not in use on weekdays. When using it, first use the handle on the side to press down hard. After the faucet is turned on, the bucket is placed underneath.

As long as there is one person nearby, keep pressing the switch.Water will flow out continuously. "

"Bring one of those barrels over, and I'll experiment with it for everyone."

"My family has it, my family has it."

Seven or eight and a half children came directly to the front carrying the iron buckets at home.

Everyone is curious about how easy this pressurized well is.

Captain Wu laughed.

"The buckets are all drained. When one bucket is full of water, someone has to come up and replace the other bucket. Let me show you how convenient this pressurized well is."

Feng Huizhen heard cheers from the pressurized well and the exclamation of the children from a distance.

Even the adults are surrounded there, reluctant to leave, this is the first time I have seen that water can be so convenient.

With a relieved smile, it seems that these five experts are quite reliable.

The water source found for them was very abundant, and the well water was very sweet.

A well was drilled in the place of &n. Even if the groundwater level will drop due to the severe drought, this well can solve the urgent need.

Feng Huizhen walked to the side of captain Wang Dazhuang.

Wang Dazhuang's eyebrows and eyes were squeezed together when he smiled at the moment.

Compared with the sad face some time ago, the current Wang Dazhuang is ten years younger in an instant, and his back is straight.

"Captain, some things have to be deployed in advance."

A word in a low voice made Wang Dazhuang startled.

In the past, he thought that the female educated youth Feng Huizhen in front of him was just a simple female educated youth, capable, smart, and shrewd.

But Feng Huizhen refreshed his cognition again and again.

The female educated youths are knowledgeable, educated, quicker brains than them, and smarter than them. On this point, he is willing to bow down.

There is no proposal from Feng Huizhen.

In other words, Feng Huizhen played a decisive role in this matter.

Without Feng Huizhen helping the villagers earn such a large sum of money, even if they are determined to change the current drought, they still have no money to dig wells.

People in the village can't get this money out, and the county won't allocate it.

A penny is hard for a hero. Even if Feng Huizhen has great skills, I am afraid there is no way to persuade the villagers to raise funds from their own money to dig wells.

All these piles are integrated one by one, Feng Huizhen's brain, ingenuity and wisdom.

Played a major role for everyone in their production team.

Wang Dazhuang suddenly felt a little guilty, he was not at all competent as the production team leader.

Every word of Feng Huizhen now has aroused his infinite attention, and he even regards Feng Huizhen as an important comrade who can be discussed and talked with like an old party secretary in his heart.

"Huizhen, what do you mean?"

"Captain, don't forget this well, our original intention is for those seedlings in the field.

Now that the well has been built, let's take this opportunity to find a way to create favorable irrigation conditions for the land.

Concentrate everyone to dig some watering canals leading to the ground, so that you don't have to bother to pick them up.

The water is divided directly from the pressurized well, and the fields in the field can be irrigated by the way. "

"On the one hand, it saves labor, on the other hand, we have to change our existing concepts and farm scientifically."

Feng Huizhen wants to instill some ideas of scientific farming in later generations to everyone, but unfortunately the materials and so on are not available at present.

Even if she has it in her space, she can't take it out rashly. It's easy to take it out and it's hard to explain it.

But it does not prevent him from giving you some powerful scientific suggestions.

"Yes, you are right, how about this, Huizhen, draw me a rough picture of your thoughts. It is easy to understand!

You also know that the people in the village are not well educated. If you simply say it, everyone will not understand.

If you want to draw a picture, I should be able to understand it at a glance with the veterans in the village, and then I can take the young people in the village to do it. "

Feng Huizhen was right when she thought about it.

After a while, two blueprints were released from the brigade headquarters, and the blueprints were passed on to the old hands in the village.

They don't know the characters, but they can understand the drawings.

The people in the village were not idle, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the laborers in the entire village started to move.

For the sake of a good autumn harvest, they are willing to work as hard as they can right now.

Better than starving.

The people in the village were working in full swing, and Captain Wu and their second well began to dig.

The second well was drilled on high ground.

The main third well is surrounded by stones, Captain Wu and the others frowned after reading it.

Fearing that the important drill bit would be damaged, they decided to drill the high-lying well first. < where no water was seen.

Captain Wu was a little frowning when he hit him.

Logically speaking, there are some deep water wells that may need to be drilled for two to 300 meters, but if this well is really drilled that deep, it will be a lot less for the villagers to use.

And it takes a lot of time and energy. <Going down, I haven't touched hard soil yet.

This surprised him, it seemed that Wang Dazhuang had found a capable person to show him the spring, at least he could see the place very accurately.

Preventing them from digging a well, the construction team ran into even bigger trouble. <. <At the time, there was no water yet, this time Captain Wu was also a little restless.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Captain Wu, a little impatient, and hurried up to inquire.

"What's wrong with Captain Wu? Have you encountered any problems? If you have any questions, as long as the villagers can help, we are all willing to help."

The well that was dug has actually dispelled people's sorrow caused by drought.

However, if the well is watered, the problem of drinking water for the villagers will still not be solved.

Wang Dazhuang is now worried about these three wells.

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