The moment the five people saw the barn, their hearts were finally let go.

They just know how they might meet good people?

Feng Huizhen jumped down first and pushed open the gate of the barn.

"Five uncles, come down quickly. This is the barn of our production team. There are 12 pigs in it. Five cows and two horses."

"Don't look at the barn as simple as it may seem, but it is an important property of our collective."

"A total of three rooms have been built here, plus a pigsty, a cowshed and a stable."

"The yard here is quite big, but the smell is a bit unflattering."

Feng Huizhen pushed open the door.

Wang Dazhuang drove the oxen and carriages in, and in the yard where the carts were unloaded, the horses were led to the stable behind.

"Several uncles, these three houses are the places for you to live in. Although they look simple, they are actually better than the cave dwellings where our educated youths live.

The inside has been reinforced, and Captain Wang led the villagers to do it these two days. "

"The captain specially asked people to go up the mountain and brought a lot of firewood. There are ready-made pots and stoves, and the earth kang here is much warmer than outside in winter."

Feng Huizhen greeted five people to enter the house, and the five people silently carried their luggage into the house.

From the outside, the house is indeed not very good, it seems to be dilapidated, and it looks like it will collapse at any time.

But entering the house is different.

It can be seen at a glance that the earth kangs have been repaired.

Now the brand-new earth kang is burned dry and can live in at any time.

Someone should have cleaned the room meticulously, not even a cobweb could be seen in the corner of the wall, and the paper on the window lattice was pasted with newspaper.

Although the things in the room were simple and crude, the feeling made the five people's eyes shine.

They were locked in a large room in the armed forces department. They didn't even have a place to sleep, so they slept on the ground on the spot.

Not even planks and straw.

Now there is an earthen kang, which is beyond their expectations. They thought they would sleep on the straw after entering the cowshed, probably like animals.

In particular, a few pillars that look brand new support the shed firmly.

Wang Dazhuang also entered the room at the moment, seeing everyone's stunned expressions, he smiled.

"Several old comrades just now have a reason for my appearance. Otherwise, if Director Hou sees it, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back with me."

"Several old men, you will live in this barn from now on, although it is said that you are taking care of these animals. Of course, I also know that living here is not a good condition in the eyes of outsiders.

We're not doing this to deceive people. The conditions you live in here are good. I'm afraid others will find fault with their eggs when they see it. "

Wang Dazhuang really wanted to confess the five people in front of him, only five people could solve their urgent needs.

Wang Dazhuang went to find the construction team that was digging the well.

Finally, I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma, so that they will come to the door in ten days.

That still depends on the sake of their production team taking money happily.

Who asked their production team to do the task this time and earned a lot of money.

There is a sum of public funds in the brigade department's account.

This is their most prosperous year, so they dared to open their mouths and asked others to drill three wells at the production team in one go.

A well costs 1000 yuan.

"Captain Wang, it's too polite of you to say that. This place is much better than the place where we live. Do you have anything to do? You can tell me in advance if you have anything to do.

Otherwise, the five of us would not feel at ease living here. "

Li Lixin is the oldest among them, and the other four are seriously Li Lixin's students.

It turned out that now the teacher and the students came to the farm together.

"Comrade Li!"

"Just call me by my name. Your name is Comrade Li. If thousands of people hear it, I'm afraid it will be bad for you. It doesn't matter if you call me Li Lixin. I'm used to it."

The old man has a straight temper, as can be seen from his words, he is a hearty person.

"Okay, Comrade Li Lixin, I'll be straightforward."

Wu Dazhuang also knew that this matter could not be hidden for a few days, and the construction team for drilling wells would come in two days. Before that, they asked the old man and the others to help them find the best place to dig wells. .

Wait for Wu Dazhuang to tell the ins and outs of the matter.The five people in front of them breathed a sigh of relief. If this matter is within their capabilities, they can do it.

They were really worried about Wu Dazhuang and asked them to do something that violated their moral bottom line.

In recent years, many people have coaxed them to sever ties with certain people, or beat them into tricks and confessed to certain people.

In fact, this is called framing.

The reason why the five of them are so skinny is because they don't want to collude with others, and they don't want to keep themselves to frame others.

"Captain Wang, we understand what you mean. Don't worry, this is what we have learned. As long as we can do our part for the production team, we will definitely do our best."

On the contrary, Li Lixin was full of gratitude to the production team leader in front of him. The production team leader in front of him gave in for the sake of the members of the entire production team.

This is a good production leader who sincerely benefits all members.

From this point, it can be seen that the production captain has a very good character.

"Old man, then I won't be polite to you guys from now on, you are the ones in charge of feeding these animals in our cowshed in name.

But in private, you carry baskets for threshing hogweed and scythes, and go all over the mountains and plains to find water sources for us.

This freedom is given to you by me. In the past few days of searching for water sources, you said to the outside world that I let you go up the mountain to hunt pigweed.

In fact, Feng Huizhen and the others will help you with all the work in the barn. "

Feng Huizhen hurriedly patted her chest to reassure.

"Gentlemen, don't worry, the work here is covered by a dozen of us."

Li Lixin smiled sincerely, no one can value them so much now.

"Don't say these kind words. The five of us are looking for water sources. What should we do when we come back at night? We will still try our best to help."

It can reflect the value of their knowledge, which makes them feel the happiest.

I thought that it would be impossible to touch what they had learned all their lives in this life, but I didn't expect it to be useful now.

Feng Huizhen brought three female educated youths, as well as the young children in the village.

Helped five people to collect the cave dwelling again.

The five people had officially settled down, and Wang Dazhuang brought his two sons to bring the rations for the five people.

"Old man, the time you came here happened to be the time when the food was scarce, and there was not much ration left. Each of you can only get 100 catties.

You old ones just make do with it and wait until the autumn harvest. "

Feng Huizhen snorted coldly beside her.

Wang Dazhuang blushed. When the educated youth came, he was stingy and gave him dozens of catties.

He is treated differently.

"You are different from the old man. The old man is an expert. It doesn't matter if you are educated youths and eat less."

Wang Dazhuang found the strongest reason for himself.

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