three days later.

Wang Dazhuang drove the carriage to the armed forces department in the county.

Following him is Feng Huizhen.

The two of them went directly to the office of the Ministry of Armed Forces, one after the other.

"Wang Dazhuang, it's your production team's turn this time. Other production teams are equipped with labor reform personnel. Why is it so difficult to get here?"

When Director Hou of the Armed Forces Department saw Wang Dazhuang, his nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes.

Mainly Wang Dazhuang was very uncooperative.

Wang Dazhuang was very protective of the calf, and asked him to be a model in the production team, but Wang Dazhuang pushed him back.

"Director Hou, you said that every time you give me these people, they are all so old, either their backs hurt or their legs hurt, and they have no strength to restrain them.

Going to our farm is a waste of food. Even if I am willing, the members of the commune cannot be happy. "

Wang Dazhuang had a ruffian look on his face.

Before he came, he and Feng Huizhen had already discussed it, and the countermeasure was still the same as usual, and all the personnel were turned away.

"Wang Dazhuang, you have to correct your attitude. Every production team has quotas. Why is it so difficult to get here? Let me tell you, no matter what, you have to bring me back this time.

There are five people in total, you have to choose whether you want it or not, you came early, you can still choose now, if you wait a while and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled, don't blame me for not taking care of you. "

Director Hou was also angry, he had never seen Wang Dazhuang dodging the task first.

Wang Dazhuang muttered to himself with a look of grievance, "Look at who these people are? Let them work, and our production team will get rations. You can tell us that this is not a big loss.

The members of the commune still can’t get enough to eat. It’s not like you don’t know that this year’s drought has caused the seedlings in the field to grow shorter and shorter.If you arrange these people to me on the farm again, isn't this going to force me to death? "

Director Hou smiled, pointed to the next door and said.

"Everyone is inside, so go pick someone. Anyway, let me tell you, you have to take someone away. If you don't take someone away, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, your arms can't twist your thighs, and you've lost hundreds of catties of food in our team."

"If you don't work hard for me, be careful, I will whip them."

"Hey, that's right. Captain Wang, take on your responsibility as a production team leader. I believe you can transform them into talents useful to society and our country."

Director Hou felt very relieved when he heard this.

"Director Hou, let me tell you, I only need five, and you can't arrange these dubious people on our farm in the future."

Director Hou was amused by Wang Dazhuang's aggrieved expression, unable to refuse.

"Let me tell you, this is a task assigned by the superior. Next time it's your turn, you still have to send it over."

Wang Dazhuang and Feng Huizhen turned around and walked into the next room.

Looking at the floor of the house next to the wall, there were more than 30 people squatting in a row.

Everyone was dressed in rags, with patches on their clothes, and everyone was frowning.

Thin is really thin, they all look like skeletons.

Only the skin covered the bones.

There was no hope in his eyes, and he squatted in the corner wishing to be noticed by others.

Feng Huizhen took out a list in her hand, on which Director Zhou wrote her five names.

"Jiang Aiguo, Li Lixin, Li Xuemin, Zhang Zhiguo, Dong Jianqiang, these five people, please come out."

A group of people looked at each other.

Five people glanced at them and stood out from the crowd in silence.

"You are Jiang Aiguo, Li Lixin, Li Xuemin. Zhang Zhiguo, Dong Jianqiang?"

Wang Dazhuang stared at the five people in front of him with an unkind expression.

In fact, only he knows how excited he is now.

I heard that these five are well-known experts in the hydrology team. Just looking at their age, they can be seen by their gray hair.

This is a major matter related to the draft of their production team.

The five nodded, but still didn't say a word.

"Okay, take your luggage and follow me."

The five of them carried the flimsy luggage honestly, and Wang Dazhuang couldn't bear to look at the luggage.

The luggage is too thin, and the quilt looks like a layer of paper, which is fine in summer, but the problem is that when we arrive at their farm in winter, this quilt will freeze to death sooner or later.

Other things in the hand are also missing this or that.

But they can't show any concern.

Wang Dazhuang squinted at people, and looked down on people with his dog's eyes, which can really make people angry.

Especially the posture of Lao Cai, a condescending landlord, who doesn't treat people as human beings.

Feng Huizhen was amused, she told Captain Wang that she wanted to act, but she didn't let Captain Wang act like this.

You are not afraid of offending people with this posture.

But with so many eyes looking at her, nothing could be done, nothing could be said.

Wang Dazhuang met in the office and ticked off the names of the five people.

This counts as five people returning to their farm.

When the five people saw the carriage at the door, they didn't say anything, and the luggage in their hands didn't move at all.

Not at all because there was a carriage parked at the door, so he put his luggage on it and followed the carriage obediently.

Feng Huizhen jumped into the carriage.

Looking up, he could see Director Hou on the second floor of the Armed Forces Department staring at them from the window.

What I opened my mouth to say, I closed it again.

Wang Dazhuang turned his head and was about to say something when Feng Huizhen stabbed him in the back with his arm.

Captain Wang immediately reacted and looked up to see Director Hou.

Hastily waved.

"Director Hou, don't look at me anymore, and don't cause me such troubles in the future. I still need you to send me off. I thank you for finding me less work."

Director Hou laughed and closed the window.

Wang Dazhuang waved the small leather whip in his hand, and the carriage walked forward slowly, followed by five people.

When they finally walked out of the main road of the county town, they were about to go up the fork road to their farm, and there was no one on the road here.

Wang Dazhuang yelled at the carriage to stop, jumped off the carriage, and came in front of the five people.

"Several old comrades, I'm sorry, there were too many people in the Armed Forces Department just now, and there was a lot of right and wrong. I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on you, and it will also have a bad influence on our production team.

So I'm a bit offended by my attitude, I'm really sorry.Now get into the carriage, and we'll go back early. "

Li Lixin and the five of them looked at each other.

I don't know the production team leader in front of me, what's the trouble?

Feng Huizhen also hurriedly jumped off the carriage.

"Guys, our captain is a good man. Get in the carriage quickly. It's not appropriate to be seen by others on the road."

Without saying a word, several people put their luggage on the carriage and jumped into the carriage carefully.

No one has treated them so kindly for a long time, and they are used to being mistreated with cold malice.

Just now I was still holding a numb attitude, but now my heart finally warmed up slightly.

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