Jiang Lei shook his head helplessly, turned around and left.

Feng Huizhen will definitely not be told about this matter.

Unexpectedly, this cousin Feng Huizhen is far from Feng Huizhen, although both of them seem cheerful and enthusiastic.

But Feng Huizhen's enthusiasm is not disgusting, the enthusiasm of Feng Gaihua in front of him makes him feel full of purpose.

He can't say that he has piercing eyes, but he always feels that the woman in front of him is full of utilitarianism for his smile.

Feng Gaihua happily returned to the art troupe, carefully dressed herself, waiting to surprise Jiang Lei in the evening.

She is absolutely confident that she can attract Jiang Lei's attention. She and Feng Huizhen are very different now.

Feng Huizhen hasn't grown up yet, and she is not the Feng Huizhen who can't take her eyes off and is full of surprises in later generations.

And Feng Gaihua borrowed the system in his hand and bought a lot of things that can change himself.

For example, her skin has become so fair and smooth now, thanks to the whitening and beauty pills she bought from the mall.

Although it is said that this kind of pill can only last for half a month, after half a month, you have to buy another pill to take, which is a bit costly.

But she is very satisfied with herself now.

But every woman probably dreams of it, and she already has fair skin and beauty.

Feng Huizhen is still a dark and thin little bean sprouts, but she has become the goddess in the dreams of countless men.

Jiang Lei is her main goal now, and if she gets on Jiang Lei, it will be her chance to get on the big boat of the Bai family in the future.

When it was time for the cultural performance in the evening, Feng Gaihua put on makeup and rushed onto the stage, his eyes scanned the auditorium below.

The ticket she gave was the first row, where she could clearly see her performance.

But anxiously looking around, he didn't see Jiang Lei.

Zhai Wei looked at Feng Gaihua on the stage, his eyes were full of surprise, his mouth was wide open, and his face was flushed red.

"Old Wang, old Wang, look how beautiful that girl in the middle of the stage is."

"Okay, you can't walk when you see a pretty girl."

Wang Shun, Zhai Wei and the others got the tickets Jiang Lei gave them. They heard that they came to see the performance, so they naturally wanted to join in the fun.

Ordinary life is too lonely.

These young men don't even have any entertainment. They go to work during the day and play poker in the tent at night.

Who wouldn't love to come out and see some of these beautiful young girls.

"Such a beautiful girl is worth seeing. If I can marry this girl home, it's worth dying for."

Zhai Wei watched with relish, smacking his lips vigorously, Wang Shun looked helplessly at Zhai Wei who was drooling there.

"Hurry up and wipe it with a handkerchief, it's a joke to be seen by others."

"I said, Old Wang, there is something wrong with you. You can't even look down on such a beautiful girl. Who do you look up to?"

Zhai Wei took out his handkerchief and wiped away the saliva that didn't exist at the corner of his mouth.

"What's the use of being beautiful? I'm a person who values ​​connotation very much. It doesn't matter if I'm beautiful or not. The important thing is the kindness of the heart, cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Such a talent is worthy of my love for the rest of my life."

As Wang Shun said, his eyes were shining brightly, and Feng Huizhen's quick movements when he led them to pick chestnuts on the mountain flashed in his mind.

And the way Feng Huizhen wore an apron when she was cooking for them in the kitchen.

There was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Huizhen is still young, wait for him to take his time.

"Old Wang, you're not smiling seriously, tell me who you're looking for? Brothers will definitely help you."

Zhai Wei poked Wang Shuntiao with his arm and laughed.

Wang Shun gave him a supercilious look.

"Go, go! You have business everywhere. I'm not the one you see and love."

Zhai Wei immediately became impatient, "Who loves the other? I like the girl on the stage right now. This time I won't change. I finally met the goddess in my heart."

"Hey, your goddess is coming towards us."

Wang Shun's teasing voice made Zhai Wei look over, and it really was the girl who performed on the stage just now.

At this moment, the performance was over, and the girl had changed her clothes and was walking towards them with a smile on her face.

Oh my goodness.

Zhai Wei only felt his heart beating thumpingly.

It's like having a little rabbit in your arms.

The girl in front of her was getting closer and closer, and the smile on her face could be seen clearly, even the light in the girl's eyes.

Zhai Wei suddenly felt unable to speak a word.

On the other hand, Wang Shun, who was next to him, was a little strange looking at the girl who was getting closer.

"Comrade, hello, are you colleagues of Comrade Jiang Leijiang?"

Wang Shun hurriedly stood up.

"We are colleagues of Team Leader Jiang. Are you?"

"My name is Feng Gaihua, why didn't Comrade Jiang come?"

Feng Gaihua hurried over to ask about the situation after the performance.

The only chance she had to contact Jiang Lei couldn't be wasted like this.

"Comrade Feng Gaihua, what's the matter with you? If there is something, we can send a message to Team Leader Jiang!"

Wang Shun dealt with Feng Gaihua generously.

Feng Gaihua smiled and said, "It's okay! It's just strange that Jiang Lei agreed to come. I was worried if he was sick before he came! It's nothing serious!"

As expected, Jiang Lei was as hard to approach as he had imagined.

"Comrade Feng Gaihua, it's okay...it's fine, Comrade Feng Gaihua! My...name is Zhai Wei."

Zhai Wei stammered and stretched out his hand.

Feng Gaihua smiled and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Comrade Zhai Wei, you are all Jiang Lei's colleagues. Originally, if he came, I should treat you all to dinner, but now...it's okay, I invite you all to eat roasted sweet potatoes."

Feng Gaihua's lost eyes made several male educated youths puzzled.

Could it be that Feng Gaihua is Jiang Lei's girlfriend?

"No, no, Comrade Feng Gaihua, Team Leader Jiang is indeed unable to come today because of something. I think he must be very disappointed."

Zhai Wei hurriedly comforted Feng Gaihua, the goddess in his heart turned out to be Team Leader Jiang's girlfriend, Zhai Wei was disappointed, but still couldn't help wanting to be nice to Feng Gaihua.

Feng Gaihua raised a smiling face, "I know Jiang Lei is not a person who doesn't count his words. There will be opportunities in the future! We will perform a few more performances here, and you will come with Jiang Lei in the future. I will introduce the other sisters of the art team to everyone. .”

Feng Gaihua's thoughts are clearly revealed.

These people get along with Jiang Lei day and night, and building a good relationship with them can help her a lot, even tipping off the news.

"Comrade Feng, don't you know? We're going to move the construction site tomorrow to Qingqing Farm. I'm afraid we won't be able to see you in the future."

This is Zhai Wei's loss.

Feng Gaihua's heart skipped a beat.

Jiang Lei never said anything.

Isn't Qingqing Farm the place where Feng Huizhen lives?

This Feng Huizhen doesn't worry about going anywhere, and makes herself trip up everywhere.

"Jiang Lei probably didn't tell me because he was afraid that I would be sad. Thank you, don't tell Jiang Lei these words today, lest he feel guilty."

Feng Gaihua likes playing with both sides the most, so she started her performance again.

The crowd nodded.

"We won't tell."

In my heart, I really regarded Feng Gaihua as Jiang Lei's girlfriend.

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