Feng Huizhen is cutting pigweed.

The twelve pigs in the pigsty were very thin.

These days, people can’t get enough to eat, and pigs are the same. The task of pigs is given by the superiors, so it’s impossible not to raise them.

Every farm has to raise them. Generally speaking, among the 12 task pigs, ten of them should be task pigs, and the remaining two are raised in the village.

But look at how skinny the pig is.

When it comes time to deliver pigs, 150 catties is not bad. Every time the county requires task pigs to meet the standard of at least [-] catties, but it seems impossible.

Feng Huizhen sighed while cutting pigweed.

There are already signs of drought.

Throughout the spring, they haven't even had a single rain, not a single drop of rain.

Even the production team leader Wang Dazhuang and the veterans of the production team squatted on the ground and sighed all day long. The seedlings in the field had already been planted, and now it is not raining at all.

Seedlings grow too slowly.

It all depends on the people in the production team to carry water to irrigate the fields.

All the strong laborers in the village are doing tedious and heavy physical labor.

Still an endless game.

People and God compete for life.

Looking at the pitiful seedlings, even the production team sighed.

If things go on like this, if it doesn't rain, even if the seedlings grow out, they probably won't grow very strong.

In autumn, production will be reduced. At least for now, it seems that a [-]% reduction is a certainty.

Feng Huizhen held the cooked pig food and yelled to feed the pigs.

"Hey! It's time to eat!"

Twelve thin pigs scrambled for each other.

"Feng Huizhen, the captain asked you to go!"

Liu Shuzhen took the feeding bucket in her hand, skillfully, and did not dislike the dirty smell.

"I'll come when I go!"

Feng Huizhen hurriedly took off her apron and rushed to the brigade headquarters.

Wang Dazhuang was smoking a cigarette with a frowning expression, and there were documents in front of him.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Wang Dazhuang saw Feng Huizhen hastily extinguished the dry bong.

"Huizhen, you came at a good time. When something happens in our team, I'll discuss it with you. Maybe you can have an idea."

Feng Huizhen was surprised, did you discuss it with her?

"Look at it."

Feng Huizhen took a look at the mobilization documents for drought resistance and guaranteed harvest.

More than a dozen farms are now suffering from a once-in-a-century drought.

The city and the county mobilized everyone to carry out self-help work.

Try to reduce the drought to a minimum.

"Captain Wang, I don't know much about drought resistance. You and the elders in the village should know better. How should we save ourselves from this situation in previous years?"

The help she can provide is really limited, and the knowledge is not here.

She doesn't have the ability to conjure water. Although there is a spiritual spring in the space, it's a pity that her spiritual spring is just that little.

If the land is irrigated, it is only a few acres of land.

It is not of great use, and their entire production team has almost 4000 mu of land.

It is a big problem to solve the draft problem of all the land.

"I've already asked Lao Bashi, the water level at the well in the village has been dropping for the past two days, and Lao Bashi said that according to the practice of previous years, this situation has already become like this in the beginning of spring.

In the future, I am afraid that it will become more and more serious. If there is no heavy rain, the drought will not be alleviated at all.There is a Huyu River near our production team, but this Huyu River is divided in front of three production teams.

If it is a river, a production team can almost alleviate our drought.

It is the words shared by three production teams.Basically, no one can take advantage of it, and this little water can't solve the fundamental problem at all.

The important thing is that according to the current rate of decline of the water level of the well, it will be a problem for the villagers to even drink water after a while, not to mention crops. "

Wu Dazhuang also has a headache. Now the drought is getting worse and worse. When there was no rain in the first spring, everyone can comfort him, saying that it will be better to wait for a while.

It has been two months since the crops were sown in spring.

There was no rain, and the seedlings in the field did grow, but they were uneven, and it looked like malnutrition.

Who in the production team is not in a hurry?

At this time in previous years, the seedlings can grow to at least knee height, but now?

Seedlings look half dead.

They have long winters and short summers here, so they count on food throughout the year.

Originally, it was impossible for them to grow winter wheat here, and they all depended on what they planted in spring and harvested in autumn.

"Captain, according to the current situation, I feel that this year's drought will not be relieved for a while, and we still have to make two-handed preparations.

Prepare first-hand to solve the draft water problem of hundreds of households in our production team.

Don't wait until there is no water to find a solution, then it will be too late.

You'd better find an experienced old man in the production team to take a look on the mountain or nearby.It would be good to be able to drill two more wells, or can we find some springs in the mountains, groundwater or something.

Now we educated youths order water, and dare not pour water for washing our faces.

The ones that have been washed black cannot be blackened, and they are stored in buckets and picked up in the ground to water them the next day, but this cannot solve the fundamental problem.

The watering problem also had to be solved. On the one hand, the distance to fetch water from the Huyu River was relatively long. On the other hand, the three production teams would fight for water together. "

Wang Dazhuang rubbed the center of his brows. He also knew about this problem. He had discussed it with several old people in the village, and that was what he meant.

First of all, we have to solve the problem of drinking water. They also encountered a drought here. Although the drought was not as severe as this year, but during the drought that year, people had to pull water trucks from the county to deliver water, otherwise they would really die of thirst. .

If it really comes down to that, it's because of the inaction of these village cadres.

There are several fights every year for water grabbing in the Huyu River.

In any year, people will die because of water grabbing.

"Drilling a well is not easy! We drill a well in this area because of the formation. Every time we drill a well, we have to invite a special drilling team from the county, and we have to use professional machines to drill it.

In private, we used to find someone to dig wells, but we couldn't dig wells privately.Every time I reached a place of more than [-] meters, I would be blocked by hard granite. "

"Besides, our place is dry all the year round, so we have to invite professional hydrologists to come and explore, otherwise we won't be able to find the place where the water comes out."

This is the problem, please come over with these professionals.

That's not something they can invite just by saying please.

Inviting such professional personnel over here, a small production team leader, absolutely does not have the ability to do it.

In addition, the well-drilling construction team may have been robbed by various production teams, how could they get their turn?

"If the captain doesn't try it, it's useless to turn the difficult problems into mountains in his head. Otherwise, we will organize special personnel, one team will invite the well-drilling construction team, and the other team will invite the hydrological team's prospecting personnel. .

Anyway, there is not much work in the field now. "

Feng Huizhen also hopes to do her best in this severe drought. She can't help everyone, but her production team can help a little.

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