Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 168 Someone is looking for you

"Leader, let's go over there to see Huizhen and the others. We also miss everyone who is an educated youth."

Wang Shun was indeed thinking about Feng Huizhen.

Since they came to the fore thanks to Feng Huizhen's blessing, they followed Jiang Lei to the county town and started a different life.

The five educated youths were very grateful to Feng Huizhen.

Especially Wang Shun.

He was one of the first people to get along with Feng Huizhen. In a few months, he had a deep understanding of Feng Huizhen's wit, intelligence, bravery, and enthusiasm.

It is precisely because of understanding psychology that I gradually have a good impression of this girl.

This kind of goodwill became more and more profound after leaving.

There is always that slender shadow swaying there in my memory.

"Okay, let's take a look together when the time comes, and I'm going to bring some food to Feng Huizhen."

Jiang Lei basically eats in the cafeteria, and he can't finish his meal tickets.

Jiang Lei and his maintenance team received special treatment from Provincial Construction No. 30 Company. They paid [-] yuan more for meal tickets a month than other workers.

If you go on a business trip to the construction site, you will be subsidized with a meal allowance of one yuan per day.

As the team leader, Jiang Lei was naturally treated a little higher than the others.

He not only pays 50 yuan more for meal tickets a month than others, but also has a daily subsidy of [-] yuan.

The food books and food stamps in hand are basically useless.

Jiang Lei saved it for Feng Huizhen.

Hearing this, Wang Shun nodded hastily.

"By the way, there seems to be a supply and marketing cooperative nearby. I have to go shopping. The small shops near our run-down farm are all far away.

The small shop is not complete.I can't buy anything I want to buy, so I have to prepare something useful for Huizhen and the others. "

Wang Shun left in a hurry.

I am going to take a notebook and make a list, and when I get off work, I will go to the supply and marketing agency to prepare some things.

He doesn't know the conditions of the educated youth spot.

It is necessary to prepare some things for Feng Huizhen that are used in daily life and are not easy to buy.

Looking at the back of Wang Shun leaving in a hurry, Jiang Lei was a little thoughtful. Wang Shun seemed to have an unusual attitude towards Feng Huizhen.

It's not what he thinks, is it?

Feng Huizhen is dark and thin, like a small bean sprouts.

Wang Shun wears glasses, is gentle and fair-looking.

It doesn't look like someone who can take a fancy to Feng Huizhen.

Jiang Lei smiled, feeling that he was overthinking.

At this moment, someone called Jiang Lei from a distance.

"Team Leader Jiang, someone is looking for you."

Jiang Lei took off his gloves, wiped his sweat and walked towards the visitor.

"Who is looking for me?"

But he saw a beautiful girl standing behind the man.

White and clean, with two long braids, a green dress from a cultural troupe, and a hat on his head.

With a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, he stared at himself with bright eyes.

Jiang Lei looked through his memory, and he was very sure he didn't know the girl in front of him.

"Comrade Feng is looking for you."

"Comrade Feng? We don't seem to know each other?"

Jiang Lei kept a certain distance. Since he arrived at the county machinery factory, he has experienced many things, and he was dug a hole from time to time to frame him.

He already has considerable vigilance.

"Are you Comrade Jiang Lei? My name is Feng Gaihua, and I am Feng Huizhen's cousin."

Feng Gaihua really didn't want to mention Feng Huizhen, but he couldn't help it. Without Feng Huizhen as the introduction, Jiang Lei's eyes were so vigilant.

How did she approach Jiang Lei?

Sure enough, when Jiang Lei heard Feng Huizhen's name, his face immediately relaxed.

He showed a very sincere smile.

"So you are Feng Huizhen's cousin! So is there something wrong with you this time? Huizhen asked you to send me a message?"

Feng Gaihua felt uncomfortable.

Jiang Lei did not leave Feng Huizhen a word.

"Comrade Jiang, Huizhen is busy and has no time to write to you. She just mentioned to me that it is your maintenance team in the Provincial Construction No. [-] Company. I happened to be here on a mission to perform a condolence performance.

I heard you were here, so I came here to take a look. "

Jiang Lei couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in his heart, the light in his eyes dimmed slightly.

Still enthusiastic.

"Comrade Feng, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit me."

After all, she is Feng Huizhen's cousin, so she should be treated enthusiastically.

"Comrade Feng, we have a condolence performance tonight, and these tickets are for you. You and your colleagues can go and see it together."

"By the way, do you have a letter to bring to Huizhen? I can bring it back for you."

Of course Feng Gaihua is not easy to do when they meet for the first time, she must find a way to break the connection between Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen.

Jiang Lei smiled and shook his head, "That's not necessary, we are so busy that we don't have time to write letters. In addition to this remote village, there is no place to send letters."

For some reason, he just didn't say that he was going to Qingqing Farm soon.

Probably felt that the person in front of him, although she was Feng Huizhen's cousin, was not familiar with her after all.

Of course, he didn't want others to know about the matter between him and Feng Huizhen.

The two of them have a secret in common.

"It's true, it's not very convenient. But you don't have to mention me when you see Huizhen, otherwise Huizhen will be unhappy."

Feng Gaihua's words made Jiang Lei raise his eyebrows in surprise.

Could it be that there is still grievance between the two sisters?

"Don't get me wrong, I was afraid that Huizhen would feel uncomfortable. Huizhen went to the countryside to join the queue as an educated youth instead of my uncle's son. At home, Huizhen is also my aunt's pampered grown-up who is held in the palm of her hand like pearls and treasures." Big little girl.

But I also came to this place to work in the county art troupe.After all, there is a discrepancy in the status of the two people. I am afraid that Huizhen will feel uncomfortable when she hears about it. "

Definitely a good girl with a good understanding.

Jiang Lei immediately nodded knowingly.

Indeed, the human environment will not be difficult if it is not complemented by others.

With others as a foil, you will feel that you have suffered the greatest malice in life.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't mention this matter to Huizhen."

"Comrade Jiang, you must come to the show tonight."

"Okay, I will definitely let my colleagues go to see it tonight."

It's hard for Jiang Lei to refuse, but this sentence has hidden a trap, he will not go to those art troupes, dancing, singing and singing performances have no attraction for him.

If you have that time, why not go through those books in the tent again.

When I saw Feng Huizhen this time, I had to ask Feng Huizhen again if I could find some other books.

In terms of machinery, he suddenly discovered that he had some talent.

In the past, he only felt that writing articles and poetry was the most attractive thing, but now another world opened up in front of him.

The world is richer and more enjoyable.

"Comrade Jiang, then we can be considered friends, can I write to you in the future?"

Feng Gaihua desperately wanted to make Jiang Lei get closer to him in some way.

A trace of boredom flashed in Jiang Lei's eyes, why Feng Gaihua and Feng Huizhen are completely different people.

His attitude was no different from that of a woman who usually moved to his side.

But after all, Feng Huizhen was taken into account.

He smiled and said, "You should not write to me. You have also seen that I often go to the countryside and never receive letters. Maybe it will be half a year or a year before I see your letter."

Cleverly refuse.

Feng Gaihua was slightly disappointed.

But she will definitely think of a way to get closer to Jiang Lei.

"Okay, then let's get in touch next time."

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