Xiao Shunzi jumped up and down and rushed into the brigade headquarters.

"Aunts, aunts, the captain and Feng Huizhen are back, and I saw a big bag in my arms."

"That's the money back."

The women who were working immediately became beaming, and even the work they were doing immediately became energetic.

The sewing machine was stomping like a machine gun.

After working for more than half a month, no one would be happy to see the money immediately.

Hearing this, the old branch secretary laughed so hard that his beard flew up. While stroking his goatee, he told Wang Dazhuang's wife.

"You asked Da Zhuang to take Huizhen home to settle the accounts. The brigade is in such a mess here. By the way, cook something delicious for that child. I've been busy for almost a day, and I don't know if I have lunch at noon.

In such a cold day, you have to eat something warm. "

When the other women heard this, they also hurriedly said.

"It's from the captain's house. I'll ask my kid to bring you some eggs later. Look at how thin Huizhen is. She's been so busy with us recently that she's lost a lot of weight.

I have to eat some eggs to make up for it. "

"How can I just eat your eggs, my chickens also lay eggs. I will ask my little girl to deliver them later."

"What's the use of just sending eggs? My family has white noodles, and I just sent some steamed buns for Huizhen."

"My family still has the bacon left over from the Chinese New Year, and it will be delivered to your house in a while. You can fry it for Huizhen. This child has worked so hard for us. We can't lose our conscience."

All of a sudden, everyone spoke one after another, wishing to take out all the good things they had at home.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and do your work. My house has eggs and bacon. I can't treat Huizhen badly. I'll go back and make some white noodles for her."

"Treat her like a guest."

Everyone laughed.

Feng Huizhen sat on the kang beautifully and ate a meal of white noodles.

Fresh vegetables haven't arrived yet in this weather, but Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law will make a living.

Some bean sprouts are made with mung beans, which can be regarded as green vegetables.

Stir-fried noodles with bean sprouts and eggs.

And thinly sliced ​​bacon.

Feng Huizhen ate a big bowl and drank another bowl of noodle soup, and her whole body recovered.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry about me, I'm here to settle accounts, you call the captain and your kid to eat quickly, don't patronize me alone.

It is estimated that everyone should come to your house to collect money after dark. "

"I'm too lazy to say hello, they are all from my own family, so what else do I need to say hello to?"

"The accountant is waiting in the next room, just waiting for you to finish eating."

Feng Huizhen laughed out loud, they are all real people.

Don't play with those imaginary, polite ones.

She and the club calculated the accounts all afternoon, calculated the figures that everyone had counted several times, and calculated the accounts for each family.

In the blink of an eye, it was dark, and there were low voices in the yard, and people did not dare to enter the house to disturb Feng Huizhen and the accountant.

Everyone stayed in the yard. Although it was cold, no one dared to make too much noise.

The heart is so hot that everyone is counting how much money they can earn with their fingers.

When the production team leader came out and greeted everyone to enter the house to collect the money, everyone burst into laughter immediately.

The accountant asked everyone to register behind the name of the money recipient one by one, and press a fingerprint.

This is a standard configuration, and many people are illiterate, so asking them to sign is embarrassing.

It's basically a matter of fingerprinting.

Everyone happily counted the money in their hands.

This is not a small number.

5000 sets of clothes cost a full 15000 yuan.

Calculated to each person, it is almost 300.

In the village, if they rely on farming, after the work points are settled throughout the year, each person can get a maximum of 60 yuan.

Even if the family has a large population, if you can get three to five hundred yuan, that is the strong labor of the family.

But now a woman can get more than 300 yuan on her head.

It is better than the whole family can do, besides, this is the first stroke.

25000 sets of clothes, only 5000 sets have been released now.

Many people count on their fingers, and there are five more times, more than 300 each time.

Five times is more than 500 yuan.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't sleep.

The money was carefully calculated.

Feng Huizhen helped out. She didn't intend to ask for money, so she played the role of a matchmaker here.

If you want to put it aside for the future, of course you have to pay some intermediate service fees for this kind of thing.

But in this day and age, people are too simple, and when it comes to service fees, they feel that this person is more utilitarian.

Feng Huizhen doesn't want the money, she wants to feel at ease.

But the production team leader went out for a while, then turned around and came in with the accountant.

Followed by the old party secretary and his wife, the female director.

"Huizhen, here is 1000 yuan. Take it!"

Feng Huizhen was taken aback.

She did what she did this time because she really didn't want to make money from it.

It's all about learning from the predecessors and making contributions.

If she wants to make money, she has a lot of ways.

The materials in the space can be exchanged for a large sum of money casually.

It doesn't matter how delicious or spicy she wants.

Feng Huizhen took the initiative to take care of this matter because she knows how many disasters will occur this year and people's lives will be very difficult.

She will never starve to death relying on space, but one bad thing, maybe someone will really starve to death this year.

She doesn't have the ability to save people, nor does she have the ability to save the world.

But the only thing that can be done is to let these simple and kind people in front of us be able to persevere in this disaster year.

To help them earn this money is to hope that they will have the ability to strengthen the house and withstand the biggest snowstorm in winter.

With this money, they can buy some food from the black market so that their children will not starve to death in bad years.

This is the meager effort she can do. Feng Huizhen has never thought of making money from it this time.

"You silly boy. This is the big guy's wish. Everyone said that this business was also brought in by you. If it weren't for you, why would Director Zhou give it to our production team?

I haven't noticed it a few times, Director Zhou is completely looking at your face.

We are not very good at talking, but we know who treats us well and who treats us sincerely.You girl treats us sincerely, and we also treat you as our own.

You can't lose the real honest people. "

Feng Huizhen still wanted to give in.

Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law directly put the money into Feng Huizhen's pocket.

"Don't say anything. Sister, you came to our village. How do you work? What kind of person are you? We all know it in our hearts.

This is agreed by the big guys, and every payment includes your 1000 yuan, which is what you deserve.

If you don't take this money, the big guys will not feel at ease. We have no culture, but we know that good people should be rewarded. "

"Okay, sister-in-law, captain, I'm not polite, I accepted the money. But it can't be because I took the money that everyone's quality is not good, I don't rub the sand in my eyes, what should I do? .

In the future, we will have opportunities, and Director Zhou will have orders.Our production team will surely be able to live a good life. "

Wang Dazhuang nodded, "That's right, sister, I will treat you as my own sister with your sister-in-law from now on!"

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