Two people sat in the driver's compartment of the supply and marketing cooperative truck.

Liu Shuzhen is really a master of communication.

In just a short time, I was already chatting with the driver like an old acquaintance. The parents are short-tempered and omnipotent.

Feng Huizhen smiled, but didn't say much.

Looking at the girl in front of her, she seemed to see herself in her previous life, when she was away from home, trying her best to please others and establish a good relationship with anyone.

The two came to the yard of the supply and marketing cooperative.

"Aunt Zhou, we have brought you 5000 sets of clothes."

Feng Huizhen knocked on the door of the office, opened it and walked in.

Director Zhou was signing there, and looked up to see Feng Huizhen's smile, "Huizhen is here, come in and sit down."

"I didn't expect that you sent the clothes so quickly this time."

It was also beyond her expectation. She thought she would have to wait for a while, but unexpectedly, 5000 sets were delivered within half a month.

"Aunt Zhou, our production team leader and women's director, including the branch secretary, and all the cadres in the village are doing their best. The members of the production team even treat this job as their own.

You don't know that usually women cook at home and men do the work.

Now the women are all making clothes in the brigade, and the men are also responsible for taking care of the children, washing clothes, and cooking at home.

He didn't even dare to complain, as soon as he complained, his wife immediately scolded him.If you are capable, you can also earn work points by making clothes.

The man was immediately speechless. "

These words made Director Zhou laugh out loud.

"Go! Go out and check with me. I'll check the quality randomly. If there is no problem, I can put it in the warehouse. I will settle the bill for you later, so that you can go to the credit union earlier and withdraw the money.

Otherwise, the money is not easy to get. "

Director Zhou was also very happy, if it was someone else, maybe there would be a delay in the checkout, but this is Feng Huizhen.

"Aunt Zhou, you are such a good person. You don't know that the members of the village have long been thinking about distributing money. They are watching me leave."

Feng Huizhen followed Director Zhou, and she would always hold Director Zhou's arm in private on weekdays.

The two kissed like a mother and daughter.

But always keep a little distance outside, Director Zhou needs the majesty of Director Zhou.

Feng Huizhen has always handled this kind of scale very well.

No matter how familiar or intimate people are, they should maintain the minimum level of respect and understanding.

This is the experience left over after many years of doing business.

It's also the reason why Director Zhou likes the child in front of him more and more. This child is too sensible and particular.

Liu Shuzhen, who was beside Feng Huizhen, greeted Director Zhou with a smile.

"Hello, Aunt Zhou. I'm Liu Shuzhen, a friend of Feng Huizhen's educated youth camp.

Of course she had heard of this Aunt Zhou, who was Director Zhou of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

This time the task was given to their production team by Director Zhou.

That's a pretty big chunky leg.

Director Zhou looked back at Liu Shuzhen, and nodded with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Liu Shuzhen, Feng Huizhen, you two have similar names. But just to be on the safe side, you should call me Director Zhou."

The previous words made Liu Shuzhen smile, which proved that Director Zhou had a good impression of her.

It can be regarded as taking advantage of Feng Huizhen.

But the last sentence made her heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

Director Zhou's words completely opened up the distance between them.

She knew in her heart that it was impossible for people to get closer by meeting for the first time.

It is the relationship between Feng Huizhen and Director Zhou, I am afraid that it is only after a long period of time that there is such a harmonious relationship.

Water dripping through stone, she has the patience.

"Okay, Director Zhou!"

What Feng Huizhen can do, she can certainly do, but it's just flattery.

Director Zhou kept it with the warehouse, and after checking a lot of clothes, he found that the quality was indeed good, and there was no defect at all.

The warehouse is directly put into storage, and the quantity is correct.

Director Zhou took Feng Huizhen to the accountant again and wrote a check directly.

"Is it just you two girls? Your production team leader is so relieved that the two girls won't be afraid of accidents on the way with so much money? Or I'll send a car to take you back later?"

Director Zhou was a little dissatisfied.

This year is not so peaceful.

"Aunt Zhou, our production team leader is driving the carriage right behind, don't worry, he is probably waiting for us outside the door."

Director Zhou was relieved by Feng Huizhen's explanation.

"I know you're busy today, so I won't keep you for dinner, but I have to visit your Uncle Wang some other day. Your Uncle Wang has been thinking about the stutter you made. We finished eating the wontons you made last time." .”

The couple were completely spoiled by Feng Huizhen.

Now eating the food in the cafeteria, I feel that the taste is really much worse.

Especially after eating the food made by Feng Huizhen, my family is full of praise, and mentions it in front of me from time to time, maybe it's because I miss the food made by Huizhen.

"I see, Aunt Zhou, I'll be there the day after tomorrow. On February 2, the day after tomorrow, I'll make pancakes for you. Or making spring pancakes is also good."

Feng Huizhen is also thinking about the health of Director Zhou and Director Wang. If she cooks, she can take the opportunity to add a drop and a half of spiritual spring to their food.

Both bodies will be much stronger.

"Okay, let your Uncle Wang take a day off."

"Aunt Zhou, then I'll go first."

"Go, go, be careful on the road."

Director Zhou instructed Yin Yin, watching Feng Huizhen go out, and seeing Wu Dazhuang driving a carriage behind Feng Huizhen with two young and middle-aged men from the village, he finally felt relieved.

Feng Huizhen took the check and went directly to the credit union to withdraw the money.

Fortunately, Wang Dazhuang came with him when he came.

Wang Dazhuang then drove the carriage there because he was afraid that Feng Huizhen would bring money back.

With such a large bag of money, it is not safe for the girl to carry it on the road alone, but he can rub against other people's trucks. The problem is what to do when we go back!

So he voluntarily drove his own carriage over.

When Wang Dazhuang came, he specially brought a big bag.

This money is the lifeblood of the whole village, even if they are all throwing their lives at it, they must not let the money get into trouble.

The two sons of Wang Dazhuang came with him.

Standing there like the Black Iron Tower, these two are really bluffing.

The two boys held their bags tightly in their arms, staring at everyone as if they saw a thief.

Feng Huizhen was amused.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, you two, take it easy. You look like this because you are afraid that others will not know the money in your bag."

The eldest and second child of the Wang family smiled honestly and scratched their heads.

"No way, I'm nervous!"

With a large bag of money in your arms, who can not be nervous?

A group of people got into the carriage and walked slowly to the village. Liu Shuzhen sat in the carriage, but she didn't talk as much as she did in the truck.

Obviously, he was reflecting on what he did wrong today, for fear of arousing Feng Huizhen's resentment.

Feng Huizhen doesn't have that much thought to speculate on other people's thoughts.

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