Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 166 Our production team members are all favoritism

Feng Huizhen still couldn't hold back, but in the next few days, she nagged a lot in the ear of captain Wang Dazhuang.

I think everyone has money now, so they should renovate their houses.

If this house were to encounter a snowstorm year, the house would collapse a lot.

In fact, there is no need for Feng Huizhen to say, everyone has an account in mind.

Every family calculated that it cost more than 300 yuan to build a house, and everyone was ready to wait for the second batch of clothes to be settled.

500 yuan can build a brick house.

All the people in the production team worked hard.

This is a great opportunity, with such a large amount of money, the family with many sons has also thought about it, and is going to be a daughter-in-law.

In this booming time, their batch of orders came to an end.

With the end of the last order, the spring plowing of the production team began.

All the educated youths in the educated youth spot were already standing in front of Wang Dazhuang. This was the first time they officially started working after a winter's rest.

After Wang Dazhuang checked the list in his hand, he watched the educated youth in front of him begin to assign work.

Kaichun'er's job is to plow the land, fertilize, sow, and water.

Of course it was no easy job.

The few animals raised by the production team all went to the ground to help plow the land, but more labor still had to be done.

"You are divided into four groups on average, and each group has a piece of land, and the land is divided. First, the land is plowed, and then fertilization. Then there is planting, watering, learning from other old members, and then doing it.

Assign an old commune member to each of your groups as the group leader and lead you to do it. "

Wang Dazhuang glanced at Feng Huizhen, Liu Xuemei, Zhang Xiuyun, and Liu Shuzhen.

These days, Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun often hang out with Feng Huizhen in the brigade headquarters, and they are really familiar with each other now.

It is no longer a simple familiarity.

Liu Shuzhen deliberately wanted to establish a good relationship with the village cadres, so naturally she worked with the village members in the brigade every day.

It was also registered with Wang Dazhuang.

"You four come out."

Feng Huizhen, Liu Xuemei, Zhang Xiuyun, and Liu Shuzhen immediately stood up.

"It's already spring, and we collectively raise 12 pigs, five cows, and two horses. This is our collective greatest wealth."

"The four of you and the half-grown girls and boys in the village are responsible for going up the mountain every day to clear pig grass and cattle grass, and are responsible for feeding the dozen or so animals."

"Feng Huizhen's task is very heavy. The animals in the village are the life of the whole village. You can't starve the animals in our village."

Wang Dazhuang specifically instructed that the work seemed easy.

It was also he who took care of Feng Huizhen on purpose, so why not take care of Feng Huizhen?

Even if Feng Huizhen took good care of the members, even if they saw it, they would never have any objection.

A little bit of benefit is still what everyone is willing to give.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Huizhen's mouth, knowing in her heart that it was the captain who showed mercy to the four of them.

Hastily made a posture of standing at attention and raised his hands.

"Captain Wang, don't worry, the four of us will promise to complete the task, lead the children to protect the collective property, and make our collective livestock fat and strong."

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun hastily followed suit.

Li Min looked at Feng Huizhen, Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun, and Liu Shuzhen went to find those children to pick up their baskets and go up the mountain with a sickle to hunt pigweed.

Can not help but hate itchy teeth.

Wang Dazhuang was obviously doing favoritism.

Recently, she finally received a letter from home.

Father finally got in touch with an old comrade-in-arms here.

It's a pity that the old comrades in arms don't have much authority.

He is also the captain of the production team.

But it was my father who said that if she was unhappy staying here, she could contact that Uncle Wei.

It would be nice to change places.

"Captain Wang, why do you ask Feng Huizhen to hunt pigweed? Let us do such heavy field work? We are all educated youths from the educated youth camp. You are obviously cheating for personal gain."

Li Min still couldn't hold back, her bad temper would never change for the rest of her life.

Not to mention the vision of judging the situation.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Li Min and felt that this girl must have no brains.

"Why? Just because Feng Huizhen has made so many contributions to the production team. It is due to enjoy a little preferential treatment. I am not the only one who is favoritism. You can ask all the members of the village if they like it. Are you willing to let Feng Huizhen hunt pigweed?"

The surrounding members who heard this immediately stood up.

Dare to disrespect their captain, and dare to point fingers at Feng Huizhen and the others.

Feng Huizhen and the other female educated youths have always performed well, and Feng Huizhen has done such a big job for the village.

Which family in the production team did not receive Feng Huizhen's favor?

The favor of others is remembered for thousands of years.

None of them were heartbroken.

Every household is counting on the beginning of spring, when the busy spring plowing is over, the family will prepare to build a house and marry a wife.

Where did the money come from?

Not all of Feng Huizhen's contributions to everyone!

As for who dares to say anything wrong about Feng Huizhen, everyone can't wait to go up and beat that person up.

"We all agreed to let Feng Huizhen and the others go to hunt pigweed."

"What the production captain said meant what we all meant."

"The affairs of our production team are decided by all of us. What's your business?"

"You are not very young, and you are in charge of a lot of things."

"If you're full, take it easy."

"What's the matter with favoritism? It's all of us who are willing to favor one another. If you have the ability, let us all do favoritism for you."

"Don't do shit all day long, and you will be there when you file a complaint."

"You are going to sue, you are going to sue."

"Someone from the county has come, and we dare to pat our chests and say that this is what we all agree on."

"This kind of people can't see good people from others. When Feng Huizhen made contributions to the team, I didn't see them come out."

"When I see someone enjoying happiness, I immediately jump out with envy."

"What's this called? It's called pink eye disease. Besides, what's the point of enjoying pigweed?"

"Feng Huizhen is thin and small, so she doesn't hunt pigweed. What do you want her to do?"

"All members of our production team unanimously agreed that Feng Huizhen and the others went to hunt pigweed."

"If you don't like it, you have to hold back."

"Who is it? I can't see others well."

"Captain, such a person should be given a proper labor reform."


All of a sudden, the crowd was excited, and all the members surrounded Li Min in the middle.

Pointing and pointing, saliva flying around.

Li Min covered his face in fright, rushed out of the crowd, and left crying.

This place can't stay any longer, she has to go.

Captain Wang Dazhuang stopped the big guy with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, a child is ignorant. If the bear child is ignorant, he will scold him. What should everyone do, don't delay our production team's spring plowing."

Only then did the commune members go back to work cursing.

Liu Shumin looked back and saw this scene, and she became more determined to follow Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen mixed too well in the production team.

Even she is envious.

This is talent.

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