Li Min glanced at the three female educated youths who set off before dawn.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his face full of disdain.

"Would you be more positive if you didn't see Feng Huizhen? You will almost become a native-born old farmer in the production team."

What made her jealous was that the production team leader actually entrusted Feng Huizhen with a heavy responsibility.

"We can go too! Otherwise, let's go over and help, at least show a good performance in front of the production team leader. I heard that after the beginning of spring, our work will be arranged by the production team leader.

If you don't like us, you will definitely not take care of us. "

Liu Shuzhen is a new educated youth, but she is quite considerate and likes to unite people.

He wanted to deal with Feng Huizhen and the others several times, but he never had a good chance.

"I don't want to go. It's boring to make clothes with country women. It's no fun! Besides, I don't know how to do it, so as not to drop the price."

Li Min cocked his head indifferently.

"Okay, you don't want to go, let's go and have a look. Li Yue, shall we go together?"

Liu Shuzhen felt that Li Min was not easy to get along with.

Not only is it difficult to get along with, but Kong has a good appearance, and the problem has no brain.

I don't even want to think about it, I have already come to the production team to do farm work, and I still have to pose as a young lady.

When you come here, you have to find a way to fit in here.

in order to get the greatest benefit.

Before coming here, her mother had talked to her that there was no other way to go to the countryside to jump in the queue.

Actively demonstrate good relations with the villagers in the village, especially with the production team leader and various leaders in the village.

When I return to the city in a few years, even the political review forms have to go through the production team to get them.

Her mother made it clear that she would try to get her to return to the city as the first batch, but if she wanted to win the first batch to return to the city, she had to be active here.

Especially after Liu Shuzhen came and heard about it, I didn't expect the educated youth to be capable.

Educated youth, there are actually five male educated youths who have gone to the county to work as workers.

Secretly regretting that I came late, if I could catch up with this group, at least now I might be able to get a worker quota.

I never heard that the three female educated youths can actually drive a car, let alone her, is she not as good as others?

Liu Shuzhen is a hearty girl.

Liu Shuzhen and Li Yue went directly to the production team below, and when they arrived at the brigade headquarters, they saw the bustle and bustle inside.

"Huizhen, I have checked all these clothes. There are 50 pieces in a pile. They are all neatly bundled. Don't worry, I have checked every piece of clothes, and there is absolutely no problem."

Today is the time for their first delivery.

15 sets of clothes have been made in 5000 days.

With the current work progress, everyone is very happy. It seems that there is no problem with 25000 sets of clothes in three months.

More importantly, 5000 sets of clothes can be exchanged for real money immediately after sending them over.

Today, the entire brigade department is full of energy, thinking that maybe the family can get the money at night.

Feng Huizhen is loading the car with Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun.

The truck from the supply and marketing cooperative has already arrived.

The driver drank tea and smoked in the office of the brigade, accompanied by Wang Dazhuang.

Other villagers are busy loading cars.

Liu Shumin immediately came to Wang Dazhuang's wife.

"Sister-in-law, we have nothing to do at the educated youth spot, so we wanted to come over and see if we can help."

Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law laughed.

"Go in and take a look and see what you can do? I also want to help out and earn some work points along the way."

The production team is based on a work-point system, and the same goes for making clothes.

There is no end to money.

Educated youths point out that other educated youths are unwilling to say anything and offer to help, but it does not mean that they do not want to take care of the educated youths.

Feng Huizhen is an educated youth.

For Feng Huizhen's sake, everyone's treatment of the educated youth in the educated youth spot has changed in a different way.

Liu Shuzhen agreed with a smile, but leaned in front of Feng Huizhen, of course she knew, despite the young Feng Huizhen in front of her.

But the educated youth can enjoy a lot.

Not only the educated youths, but even how many people in the production team treated Feng Huizhen completely differently from their educated youths.

Just by looking at how the production team leader's daughter-in-law talks to Feng Huizhen, one can know the attitude of the villagers and make everything clear.

She is not Li Min, she likes to be with capable people, so that she can take advantage of others.

Li Min's words against Feng Huizhen are totally untenable to her.

Although she had some conflicts with Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun at the beginning, some misunderstandings can be solved completely.

No one is behind, no one is behind, no one is behind.

Being talked about proves Feng Huizhen's ability, otherwise, Li Min would not go mad with jealousy, but there is nothing she can do about Feng Huizhen.

"Feng Huizhen, let me count for you!"

It must be very important for Feng Huizhen to take the other two female educated youths to work in the car.

She wanted others to see that she had a good relationship with Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen could see Liu Shuzhen's little thought at a glance, but this little thought did not make people particularly disgusted.

It is normal for people to think a little bit carefully for their own interests in life.

As long as you don't hurt others, it's harmless. If you have a small mind, you can't define a person as a bad person because of this.

"We have almost packed the goods, and we will send a car to the county to deliver the goods soon."

It's not that Feng Huizhen deliberately refused, it's true that the loading is now nearing completion.

When Liu Shuzhen heard this, she raised her face and smiled.

"Then I'll deliver the goods with you, okay?"

"Okay, if you want to deliver with me, you can."

Feng Huizhen looked carefree, and agreed very happily, which made Liu Shuzhen happy. It seemed that Feng Huizhen did not seem like a deep-minded girl.

She wanted to go to the county seat with Feng Huizhen, so she naturally wanted to see if she could get in touch with the supply and marketing cooperative.

What Feng Huizhen can do, she can also do.

Liu Xuemei pulled Feng Huizhen quietly, and said in a low voice.

"You should be careful. This Liu Shuzhen gets along very well with Li Min, and lives in the same cave with Li Min. She can live in peace with her. You should be able to guess that this woman is not an easy-going lamp."

The corners of Feng Huizhen's mouth curled up, the two friends were always worried about their own safety.

I was afraid that she would fall into someone else's trap.

In her previous life, she really didn't have any girlfriends.

In this life, I have gained two girlfriends.

"Don't worry, do you think I can suffer?"

After hearing this, Liu Xuemei looked at Feng Huizhen's sly eyes.

Can't help laughing.

"Xiuyun, let's go, let's go down and sew buttons."

Two people are not good at making clothes, but they are definitely good at sewing buttons.

In the past few days, the two of them can earn a lot of work points just by sewing buttons.

Zhang Xiuyun patted Feng Huizhen on the shoulder and followed Liu Xuemei to jump down.

Ever since she was with Feng Huizhen, she suddenly felt that her life was going well.

At first, I thought that when I came to the farm in the countryside, I would just jump in the queue to plant the land, but I didn't expect that there would be various opportunities to make extra money on the farm.

After the money is distributed this time, it's time to send some money back home.

The family has written several letters asking if they can send some food and money to the family?

She has always been reluctant to send the little money, after all, the money saved on the construction site for several months is for fear that their food will not survive the autumn harvest next year.

The experience of being hungry years ago, she no longer wants to go through it again.

Now that Feng Huizhen is willing to sell some of the coarse grains to them, the grain problem will be solved.

You can send the money you earn this time back home.

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