Some people still think of women who are small in their hearts, and they immediately stop their thoughts.

There is another time!

If you don't do well, you still have to deduct money. If you do not do well and deduct money, you will not be scolded by the big guys.

The big guy who is involved, who has no money after being involved, who will lose in the end, who still doesn't know.

The daughter-in-law of the production team leader also told everyone.

"Big guys do their best to do things well, and also give our production team a boost, otherwise, if such a good thing happens in the future, Jia Huizhen won't have the face to fight for us.

Everyone, think about the long-term plan, and the future will flow forever.We can't ruin our brand just because of this business, we won't be able to make any money in the future. "

When everyone heard this, they promised.

"Huizhen, don't worry, we will definitely do our best."

"Let the captain's house inspect, and we guarantee that anyone who breaks will have to rework."

"We just can't let a mouse dropping spoil our pot of soup."

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

The registration went smoothly, and it took more than two hours for Feng Huizhen to get the agreed roster.

The production team consists of more than 300 households.

A total of 370 people were able to come out to work.

There are so many people, that's because some are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and some are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and then they bring their adult daughters.

Counting this way, there will be more people all of a sudden.

Feng Huizhen simply counted, according to the current number of 370 people, an average of 300 pieces can be made a day.

There are 9000 pieces of clothes in one month, and 25000 pieces of clothes can definitely be made in three months.

All of these are purely handmade. After all, it is rare to have a sewing machine at home these days.

But Feng Huizhen is worried that the 25000 pieces of clothing do not include pants.

After they finished the clothes, they could only make two or three thousand pairs of trousers at most.

Who will make the remaining 2 pairs of pants?

Wu Dazhuang, his wife, and the village party secretary and accountant are discussing this matter, and they also calculated that there are more than 2 pairs of trousers left in vain.

According to Feng Huizhen's letter to everyone, the wages for a jacket are two yuan, and the wages for a pair of trousers are one yuan.

That's a lot of money.

Their village has never seen so much money so far.

In the end, Feng Huizhen used her brains.

Organize those who have sewing machines in the village.

Although not many, there are only three sewing machines.

Sewing machines are much more efficient than manual labor.

First use the sewing machine to tie up the large threads of the clothes and pants.

The rest of the details are left to people to work together.

For example, for a piece of clothing, the sleeves are sewed, the collar is sewed, the front is sewed, and the buttons are buttoned.

A piece of clothing won't last long in your hands, and everyone doesn't have to waste time, and the division of labor and cooperation is very fast.

Calculate the money for each process, and then calculate the money according to the process.

It will be much faster than when every family is bored at home to make clothes.

Feng Huizhen's suggestion made Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law absolutely overwhelmed.

"You scholars have brains. How could I not have thought of your idea? It will be much faster if you divide it up like this."

Sure enough, the women were called together to discuss it, and everyone nodded in agreement when they heard this.

In this way, the disadvantages of some people are avoided, and many people are not strong in craftsmanship.

Work slowly!

But if it is divided into one process, how slow can it be?

Many people nodded in agreement.

And in that case, even the men of the village can help, such as sewing buttons.

Whose man can't sew and mend, he can't do big jobs, he can't get his hands out, he can always sew buttons, and he can always dig buttonholes.

According to this calculation, they can really digest 25000 sets of clothes.

Feng Huizhen got the news that early the next morning, it was Wang Dazhuang who drove the carriage and sent Feng Huizhen to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Wang Dazhuang personally met Director Zhou. In Director Zhou's office, their production team signed a processing contract with Director Zhou's supply and marketing cooperative.

In the early stage, there was no penny.

After the contract is successful, after the inspection and acceptance, the products are all qualified, and then all the processing fees will be paid in accordance with the contract requirements.

Director Zhou immediately arranged for someone to take the materials they needed from the warehouse.

The cut fabric of this batch of work clothes has been delivered two days ago.

Including various accessories, needlework and buttons.

Wang Dazhuang's carriage couldn't hold the supply and marketing cooperative, so a truck was specially dispatched.

Send them the fabric of the previous 5000 sets of clothes.

Wang Dazhuang's carriage also pulled hundreds of sets.

A group of people returned to the production team in a mighty manner.

The production team had already been watched by the side of the road, and everyone knew that Wang Dazhuang followed Feng Huizhen to the county to do this work for them.

There is a northwest wind blowing outside during Chinese New Year, and no one is afraid of the cold. With their hands tucked into their sleeves, they stand at the entrance of the village and watch eagerly.

When they saw the truck, the villagers rushed to notify the secretary and accountant.

As a result of everyone's discussion at the time, this job cannot be done in each family's own house, after all, it is a process job.

They deliberately cleared out those rooms in the brigade headquarters.

Anyway, there are usually meetings in this room of the brigade headquarters, and there is basically nothing going on.

The five rooms in the brigade, including the yard, are absolutely spacious.

Free up a room to be a warehouse accountant to get started with statistics and warehousing.

Accountants are now both accountants and warehouse keepers.

All the people in the village were dispatched to help unload the goods.

It didn't take half an hour to unload the goods into the warehouse.

Just after seeing off the truck driver, Wang Dazhuang came back driving the carriage.

The only three sewing machines in the village have been carried to the first room of the brigade headquarters, and the place has been tidied up.

People in the village even took out the plastic sheeting they accumulated at home and spread it on the ground so that the cloth would not get dirty.

Everyone is doing what they say, and they are in full swing.

As the executor of this contract, Feng Huizhen has important quality supervision responsibilities.

The only three women in the village who could step on a sewing machine tried it out.

It didn't take 10 minutes to see that the two big seams of a pair of pants were all sewn up.

The same goes for tops.

If everyone is excited for 10 minutes, the speed is quite fast.

The women in the village were busy going through the process all afternoon, and everyone should be familiar with the process.

Everyone's tasks are organized just right.

Feng Huizhen even called Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun down.

This kind of collective labor is the easiest to integrate with everyone.

Being idle is also idle, and it might be a good thing to mingle with the villagers of the production team.

They don't know how long they will stay in this production team, but in a short period of time it will be at least seven or eight years.

Get along well with the villagers, and you will get the care of the villagers. The villagers here don't care what kind of person you are.

Congenial temper, will naturally take care of you.

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