"Sister-in-law, captain! It's such a thing. I know Director Zhou of the supply and marketing cooperative in the county. Recently, Director Zhou and his supply and marketing cooperative have taken over a batch of jobs.

It is for the factories in the city to process labor protection clothing, that is, work clothes. "

When Wang Dazhuang heard this, his heart moved.

There are many women in the village.

In addition, there are many bachelors in their production team.

Why so many?

Then there is no need to say that the production team is poor.

The conditions in their place are harsh, the environment is not good, the land is vast and abundant, and the population is sparsely populated.

Generally, older girls are not willing to marry here, and coupled with the poor land, the food harvest will be poor all year round.

Every family can't get enough to eat, let alone get the gift money.

Although the production team can contribute to the construction of the construction site every winter, they can also take the opportunity to earn some money to support the family.

But after all, there are too many strong laborers in the village. There are not five or six children, but seven or eight children. The number of places is really limited.

Not everyone can make this money.

Generally speaking, if there are more than 300 households in the production team, 100 strong laborers can do this kind of work, that is good luck!

In bad times, there can be up to 50 people out.

The problem is that with the little money I earn, I take care of the family's food, rice, oil and salt, and I can't take care of other things.

After all, there is not enough food for everyone. People with a large population can't wait to exchange this little money for food, so they can't afford to marry a wife.

Every household is poor and short of money.

"what do you mean?"

"I was eating at Director Zhou's house today, and there was such a good thing one day, so I mentioned it to Director Zhou, and wanted to take this job for our production team, but Director Zhou said that the schedule for this job is tight.

25000 sets of work clothes will be made within three months.

And this is the first batch. Generally, the factory will distribute two sets of work clothes a year, which means that there will be 25000 sets in the future.But at that time, there is no need for a card for three months.

It depends on whether we can make it with our hands?

If you can't do it, how many people can count, and how many pieces can be made?Give them a number so that Director Zhou can contact other production teams to complete the task.

We can't delay other people's tasks. "

Sister-in-law Wang's eyes lit up when she heard this, she hurriedly sat on Kang Yan'er, took Feng Huizhen's hand and said.

"Sister, you are really good. You can still hold your breath after eating such a big thing."

"Sister-in-law, I'm not looking at this big winter. Every family is resting at home. Resting is resting. If you can make clothes and earn some money, not every family can subsidize a little.

No one is having a hard time.I see that this winter is very cold. The old people in our village have said that in this case, the year ahead may not be very good.

If everyone has some money in their hands, even if the times are bad, they can buy some food to supplement their families. "

Wang Dazhuang said excitedly.

"Huizhen, I can see that you are a kind-hearted child. I really didn't expect you to think of this.

To put it bluntly, you who are from the city will return to the city sooner or later.

There must not be many people who can stay in our rural area.

Don't take it to heart when I speak harshly. The educated youths in your city are not of the same mind as the villagers in our production team. "

The educated youths at the educated youth site rarely interact with the villagers one by one, even the few female educated youths who live in the villagers' homes are all arrogant, as if they are here to be young ladies.

After being cleaned up twice by Wang Dazhuang's daughter-in-law, he became honest.

A smile appeared on Feng Huizhen's face. Wang Dazhuang was a straight man, and he was right.

Educated youth have their own sense of superiority.

It is impossible to integrate into the collective life of the villagers.

Like her, it probably stems from the wisdom that has been lived for decades in the previous life.

"Captain, I understand what you said. I am also from the countryside, and my family is also from the village. Why should I look down on myself?

I really treat everyone as my own relatives, so I feel blessed to enjoy it together. "

This is said with sincerity and tact.

Even a big man like Wang Dazhuang was so moved that his eyes were a little sore.

The daughter-in-law of the production team leader patted Feng Huizhen's hand, sobbing that she could hardly speak.

This kind of empathy is what people fear most.

Being able to put yourself in the shoes of others is touching enough.

"Sister-in-law, captain, don't act like this, it makes me feel embarrassed. Let's treat it as a family.

I don't hide what I have to say, I think we organize the women in the village to count how many people there are.

How much can you do in about three months?

I have to take this job back and improve everyone's life. At least if someone earns the money, it may be possible to marry a daughter-in-law if they want to.

I can't say how great I am, I just feel that I have money in my hand and I don't panic. "

"Sister, what you said is on point."

"Just wait, I'll go around the village right now."

The daughter-in-law of the production team leader got off the kang and went to find her big clothes.

"It's better you don't go, I'll go, it's very cold outside, and it's dark and sloppy, I'll use a flashlight for convenience.

You are from a woman's family, you can talk with Huizhen in the room for a while. "

But Wang Dazhuang jumped off the kang, put on his overcoat, and went out with a flashlight.

He called out the sons next door, and the boys walked quickly.

Soon the Wang family went out.

Feng Huizhen and the captain's wife took out the red flag book.

They have to register, make records, and count a specific number.

After a while, the women who heard the news rushed to Wang's house.

After all, Wang Dazhuang can only serve as a notification. Specifically, how much each person can do, and how many people can be produced by a family, they have to judge by themselves.

During the Chinese New Year, no one expected to hear such a happy news at night.

But all the women who can make clothes at home have been dispatched. In fact, which woman can't make clothes these years?

Whose clothes are made by their own daughter-in-law who buys fabrics at home.

The ready-made clothes in the store are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang's house was bustling and brightly lit.

Feng Huizhen took a pen and started counting.

"Both my daughter and I can make clothes. I am good at making clothes and fast. Huizhen, I guarantee that my stitches are tight and there is absolutely no problem."

"Be quiet, everyone. I don't want to know whether everyone is good or not. I just have a little request. You must think carefully before registering.

To make clothes, we are going to make work clothes for big factories in other cities. After this batch is delivered, we will have the next batch in a few months.

If this batch of goods is not done to their satisfaction, not only will they have to rework, but they will also lose money, and we may lose our next order.

Think about it, everyone, for the sake of long-term planning, everyone still has to measure clearly, and don't be too greedy.Don't implicate others. After all, if I don't rework, I will be deducted when the wages are settled. "

These remarks can be regarded as putting the pros and cons on the bright side.

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