Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 152 Honey?industrial salt?

"Old Wang, old Wang!"

Aunt Zhou wiped the cold sweat off Director Wang's forehead, and Director Wang slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing his wife's nervous expression, he said weakly.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"This is an old problem, don't be afraid."

"Are you dizzy again, very nauseous?"

Director Zhou looked at her husband nervously. After several years, he couldn't find out the problem.

"This is already an old problem. It's nothing. Don't worry. It's not like you don't know. I'm getting older and my body is getting worse every day. There are too many problems."

Director Wang closed his eyes weakly, apparently the feeling of dizziness had not subsided.

The couple are obviously used to this situation.

Director Zhou tucked the quilt tightly for her husband and silently stood aside.

Feng Huizhen felt a little strange, the situation of Director Wang in front of her seemed a little wrong, she seemed to have seen it before.

She had seen this scene many years ago in her previous life.

It should be poisoned.

And it's not a common method.

It is obviously not unusual for a poisoning that even the chief of surgery can't notice.

Feng Huizhen looked back into the room, but saw a tea mug on the table.

The lid of the tea mug was opened, and the tea water in the tea mug was still steaming.

It seems that Director Wang should have been drinking tea before he passed out just now.

Feng Huizhen walked over, picked up the tea mug and smelled it.

In addition to the bitter taste of the tea leaves, there was actually a sweet scent. I dipped my hands in the tea water in the tea mug and sipped it in my mouth.

Seriously, the tea taste overwhelms all the smells.

The tea that should have been fragrant has a sweet taste.

If it was really what she thought, then the poisoner was very clever.

"Why Huizhen?"

When Aunt Zhou got up, she happened to see Feng Huizhen dipping the tea into her mouth.

Feng Huizhen put her finger on her lips in a hush gesture, and pulled Aunt Zhou out with the tea mug.

"Auntie, why is the tea uncle drinks sweet?"

"Hey, your uncle doesn't have any bad habits. He doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. His only hobby since he was a child is his fondness for sweets. Even when he drinks tea, he likes to put two spoonfuls of honey in it."

"Honey? Auntie, can you show me the tea leaves and honey that uncle usually drinks? I think I may know why uncle often faints."

Director Zhou widened his eyes in surprise, "You know?"

Feng Huizhen smiled slightly, "I have to look at the tea leaves and honey before I can come to a conclusion. Of course, it's best to find a professional to appraise it."

Both Director Zhou and Director Wang are kind people, and they have no children. In theory, there shouldn't be any enmity, so that they should be attacked.

It's fine if Feng Huizhen doesn't know, the problem is knowing now.

Director Zhou is also kind to her, no matter what, he must not stand by and watch.

After hearing this, Director Zhou hurried to take out the tea and honey.

The two of them hid in the next room for fear of alarming Director Wang to rest.

Feng Huizhen checked the tea leaves. If I remember correctly, there have been some cases where someone gave industrial salt to their relatives.

If a large amount of industrial salt is used, it will cause death, and if it is absorbed in a small amount, people will have dizziness, nausea and other physical discomforts.

cause fundamental damage to the body.

This kind of industrial salt is used very cleverly, and most people don't pay attention to it. After all, ordinary people always come into contact with table salt in their lives.

Even if it is a physical examination, no one will pay attention to this indicator.

Even if the indicators exceed the standard, you will feel that this person usually has a strong taste and eats salty food.

And in this era, many people's diet is mainly based on heavy taste.

In order to save money in many families, pickles are the main food on the table.

After the tea leaves are inspected, if industrial salt is added to the tea leaves, some abnormal powders are likely to appear.

But obviously the tea leaves look clean.

The only explanation, then, is that most likely these things are in the honey.

"How? What do you see?"

Director Zhou was very anxious. At first he thought it was due to his hard work all year round, which caused his body to be overdrawn.

Several physical examinations failed to detect it, so why did such a big problem appear.

Feng Huizhen in front of her is an outsider, a kind-hearted stranger.

There is no reason to talk nonsense to harm their husband and wife.

Feng Huizhen's words are highly credible.

"Aunt Zhou, do you have someone you can trust? Take this bottle of honey for testing. I suspect that there are some harmful things in it, according to Uncle Wang's condition.

I have encountered that excessive intake of industrial salt can cause harm to the human body.This symptom is almost exactly the same as Uncle Wang's current symptoms. "

Director Zhou heard this.

A little dazed, industrial salt!

She knows industrial salt.

There are many places where industrial salt is used in textile mills, woolen mills, etc.

But no one thinks that industrial salt is harmful to the human body?

The question is how could the industrial salt get into the honey?

Director Zhou was in a state of disarray, but she couldn't allow her to think too much right now.

He could only hold the honey and nod to Feng Huizhen.

"Xiao Feng, let me go out for a while, and you take care of your Uncle Wang here. The only person I can trust right now is you."

"Aunt Zhou, don't worry, I will stay by my uncle's side and nothing will happen to him. Go quickly."

Feng Huizhen nodded, watching Director Zhou put the honey in a black bag, turned around and hurried out.

The wind and snow outside still couldn't stop Director Zhou's footsteps.

Uncle Wang has been sleeping there, and Feng Huizhen can't do anything.

She does have spiritual spring water that can detoxify, but the problem is that before the murderer is found, the poison on Uncle Wang's body is detoxified, which means there is no evidence to investigate.

Going to the hospital for an examination also needs to have data to speak for.

If you want to catch the murderer who has been hiding so deeply, you can't immediately detoxify Uncle Wang's body now.

She couldn't bear it, but there was nothing she could do.

Fortunately, Uncle Wang never woke up, neither asked for water, nor any other requests.

When it was dark, Director Zhou came back.

Director Zhou was covered in huge piles of snow, especially the shoes on his feet were soaked.

The whole person was unspeakably miserable, but his eyes were full of anger. It was obvious that Director Zhou had obtained the evidence.

The moment she entered the room, Director Zhou's body softened, and Feng Huizhen hurriedly supported her.

Putting most of Director Zhou's weight on himself, he helped Director Zhou to the next room.

If Uncle Wang wakes up and sees this situation, he will probably be worried too.

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