Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 153 Repaying Kindness with Kindness

"Aunt Zhou, warm yourself first."

Feng Huizhen hurriedly helped her to the chair.

He helped her take off her coat with difficulty, and took off the shoes on her feet. The shoes and feet were almost frozen together.

Feng Huizhen was startled when she touched those cold feet.

In such cold weather, socks and shoes were already soaked.

I don't know how long Director Zhou has been walking outside. Anyway, the socks are frozen hard at the moment, so one can imagine what will happen to these feet!

Feng Huizhen took off those socks.

His feet were red and swollen from the cold.

Director Zhou groaned in pain.

She was stunned by the result of this incident just now, and her whole heart was traumatized.

I don't care about the physical feeling at all, and now I'm back in the warm room.

I felt a strange numbness and itching in my feet.

"Aunt Zhou, wait a minute, I'll get you some warm water to wash your feet."

The only thing Feng Huizhen can think of is that soaking feet in warm water can relieve this kind of frostbite.

It's really no wonder she made such a low-level mistake, their village wouldn't freeze like this no matter how cold the winter was.

I have never encountered a situation that would cause frostbite.

The winter there is up to five or six degrees below zero.

In the city and quality of life I lived in later, it is impossible to encounter this degree of frostbite.

Director Zhou hurriedly called Feng Huizhen to stop.

After all, Director Zhou has been with the chief of surgery's husband for a long time, so he still knows at least some common sense.

"Huizhen, don't fetch warm water, it won't work, maybe my foot injury will be worse than this. Find a towel to wrap my foot, and I'll put it in the quilt to warm up for a while."

In this case, they have no better way.

When Feng Huizhen heard this, she hurriedly found two towels from the cabinet as Director Zhou said.

Wrap those cold feet with a towel, and help Director Zhou onto the bed.

Pulled back the quilt and took a look.

The bedding in the room was cold.

Even if the feet were wrapped in a towel and placed under the quilt, they would not be able to recover for a while.

Director Zhou is now sitting on a chair trembling all over.

The wooden bed in their house is not as good as the heated kang in their house.

He helped Director Zhou to sit on the kang.

First, he covered Director Zhou tightly with a quilt from top to bottom, then took off his shoes and got into the quilt directly.

She lifted the quilt under Director Zhou's feet.

He untied her cotton-padded jacket, and stuffed Director Zhou's feet wrapped in towels into his bosom.

Button the cotton-padded clothes well, and then cover the cotton-padded quilt tightly.

"This way it will warm up faster. It should be fine to use my body temperature."

Director Zhou's heart was burning hot, the little girl who had never met before, but met by chance, was so enthusiastic.

This is the real way to treat people with sincerity.

She just helped a small favor, and it was done with a little effort, and there would be no loss of any interests for them, and there would be no problems or difficulties.

But the little girl repays them with the greatest kindness.

His eyes were slightly red, and his voice was a little choked up.

"You don't have to do this, quickly take out my feet, what can I do if I chill you for a while?"

"Aunt Zhou, don't talk about it, it will get warmer faster, can you tell me that the honey has produced results?"

In fact, Feng Huizhen shivered as soon as Aunt Zhou's feet were stuffed into her arms.

Those feet are so cold.

It's just that she covered it up very well and didn't show it, for fear that Director Zhou would feel guilty.

If she doesn't meet it, that's all. If she does, she will definitely help.

Kind people should be rewarded with kindness.

Cover the quilt tightly.

Divert Aunt Zhou's attention by changing the topic.

Sure enough, Director Zhou was filled with righteous indignation when he mentioned honey.

"I've been waiting in the hospital for so many hours, just waiting for a result. I specially asked two of your Uncle Wang's students to do the test.

The test results came out, exactly as you said, this bottle of honey contains a lot of industrial salt.

If the industrial salt itself is eaten, it is not harmful, but it contains nitrite. If it is consumed for a long time, it will cause chronic poisoning, and the final result will be death. "

"And your Uncle Wang's symptoms are really very similar to the chronic poisoning of industrial salt. They never thought of this before."

"It's snowing too hard outside, it's worse now than before, I can only wait for the snow to stop, and I'll send your uncle to the hospital."

When Director Zhou said this, his voice suddenly dropped.

Thinking of her husband's groggy, all this was indeed caused by others, and the couple have been kind to others all their lives.

I have never done anything bad, especially my husband. As a chief of surgery, he does his best for patients and strives for excellence in his work.

Countless patients have been saved by her husband.

Just the pennants and certificates, they have won a lot.

A man like her husband has never blushed or quarreled with anyone.

"Where's Aunt Zhou? Who gave this bottle of honey? Or where did you buy this bottle of honey?"

This kind of thing should be a special commodity, honey is not available in every household.

Even white sugar is not easy to buy these days, let alone honey.

"The words you asked made my heart hurt even more. Your Uncle Wang and I have no children in this life. We live a relaxed life and earn a lot of money.

This bottle of honey was sent by your uncle Wang's nephew.

On weekdays, the honey that your Uncle Wang eats is all I bought from the supply and marketing cooperative.

Only this bottle of honey was sent by his nephew during the Chinese New Year.

It is said that a friend brought it back from other places, and the quality of wild honey is particularly good.

To put it this way, I suddenly remembered that it was three years ago.His nephew started to bring him honey, and your Uncle Wang gradually developed this problem of dizziness, head fullness, fainting and nausea easily.

No wonder they send us a bottle of honey every year. "

Director Zhou muttered to himself.

When all the clues were connected, she suddenly felt scared in her heart.

"So there is a conflict between Uncle Wang and his nephew, or between Uncle Wang and his brother?"

Feng Huizhen felt that there must be a reason for such heinous and vicious things between people.

"How can there be conflicts? Your Uncle Wang is a very nice person. He grew up with his brother. He has a very good relationship with his brother.

I am even more caring for my nephews, and we usually give them a lot of subsidies during the Chinese New Year and holidays.

Those nephews are also very kind to your Uncle Wang on weekdays, and there is no contradiction.

Because of this, I can't even guess why they did it. "

Director Zhou fell into a daze, never expecting that the relatives around him would attack the person next to him.

How could the two of them think of it?

Feng Huizhen didn't say a word, in fact, she guessed that it might be because Director Zhou and Director Wang had no children, and they lived a very good life.

In this year and month, it is a point that makes people jealous.

They have no children, and in the future, only their relatives will inherit their family business.

If Director Zhou also has nephews, nieces, or nephews, it is easy for someone to have a wrong mind because of interests.

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