Feng Huizhen was dragged directly to the backyard by the warm and kind Aunt Zhou.

Out of the back door of the supply and marketing cooperative is a large dormitory area, where Aunt Zhou's house is.

Really close.

The two walked into the small courtyard of the dormitory area against the wind and snow, one behind the other.

In this short distance of more than ten meters, the two of them walked out of the snow-climbing mountain and crossed the level of the grassland.

Entered the small courtyard of the Zhou family.

With the door closed, there was a lot of snow in the yard.

Feng Huizhen followed Aunt Zhou into the back room.

The warm air in the room rushed towards her face, and Feng Huizhen felt that her eyelashes were covered with beads of water.

A middle-aged man in a sweater saw Aunt Zhou bring Feng Huizhen in.

asked with a smile.

"I know you came back early today, and our hospital gets off work early. I turned on the fire a long time ago. The room is hot. Come in and drink some water. By the way, who is this?"

"This girl's name is Feng Huizhen. I told you last time, the girl who needed help when I went to the train station to refund my ticket."

"This girl came back today and went to the supply and marketing agency to give me the fare money. Their educated youth farm is far away from here, and I will definitely not be able to go back. Let her stay at our house for two days, and then go back when the snow stops. .”

Aunt Zhou took off her cotton-padded jacket and hung it on the hanger.

Hello Feng Huizhen.

"Xiao Feng, you're welcome. Take off your coat quickly and go to the stove to warm up. When you come to our house, it's like your own home. Your Uncle Wang is the director of surgery at our County People's Hospital. He is very good."

Feng Huizhen hurriedly greeted the surgical director in front of her.

"Hello, Uncle Wang! I will trouble you in the past two days."

Director Wang pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose with a kind smile on his face.

"You girl is really polite. Wherever you go, it's not troublesome at all. It's not right to help when encountering such a thing."

Roll up your sleeves.

"Old Zhou, you and Xiao Feng are here to warm up and drink water. I'm going to the kitchen to cook. It's so cold today. Let's make dumplings and eat them. When I came back just now, I bought a catty of pork."

It's the posture of a good man.

"Let me do it, you are a man who performs surgery, and let you do housework for me all day long."

Aunt Zhou had already taken off her coat and was looking for an apron.

Feng Huizhen didn't take off her military overcoat, nor did she sit in front of the stove to warm up.

I remembered that when I entered the door just now, the yard was full of snow, and it was not convenient for people to go in and out without sweeping the snow.

"Aunt Zhou, where are the broom and shovel? I'll sweep the snow in the yard."

"Where is there any work for you? Let your Uncle Wang do it later."

"Yes, this is physical work. I should do it as a man, so you don't have to worry about it. Little girl, you can just sit here drinking water and warming up. Let me tell you that we have no children.

For the rest of their lives, the two lived alone.We are both happy that there is one more person in the family today. "

Director Wang also refused with a smile.

It can be seen that he is a very warm and gentle person.

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Zhou, since you treat me as your own, you have to let me do some work. How can someone of your own not do work at home. How about I go make dumplings?

I cook delicious food, or I help you clean the yard. "

Seeing Feng Huizhen who is so refreshing and enthusiastic, and quickly integrated into the environment, both of them laughed.

"You girl, you really make me feel unspeakably kind."

"Aunt Zhou, for a kind-hearted person like you, the person you help must be someone with the same temper as you."

"We are really destined."

Once Feng Huizhen uses her three-inch tongue, she can immediately get closer to any stranger.

"Okay, okay, you girl doesn't see you, so I won't be polite to you. I, a big man, will do physical work, and I will clean the yard. You two women will do the cooking."

Everyone has assigned work.

Feng Huizhen immediately took off the military coat, hung it on the hanger, and took off the scarf and hat.

I washed my hands with warm water in the washbasin.

Roll up your sleeves and tie your apron.

"Aunt Zhou, I'll chop the stuffing, and you make the noodles."

Seeing that the little girl was so invisible, she even arranged for it.

Aunt Zhou is really happy.

The couple has no children all their lives, and their lives are deserted. They are often too busy with work to take care of home.

With a young girl in the family, the atmosphere is naturally different.

"Okay, I'll chop the stuffing with the noodles!"

Feng Huizhen checked it. There was a catty of meat and cabbage in the kitchen.

The couple apparently had a good time.

Just looking at the things in the kitchen, you can tell that although they don't often eat at home, they are very complete.

Feng Huizhen originally planned to chop half of the meat, half a catty of meat was enough for three people, and a catty of meat was a bit of a waste.

Aunt Zhou saw it, but told her to chop it all up.

Dumplings that have become pure meatballs.

Feng Huizhen still left half of the meat stuffing, ready to wrap it into wontons later, so that when it is frozen in such a cold day, the couple can eat it anytime they want.

Soon the hot dumplings came out of the pan, and when the dumplings were served in the back room, there were still three empty bowls.

Feng Huizhen also pounded garlic and added special balsamic vinegar.

Director Wang has also swept out the yard, and he is still sweating profusely in a sweater.

After washing his face, he sat down at the table and smelled the fragrance. Director Wang gave a thumbs up.

"Usually the two of us cook just enough, and most of them eat in the cafeteria. Just by smelling your dumplings, you feel that they are different from the dumplings in the cafeteria."

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Zhou, try it quickly."

Feng Huizhen pushed a bowl of dumplings in front of each of them with a smile.

"Hurry up and eat, Auntie, try your handicraft."

Aunt Zhou picked up the dumplings.Bite down, immediately brows brighten.

"Xiao Feng, your craftsmanship is really good. How do you make these dumplings? Why are they so delicious?"

When Director Wang heard this, he quickly picked up the chopsticks, picked up the dumplings and put them in his mouth.

Nodding repeatedly while eating, "Xiao Feng, the dumplings you make are really delicious. I have lived such an old age, but I have never eaten such delicious dumplings."

A meal was finished lively.

Feng Huizhen and Aunt Zhou washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Feng Huizhen took advantage of the opportunity to wrap a whole bamboo curtain of wontons in the kitchen.

The kitchen is like an ice cellar, there is no difference between putting it here and putting it in the refrigerator.

Just put a layer of cloth on top.

Aunt Zhou accompanied her to pack things in the kitchen, only to hear a plop from the next room.

The two hurried over to have a look, only to see Director Wang passed out on the ground with his eyes closed and his face pale.

Feng Huizhen and Aunt Zhou helped Uncle Wang onto the bed in a hurry.

"What's the matter with Aunt Zhou? Does Uncle Wang have any chronic diseases? Do you want to send him to the hospital?"

"I don't know. Your Uncle Wang has always been a little dizzy and uncomfortable in the past three or four years, but he went to the hospital for an examination, but there was nothing wrong. He is a doctor himself. He didn't find anything wrong."

Director Zhou obviously often dealt with this kind of phenomenon, and he was not nervous to cover his husband with a quilt and pinched him.

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