Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 150 Goodbye Aunt Zhou

Trains for days and nights.

When Feng Huizhen got off the train, she couldn't help wrapping her military overcoat tightly around her body, and tightened her scarf and hat on her head.

As soon as I walked out of the train station, I saw a snow-white outside.

This is definitely a big snowstorm.

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, and the cold wind is blowing towards the face with snowflakes, making people's eyes hard to open.

Except for the heavy snow, there was nothing to see outside, and the visibility was very low.

This snow is not only heavy, but mainly because of the wind, and the blizzard is raging on the ground.

Feng Huizhen felt like she was standing in the wilderness, being hit by a snowstorm.

In this situation, if she wanted to walk back to the educated youth farm now, it would be fatal.

Feng Huizhen gritted her teeth.

But it's not okay to stay at the station all the time.

His mind was running fast, thinking about how to find a place to stay in the county.

If Jiang Lei was in the machinery factory before, she could still join Jiang Lei.

But Jiang Lei is now at the Third Provincial Construction Company, who knows that Jiang Lei is now on the construction site?Or is it in the unit of the Third Provincial Construction Company?

She was not familiar with the place in the county, so she had to go to the Provincial Construction No. [-] Company to try it out first.

It is impossible for this blizzard to continue like this, and it will end in two or three days at most.

It should be much easier to go back to the educated youth farm when the snow stops.

I believe that even if Wu Dazhuang, the production team leader, knew about it, he wouldn't blame her for going back so late.

Feng Huizhen struggled to move in the wind and snow, and even she regretted it.

Visibility is too low, she is not familiar with the county, and does not know where the third power construction company is.

Except for the sporadic passengers who came out of the train station and had nowhere to stay, there was no one else to be seen on the road.

There is no way to ask for directions.

Feng Huizhen found it difficult to move forward.

The strong wind blew over, wrapped in snowflakes, and Feng Huizhen almost fell down.

I saw the lights on not far away, and the sign on the wall read the three characters of Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Feng Huizhen staggered in the wind and snow, and hurried over.

At least go to the supply and marketing cooperative first to avoid it, and ask for directions by the way.

Even if you fumble around in the snow for a while and freeze to death, you may not be able to find it.

Although it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, the supply and marketing cooperative already felt very dark.

Feng Huizhen's entry brought wind and snowflakes, which made several waiters in the supply and marketing cooperative raise their heads.

In the snowy weather, no one bought anything at all, and they just chatted around the stove eating melon seeds.

Feng Huizhen stomped her feet at the door, and patted off the snow that had accumulated on her body in just a while.

Hastily closed the door.

"Comrade, it's very cold outside with heavy wind and heavy snow, come on, warm up in front of the stove for a while."

There is a waiter who greets me warmly.

Feng Huizhen took off her scarf and sat down in front of the stove.

"Thank you sister, let me take shelter from the wind first. I just got off the train, and I didn't expect such a heavy snowfall on our side."

Seeing Feng Huizhen's little girl's face, the elder sisters of the waiters felt even more distressed.

"Your train arrived at the wrong time. It's not convenient to go anywhere at this hour. You don't look like a county town!"

The aunt who greeted Feng Huizhen just now brought a cup of hot water from a tea mug.

"Come on, if you don't mind, take my tea mug and drink some hot water first to warm up your body."

Feng Huizhen hurriedly thanked her.

"Sister, why would I dislike it? Just don't dislike me."

"Don't call me big sister, I can't afford it. According to my age, the youngest daughter in my family is probably older than you. You should call me aunt."

Several other people also laughed, "Sister Liu, the little girl has a sweet mouth."

"I called you young all at once."

Aunt Liu, who was called Sister Liu, smiled all over her face.

"Okay, don't make fun of me, old lady, here."

At this time, everyone's attention was on Feng Huizhen again.

"Little girl, which village are you from? Look at this, the snow won't stop today. Do you have a place to stay in the county?"

Feng Huizhen smiled wryly and shook her head.

"I am from the sixth production team of Qingqing Farm. I will definitely not be able to go back today. I have a fellow villager who works in the No. [-] Provincial Construction Company. I want to ask if he is there. Take me in for two days and wait for the snow to stop. I'm going back to the farm."

"The Third Provincial Construction Company?"

"That's a bit far away. It takes at least two miles to walk from our supply and marketing cooperative."

"If the weather is good, Erli is nothing, and no one can walk this distance. But in this weather, I'm afraid you will be frozen when you reach it."

As soon as everyone heard about the Third Provincial Construction Company, they started chatting immediately.

Feng Huizhen was also a little discouraged when she heard that, walking over such a long distance would really cause accidents.

And when it comes to Provincial Construction No. [-] Company, it doesn't matter whether Jiang Lei is there or not.

In case of reciting a little by myself, Jiang Lei is not around, then it will really be over.

How to do?

Feng Huizhen is also worried at the moment.

"Girl, do you have a letter of introduction? If you have a letter of introduction, you can't go to the guest house. Let's make do with the night in the guest house."

Someone suggested that if this girl can buy a train ticket, she must have a letter of introduction.

The aunt surnamed Liu hastily stabbed the man, the guest house can't afford it for ordinary people.

Whose family's money is not tight, the little girl came all the way by train to be an educated youth and went to the countryside to work.

The speaker also realizes that the topic is not appropriate.

If Feng Huizhen wants to live in a guest house, she can at least have a place to stay.

Just as I was about to ask where the guest house was, someone opened the back door and came in from the backyard.

"It's very windy and snowy today. Let's get off work early. It's impossible for anyone to come anyway. It's not easy for everyone to go on the road."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged woman. When Feng Huizhen looked up and saw her, the scene of giving her a ticket at the train station suddenly flashed in her mind.

The middle-aged woman in front of her is Aunt Zhou who gave her the ticket back then.

He hurriedly stood up, walked forward two steps in succession, and firmly held Aunt Zhou's hand.

"Aunt Zhou!"

Director Zhou was a little dazed. She didn't notice the girl who appeared out of nowhere just now. The main thing was that the big guys were sitting around the stove, so she didn't notice any outsiders.

This girl suddenly appeared.

He grabbed his hand and called Aunt Zhou!

It should be someone she knows.

But she looked carefully, and didn't realize that the girl in front of her was an acquaintance?

"You are……?"

"Aunt Zhou, you forgot, the train ticket you refunded at the train station, I promise that after I come back, I will definitely come to the supply and marketing agency to give you the train ticket money."

Director Zhou suddenly realized, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Feng Huizhen who was in a mess.

"I remembered! You girl is back! Couldn't it be today's train? Then you are really lucky. With such a big snowstorm, you must not be able to go back to the farm."

Several other waiters saw that Director Zhou actually knew this little girl.

"Director Zhou, what's going on?"

Director Zhou told everyone what they had encountered at the train station that day, and the other waiters burst out laughing.

"You, you are very lucky. Our director Zhou is a kind-hearted person, known as Zhou Dashan."

"You didn't say earlier that you are looking for Director Zhou. If you want to say that you are looking for Director Zhou, then we will let you meet earlier."

"Director Zhou, this little girl said just now that she is in a place where she has nowhere to stay in the county town. She still doesn't know what to do in this snowstorm tonight!"

Aunt Liu is enthusiastic. Director Zhou's house is a separate small courtyard, and the housing conditions are better than theirs.

If they knew each other, at least they could take this girl back to live with her.

It can be regarded as settling down this little girl.

Upon hearing this, Director Zhou said, "You have no place to stay? Then go and live at my aunt's house. Although my house is not well-off, it's not as bad as you alone."

Everyone knew that Feng Huizhen had a place to stay, so they began to prepare to leave work.

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