Feng Gaihua has been waiting for good news, because she finally researched the communication system.

The system potion can not only kill someone silently, but also bring her points income.

And the point income can be exchanged for other items.

Feng Gaihua felt that she was about to reach the pinnacle of her life.

Those feelings of frustration that Feng Huizhen had seized the opportunity since her rebirth finally disappeared in an instant.

Who knows how long it has passed, since the letter was sent to the present, it is only one month in total.

What does it mean that the points that were originally increased are suddenly cleared to zero?It means that there was an accident with Liu Cuihua.

Feng Gaihua angrily hammered the bed sheet with his fist.

How come there are always accidents here?

She didn't know what happened, but something had to be brought up.

For example, she has to get to know Jiang Lei as soon as possible, and get to know the people she should know.

No matter how she asked the dog system, she couldn't find out why.

Can only move through her slowly groping.

Feng Gaihua is very confident, she has more than just the system.

The past life memories she has can help her do many things with half the effort, such as Jiang Lei.

Feng Gaihua tidied up specially.

The temperament of Jiang Lei's middle-aged man is already very fascinating, not to mention the current Jiang Lei is also considered handsome and charming.

Feng Gaihua recalled that she was brutally abused by Liu Zhiqiang in her previous life.

That man didn't leave any good memories for her, since she started over again in this life.

She must have a happy marriage with all the best things, and Jiang Lei is definitely the best candidate to help her get through that path.

It would be even better if she could marry Jiang Lei.

Feng Gaihua changed into the unique uniform of the art troupe, her long hair was combed into two braids, the red headband was very eye-catching, and she wore that hat on her head.

The black leather shoes on the feet were polished so that the silhouette of the figure could be seen.

Feng Gaihua went straight to the machinery factory.

I learned from the guard at the machinery factory that Jiang Lei was no longer in the machinery factory.

I heard that because Jiang Lei made a mistake, he went to the construction site of the Third Provincial Construction Company for labor reform.

Feng Gaihua stood here, dumbfounded.

How could there be such a big change?

She knows that many people will be treated differently because of their origin and family background.

Jiang Lei will definitely encounter this problem as well.

Jiang Lei's coming here is enough to prove this problem.

She wanted to borrow Jiang Lei's distressed state of mind in the predicament, soothe this trouble with feminine tenderness and understanding, and become Jiang Lei's goddess of the Chinese Communist Party's adversity.

After all, no one can know what will happen in the future, and she is the prophet.

Think about a young man who was the proud son of the sky, and was suddenly knocked off the clouds and trampled in the mud.

He was treated unfairly like a dog in the water, but a girl could never leave him and stay with him all the time.

Just thinking about it, even she was moved.

The problem is that I have thought about countless ways to meet and speak, but I didn't think of it at all.

Jiang Lei is gone.

Feng Gaihua returned to the art troupe with a dejected look on his face.

She didn't know what Jiang Lei suffered here in her previous life, but when Jiang Lei went to the construction site of the Third Provincial Construction Company, it was difficult to find someone, and the construction sites were often in other places.

And they are all remote places, often in poor mountains and bad waters, in the wilderness.

She is a girl in the art troupe, she can't go all the way to comfort others, and she can't comfort them.

Jiang Lei didn't know that because of Feng Huizhen's intervention, his situation in this life had changed a lot.

So much so that by mistake, he escaped Feng Gaihua'er's black hands.

Feng Huizhen was sitting at home happily eating together with her family. After her mother drank the Lingquan water, Feng Huizhen added several times to her mother's follow-up water.

She didn't quite know how her mother fell ill this time, and the doctor couldn't explain it clearly.

She is an ordinary person, and she can't explain it.

But there is no doubt about the role of the spiritual spring water. In his previous life, he used the spiritual spring water to do many things.

Heal others, even the so-called exorcism.

In Feng Huizhen's mind, space is the big killer in her hands.

If neither the spiritual spring water nor peaches in the space can do it, it is probably impossible to change fate against the sky in this world.

The naked eye can see that the mother's spirit has recovered to the same level as before.

Feng Huizhen specially made white noodle and egg lump soup for her mother. This was what her mother often made for her when she was young.

Now it was her turn to cook for her mother, who hadn't eaten for many days, had to start with liquid food first.

It's a pity that their family doesn't have much rice.

The grain harvest in their production team failed this year, and the little rice she left behind was replaced by coarse grains by her mother for all the white flour and rice.

Whoever makes the ratio of coarse and fine grains different, if you exchange them for coarse grains on the black market, it will last for a long time.

After she came back, she found out that it was about to be the last month of the autumn harvest, and it rained continuously for seven or eight days.

The wheat in the field has sprouted.

In short, this year's grain production reduction is already a certainty.

This is also the reason why my mother replaced fine grains with coarse grains.

Otherwise, we will not be able to eat next year's autumn harvest.

Hearing that Liu Cuihua woke up, people from the village came to visit her one after another.

Many people said that as expected, Liu Cuihua's little girl is a lucky star.

How many doctors can't see a bad disease.

Feng Huizhen woke up as soon as she came back.

With a smiling face, Feng Huizhen dealt with the villagers in the village for a day.

At night, he fell on his mother's kang and rolled around there shamelessly.

"Mom, what kind of lucky star am I?"

"Why aren't you a lucky star? You are our family's lucky star. Ever since your dad and I hugged... ever since your dad and I gave birth to you, our family's life has been better and better."

Liu Cuihua lightly stroked her daughter's black, soft and shiny black hair.

The thing about the kid going to the farm is just a nice thing to say.

But looking at the calluses on my daughter's hands, I know that the work there is not as easy and light as she said.

The child reported good news but not bad news.

"Mother, you can put it down, because I am your daughter, you can see me anywhere, in the eyes of outsiders, I am a bastard, since I have me, my father has passed away within two years.

When I was young, all the children in the village pointed at me and said I was a broom star. "

Feng Huizhen couldn't bear to tell the truth, she knew that her mother had been hiding her life experience.

"You are not a broom star. You are... Let's not talk about this topic in the future. How long can you stay at home this time? When will you go back?"

Liu Cuihua began to worry about her daughter leaving again, so she had to prepare something for her.

Feng Huizhen grinned like a mouse stealing oil, she took it out of her bag, and stuffed the money and food stamps into her mother's hand.

"Mother, this is the money I earned when I went to the farm. This is the first time I earned a salary of 120 yuan, and there are 50 catties of food stamps. Your daughter will be filial to you in the future. If there is no food in the family, you will be with other people's family. Change some food.

Don't be skimpy on food. Brothers and sisters are growing up, and they won't be able to work if they don't have enough to eat.As long as everyone is healthy and healthy than anything else. "

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