His originally thin body was now skinny.

His face was sallow, but there was black air between his eyebrows, and the shadows under his eyes were heavy.

Lying there with eyes closed, unconscious.

There was a slight sound in her mouth, and she leaned closer to hear it, and it really was her name.

"Hui Zhen, Hui Zhen!"

Even the name has been called so weakly.

Feng Huizhen's eyes turned red, the tip of her nose was sour, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mother, mother, I'm Huizhen, I'm back, mother."

Liu Cuihua didn't wake up, but she seemed to sense her daughter's presence.

The name whispered in his mouth gradually disappeared.

Feng Huizhen touched Liu Cuihua's forehead, but she didn't have a fever.

He turned to ask his sister.

"Sister, Mom, what's going on in this situation?"

Feng Huiru wiped away her tears and sighed deeply.

"Sent to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that our mother is in the current situation, and they can't say that the physical examination is not good. There is nothing wrong with all the indicators, but the person is still unconscious.

Mom won't eat or drink, so we can only try to pour some soup into her.But going on like this is not an option. "

Feng Huizhen was surprised.

A good person, the hospital can't find any problems, it's not the kidney disease she thinks.

As long as it is not kidney disease, it is not the old way of the previous life, but an unexpected situation.

It's not okay to be so unconscious all the time!

Feng Huizhen turned around and went to the kitchen, took a bowl and poured a bowl of warm water.

Quietly put the spiritual spring water in, this time put two drops.

Drink the spirit spring water first, and if the spirit spring water does not respond to mother, then find a way to find a peach from the peach tree.

This was the only way she could think of, not even doctors could do anything about it.

Only this supernatural ability can be used.

Use a small spoon to feed water into Liu Cuihua's mouth little by little.

Seeing that Liu Cuihua did not react after drinking the water, Feng Huizhen was not in a hurry and had to wait to see the reaction.

At this time the three brothers came in.

Feng Zhiyuan saw a smile on Feng Huizhen's face, but he glanced at his mother lying motionless on the bed.

The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and the lively, cheerful and joking third brother also became calm.

"Huizhen, you are finally back."

The brothers and sisters met again, but they were speechless to each other. The mother was seriously ill, and everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

The elder brother Feng Zhiqiang patted his younger sister on the shoulder, and it was the younger sister that the mother was thinking of.

"You are here with our mother. If my mother wakes up, I hope I can see you when I open my eyes. If my mother..."

They have been to the county hospital several times, and the doctor in the county also said that they have never encountered such a situation.

Let the family members come back to be mentally prepared.

That's why they brought Liu Cuihua home.

People in the village pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots, even if they die, they must die in their own homes.

Feng Huizhen shook her head firmly.

"Brother, mom will be fine, don't worry, I promise my mom will be fine."

Feng Zhiqiang sighed, and took the three brothers to the yard to sort out the firewood they had collected.

The days have to go on, there is no shortage of firewood at home, and the mother's condition worries everyone.

Feng Huiru went to the kitchen to cook.

Feng Huizhen stayed beside her mother, fetched a basin of warm water, and gently wiped her body with a towel.

While wiping, talk to mother gently.

"Mother, I'm back, don't you want to see your little daughter? If you don't wake up, I'll be angry. I came back from such a long distance. If you don't want to see me, I'll come back tomorrow." just go."

These words were half coquettish, half threatening, and Liu Cuihua's little finger twitched as she was lying there quietly.

Feng Huizhen didn't see it, and continued to wipe her mother.

"I want to eat your hand-rolled noodles. I especially want to eat your hand-rolled noodles. It makes my mouth water.

Is there enough food for our family this year?Mom, don't you want to know what I did on the farm?

Let me tell you that your daughter is very capable. I can not only pickle pickles, but also cook a lot of delicious food.

Let me tell you that I also learned to drive a car and drive an excavator there.I worked on the construction site for more than two months, and I earned more than 100 yuan!

Your daughter is very capable and has earned money and food stamps, so I will bring them back to you.Mother, wake up quickly!You also enjoy the blessing of your daughter. "

Trembling and dry fingers landed on Feng Huizhen's wrist.

Feng Huizhen suddenly froze on the spot, looking at her mother's flickering eyes, and called out emotionally.

"Mother! Mother! I'm Huizhen!"

The mother's closed eyelids finally opened.

The eyes of mother and daughter met.

Liu Cuihua's mouth curled into a trembling smile.

"Stupid... child! Mom, I still... have to make... hand-rolled noodles for you."

Feng Huizhen hugged her mother tightly.

"Mom, you finally woke up, you scared me to death."

The four people outside the house rushed into the house when they heard the sound, but saw the mother's eyes opened.

The four wept with joy.

"Mom, it's good that you're awake."

At the same time, Feng Gaihua, who was far away in the dormitory of the Art Troupe in the Northwest County, suddenly felt a change in his mind.

"Remind the host that the item has failed to be used, and the corresponding points will be deducted."

Feng Gaihua entered her system page with consciousness in surprise, only to see that the points that had been obtained because of Liu Cuihua's coma were instantly cleared.

Feng Gaihua sat on the bed in a daze thinking about what was going on.

Liu Cuihua's indiscriminate disaster this time was indeed related to Feng Gaihua.

Feng Gaihua can be regarded as a person who has a chance. To be able to be reborn must be due to a lot of luck in her body.

When Feng Gaihua went to sleep on the first night when she arrived in the county, she heard a mechanical voice reminding her.

"Find a [-]% compatible host, may I ask if the host allows binding?"

Feng Gaihua was ignorant and agreed to the system binding request.

In the next few days, she groped for a long time before she figured out what was going on with this system.

In short, it is to complete certain tasks and get points, which can be exchanged for what you want in the mall.

The shopping mall has a complete range of things, and you can get what you want.

The most surprising thing is that there are many magical things in it.

What Feng Gaihua never forgets is that Liu Cuihua is an unstable factor.

As long as Liu Cuihua exists, Feng Huizhen's life experience will be easily exposed.

Liu Cuihua was the only insider. The children of the Feng family only knew that Feng Huizhen was not the biological child of the Feng family, but it was impossible to know who the child was.

In her previous life, Liu Cuihua died early at this moment, but Feng Gaihua wrote letters to her family several times, and the news he got was that Liu Cuihua was alive and well, and there was nothing wrong with her.

In desperation, Feng Gaihua felt that this was a golden finger sent to her by God.

After completing the initial novice task, I got points and exchanged for a bottle of potion.

The function of the potion is to make people unconscious, but the body does not respond.

Prolonged unconsciousness can cause a person's entire organism to become debilitated and exhausted.

Silently, and finally died.

She wrote a letter to Liu Cuihua, and dripped these medicines on the letter paper inside.

With Liu Cuihua's personality, seeing the inscription on this letter, she would definitely not give this letter to others casually.

After receiving this letter, Liu Cuihua will die.

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