"You don't need it, you don't need it. I'm at home with your brothers and sisters. Our family has enough food to eat, so how can we use your subsidy? You are away from home, and the poor family is rich. Keep the money and food stamps with you, just in case It can help if something happens.”

Liu Cuihua didn't accept anything.

"Mom, if you want to be so polite to me again, I will get angry. I am your daughter, and I live a good life on the farm. Let me tell you that I won the prize this time, so the county specially rewarded me with 100 catties of white flour, 100 catties of rice.

Take a look, this is 200 catties of fine grain. If I replace it with coarse grain, then at least I have more than 400 catties of grain in my hand.

Plus the food that the production team distributed to me, that is five to six hundred catties of food.

Did you say I can eat it by myself?I'm afraid I won't be able to finish eating so much food even if I eat big steamed buns every now and then.

I told you to keep the money and food stamps at home. If you don’t accept them, don’t you consider me a part of the family? "

Liu Cuihua's eyes were hot. When the child was young, when he came home, he was so small, like a kitten.

It was she who used a small spoon to feed the big ones bit by bit with rice soup.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the child grew up.

Just grow into an adult.

And he is such a filial child.

"You can't keep all of it for mom. You divide half of the money, you take half, and leave half of the assembly for the family."

Feng Huizhen turned her head and got into the bed, sulking on her side.

This is a typical posture of Feng Huizhen when she is angry. Liu Cuihua was amused by her daughter, and hurriedly coaxed her to say it.

"All right, mother agrees, all of them will stay, that's not enough."

Only then did Feng Huizhen turn around and show a mean smile.

"Mother, I told you before that I will definitely let you live a good life in the future. Where is this going? I just started, and you are waiting to enjoy my blessing."

"Okay! Mother is waiting to think about your blessings. But you have to take it easy when you work on the farm, and your hands, look how many blisters this cocoon has to wear?"

Liu Cuihua broke her daughter's hand and touched the calluses on it, tears could not help but glisten in her eyes.

"Mother, don't cry, why are you almost becoming Lin Daiyu now?"

"Who is Lin Daiyu? How did I become her?"

"Okay, okay! I won't say anything, I said you don't know. Mom, I will stay at home for a few more days this time, and I don't know when I want to come back next time."

Feng Huizhen lifted her mother's quilt, got into her mother's bed, leaned on her mother's arms, touched her bony mother, her eyes were a little red.

"Mom, I'll sleep with you tonight."

Liu Cuihua stroked the child's hair, she didn't expect that the child really changed after going to the farm for a few months.

Grows a lot.

At least that dry, yellowish hair is now black and thick.

It feels as smooth as a batch of satin.

"Okay, sleep with mother tonight."

A good night's dream.

Before Feng Huizhen got up early the next morning, there was already a knock on the door of their house.

"Liu Cuihua, Liu Cuihua, open the door quickly, there are guests at your house."

Feng Cuihuaer hurriedly got up.

Feng Zhiqiang had already put on his coat, and hurried out to open the door.

"Uncle village chief, who is this?"

Seeing the car parked outside the door, Feng Zhiqiang felt that his brain was not enough.

Can the car stop at their house?

"You silly boy, what they said was looking for someone from your family. Don't talk about other things first, greet the guests quickly, and enter the room first."

Feng Zhiqiang quickly gathered his clothes together, but he didn't even have time to button them.

"Comrade, let's invite you to the room first, there are guests."

His mother is weak now and can't stand up yet, even if guests come, they can only greet them.

Liu Cuihua'er had already sat up from the kang and pushed her daughter, the room where they entertain guests is in her main room.

"Huizhen, get up quickly, someone is coming."

Feng Huizhen rolled over in her mother's arms and slept with her mother in the same bed last night.

Truly the best night's sleep ever, didn't even have a dream.

"Who is it? It's so cold and you come so early in the morning."

But even if you are lazy, you have to get up.

As soon as I put on my clothes, I heard the sound of lifting the door curtain.

"Xiao Feng, grandma came to see you specially."

Hearing the sound, Feng Huizhen jumped in fright, hurriedly buttoned it up, brushed her hair like a chicken coop and rushed out.

Sure enough, standing at the door was the old lady I met on the train, Jiang Lei's grandmother.

The old lady obviously realized that she was disturbing people and had come too early.

So that everyone didn't get up.

So standing at the door with Factory Manager Feng and people not coming in, it was obviously to give them time to clean up.

Besides Director Feng, the old lady had her own godmother beside her.

"Old lady, why are you here? Come here, everyone, please come in! Godmother, why are you here so early in the morning?"

The inner room where they slept was hung with curtains, but the main room outside where guests were entertained could still be entered.

Several people entered the room, and Mother Liu took Feng Huizhen's hand.

"When I went out early this morning, I didn't know until I met Director Feng that you had come back. I thought about such a big incident in your family, why didn't anyone send me a letter?

Afraid of needing help at home, I hurriedly followed Director Feng over here, how is your mother doing now?I heard it's not very good, or send it to the county? "

This godmother loves Feng Huizhen wholeheartedly.

"Hey, the godmother didn't buy anything for a while, only malted milk and milk powder can nourish your mother.

I heard that your mother is unconscious and these things can be fed. "

The worry on the godmother's face made Feng Huizhen's eyes a little red.

It is a kind of happiness to be so concerned and worried by people.

"By the way, I also heard that your mother is very ill. What if it's really not possible? We have a car outside, and now we can take the county hospital, even if we go to the city, there is still time."

The old lady chimed in too.

When I went back yesterday, the old lady chatted with her son about Feng Huizhen's care for an old lady she had never met along the way, as well as the child's character and disposition.

In the end, it didn't come to fruition, as they chatted and heard from their son, Feng Huizhen was actually a couple with her grandson.

The old lady came all the way here just to see her grandson.

Jiang Lei has already gone to a small county in the northwest, and no one has told the old lady.

Just saying that Jiang Lei will not go back to celebrate the New Year this year, the old lady is in a hurry.

Her grandson was raised by her alone.

Among all the children, the old lady loves Jiang Lei the most.

I heard that my grandson would not go back to celebrate the New Year, and wanted to make phone calls and write letters, but the family insisted on stopping him.

The old lady realized that it was not good, so she secretly bought the ticket by herself and rushed over.

The old lady had cold legs on the road and suffered from arthritis, thanks to Feng Huizhen's care along the way.

Unexpectedly, Feng Huizhen turned out to be the girl her grandson fell in love with.

Although I whispered in my heart, this girl is still young, so she shouldn't be.

However, she believed in Feng Huizhen's character, and it would be good if the two children really got married in a few years.

Such a granddaughter-in-law is kind-hearted and decisive, she thinks it is very good.

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