Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 124 Jiang Lei's Grandma

The girl's face was flushed by Feng Huizhen's words, obviously she didn't know that what she said just now was a bit vexatious.

It is one thing to know, but it is another thing to always think that Feng Huizhen, a country girl, will never resist.

Mainly when they are away from home, there is an indescribable sense of superiority between city dwellers and country dwellers.

But she never expected that the village girl in front of her would refuse, and she refused so resolutely.

Xiao Mei's face turned red.

"If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. You think I'm rare to buy yours, and you don't want to earn my money to bring you down."

Picking up the few banknotes he just dropped from the ground, he took off his shoes indignantly, and climbed onto the upper bunk.

In shame and anger, he bumped his head against the top of the upper bunk.

Xiao Mei covered her head with her hands.Lying on the top bunk, lying sideways under the quilt, there was a whimpering sound.

It's a pity that the carriages are full of strangers, and no one will coax her.

The old lady looked at Feng Huizhen with a smile.

"Girl, you have a straightforward temper, and you are not afraid of offending others."

Feng Huizhen glanced at the upper bunk with a smile, and heard the other party's cry, but unfortunately she didn't feel any psychological burden at all.

Can't cry because of you, you are weak.

"Old lady, do me a favor, look at these things for me, I'll get some hot water."

Feng Huizhen pointed to her coat and scarf.

Pick up the thermos on the ground and walk quickly to the compartment of the train to fetch water.

She didn't want to cause such disputes at all when she was away from home, but people are so kind and bullied.

If the other party told her well, Feng Huizhen would actually agree, but the other party's attitude was unbearable.

He brought back boiling water and added hot water to the old lady's tea mug.

Only now did Feng Huizhen feel hungry and hungry.

Because I was in a hurry and didn't bring anything, I only had the letter of introduction for going out in that satchel.

But there is a purse and everything is fine.

Feng Huizhen pretended to take out a tea mug and some big white steamed buns from her purse.

These things were taken out from the space, and some pickles and tea eggs were also taken.

Break open the steamed bun, put pickles and eggs in it, and seeing the envious eyes of the old lady, I couldn't help passing one over.

"Old lady, if you don't dislike it, try it?"

The old lady actually nodded, put down the newspaper in her hand, and took it with her hand.

One bite, it tastes sweet.

"It's delicious and fragrant, girl, I brought some big pancakes, you can try mine too."

The old lady also took out the pancakes and steamed buns wrapped in oil paper from her bag, which were still warm.

"Okay, old lady, I'll try your pancake."

Feng Huizhen was also polite, and reached out to take a piece of pie.

It tastes delicious with pickles.

In case the old lady felt a little uneasy after eating her steamed buns and pickles.

"Girl, I'm old and my legs and feet are bad. Can you do me a favor? Take out my shoes for me."

As soon as the old lady opened her mouth, Feng Huizhen naturally wanted to help her take out the pair of shoes from under the old lady's seat, which turned out to be a pair of soft-soled leather shoes.

The old man lifted the quilt and Feng Huizhen saw that the old man's legs were slightly deformed.

It seems that this is a very serious rheumatism.

Feng Huizhen hurriedly put down the things in her hand, wiped her hands and helped the old lady put on her shoes.

"Old lady, are you going to the toilet? Let me help you go."

The old man nodded.

"Girl, thank you very much."

"You're welcome. When you're out of the house, you still have to help. Why are you alone?"

When Feng Huizhen asked this sentence, she felt that something was wrong, it was related to a person's privacy.

It must be a last resort for the old lady to go out alone at such an advanced age and in poor health.

The old man did not speak, and Feng Huizhen did not continue to ask.

Feng Huizhen helped the old man to the toilet.

After a while, help the old man back.

Seeing that Feng Huizhen is so considerate, the old man and Feng Huizhen hit it off.

Feng Huizhen took care of the old lady along the way, and she really became a pair of friends who forget the years.

Not to mention that the old lady's foothold is also their county seat.

Feng Huizhen helped the old lady out of the station, but saw a tall figure walking quickly from a distance.

"Mom, why are you here? You came so far away by yourself, do you know that my dad was scared to death? He called me specially, and I ran to the train station every day for the past two days.

Fear of missing your train. "

Feng Huizhen was a little startled, isn't the person in front of her eyes Director Feng?

"Director Feng?"

Factory Manager Feng supported the old lady, only then did he realize that the girl next to the old lady seemed familiar.

"Who are you? Oh, you're a temporary worker in a noodle factory, what's your name?"

After thinking for a long time, I finally brought Feng Huizhen out of my memory, but unfortunately I didn't remember the name.

"Hello, Director Feng, my name is Feng Huizhen. Old lady, since someone is here to pick you up, I'll go first. I have something to go back to the village."

Feng Huizhen was also worried that no one would pick up the old lady. With the old lady's legs, she really couldn't let her go.

Now she can't take care of getting close to Director Feng, so she has to go home quickly.

What's more important is that this amiable and humorous old man in her mind is actually Jiang Lei... grandma!

The old lady shook Feng Huizhen's hand and said.

"Give me a letter when you get home. If your mother is not in good health, she will be sent to the county. Don't worry, the dean of the county hospital and my son are old friends. They will definitely be able to talk."

Feng Huizhen waved at the old lady.

"Thank you, old lady, then I'll go first."

Did not walk back, took the shuttle bus back.

Feng Huizhen breathed a sigh of relief as she sat on the bus, she never thought that the amiable old lady in front of her was actually Jiang Lei's grandma.

It's really fate.

But when I think of my mother, my heart is still very heavy, and the bus is on the way to the entrance of the village.

Feng Huizhen jumped down and ran directly to the village.

As soon as they entered the village, someone had already seen Feng Huizhen and hurriedly greeted her.

"Huizhen, hurry home, your mother has been ill for a long time."

Feng Huizhen almost rushed into the house.

The yard looked bleak.

It was deserted, with dust and snow all over the floor, and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned up for a long time.

He opened the curtain of the mother's room and rushed in.

But he saw that the room was quiet and Feng Huiru was sitting on the bedside.

The three brothers were not in the house.

Hearing the wind, Feng Huiru turned her head, and when she saw Feng Huizhen, tears burst out.

Said to her softly.

"Huizhen, come quickly. Our mother has been ill for more than half a month, getting sicker every day. We went to the county hospital for an examination, but we couldn't find out why. Our mother is confused now, just talking like this Calling your name all day long.

There is no way, so we asked the party secretary to call you. "

Feng Huizhen took off her coat and rushed to her mother, gently stroking her cheek.

I haven't seen her for a few months, and my mother looks a little scary now.

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