Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 121 Your mother is seriously ill

The work on the construction site was over, and Feng Huizhen and the others took the truck back to the educated youth spot for the last time.

But among the educated youths, there are already several people missing.

Wang Shun, Zhai Wei, and the other five male educated youths have been transferred to the Third Provincial Construction Company and become members of Jiang Lei's maintenance team.

He is also a legitimate maintenance worker of the Third Provincial Construction Company.

They had brought the luggage to the construction site a month earlier.

Because the Third Provincial Construction Company will arrange dormitories for them, and when the project is over, they will follow the engineering team back to the county to work.

In the follow-up, someone will arrange life care for them.

One month in advance, they had already bid farewell to everyone.

The five of them were educated youths, whom everyone envied.

Sitting on the truck on the way back, none of the female educated youths spoke.

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun had the opportunity to directly have a driver's quota, but since they knew that Feng Huizhen had not agreed, they went to the construction site to drive the excavator.

The two of them categorically rejected this easily available quota.

In Meng Xianbin's eyes, both of them are fools like Feng Huizhen.

He wants this spot, if you don't want it, give it to him!

It's a pity that although these two people refused the driver's seat, no matter how he went around in front of Section Chief Liu and how he tried to curry favor with Section Chief Liu.

They didn't even intend to give him this quota, and now he followed these people back to the educated youth spot in desperation.

Meng Xianbin felt sour and astringent, jealous and envious.

Those who want will never get it.

Some people have it at their fingertips, but they don't want it yet.

Li Xiaoyu was thousands of miles away from them, neither by Feng Huizhen's side nor by Meng Xianbin's.

Li Xiaoyu has become more and more silent recently, as if she has become a gourd with its mouth sawn.

Everyone got out of the car at the educated youth point. Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun helped Feng Huizhen carry the bag of noodles and rice back.

This is special care for Feng Huizhen on the construction site, and it is to reward Feng Huizhen's contributions to everyone.

A 100-jin bag of flour and a 100-jin bag of rice.

This thing is more precious than gold.

The two happily carried these things into the cave.

It wasn't until the three of them rested that they realized that they had suddenly calmed down.

The nine people who had a lively meal together turned into eight people, and five people left, and now they are three people.

I can't help but feel a little sad.

The atmosphere of the educated youth also became unusually quiet.

Li Min and He Xiaohui couldn't win over Li Xiaoyu, so they started to treat Li Xiaoyu coldly.

The two of them were isolated from Li Xiaoyu in the cave, and they didn't talk to Li Xiaoyu when they went in and out.

Li Xiaoyu didn't seem to have any embarrassment about this situation.

He still does his own thing, and seems to enjoy the life of a lone ranger.

The other male educated youths were very depressed.

Everyone went to the countryside to jump in line together.

Zhai Wei, Wang Shun and the others suddenly leaped into the dragon's gate and became workers from then on, but they still had to deal with dirt bumps in the future.

Think of what it was like working the fields in those days.

Think again about Zhai Wei, after Wang Shun and the others, they will be workers who live in dormitories and eat in the cafeteria.

Can this day be better?

Guo Yaozong also secretly regretted these two days. If he had known earlier, he would not have fallen out with Feng Huizhen and the others.

At worst, they would also join Feng Huizhen together. If they knew that following Feng Huizhen, they would be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

Who wants to fight against Feng Huizhen?

It's just a little girl, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't hinder them.

Maybe now, like Zhai Wei and the others, he has become a worker.

But no matter what everyone's mental state is like, the entire educated youth spot has ushered in the first snow of winter.

The sky was gloomy, with large flakes of snow mixed with the whistling north wind.

There seems to be only snowflakes floating between the sky and the earth.

The earth was covered with snow, and the entire educated youth spot was also covered with heavy snow.

The educated youths all hid in cave dwellings.

Feng Huizhen, Zhang Xiuyun, and Liu Xuemei were sitting cross-legged on the kang.

The kang was burning hot.

Feng Huizhen got up early in the morning, took some of the raw chestnuts they collected last time, and fried them over the fire.

In such a cold weather, sitting on the hot kang, eating warm fried chestnuts.

It just felt like the pinnacle of my life.

The only regret is that there are only three of them left now.

But there are differences in life.

Fortunately, their lives will go on.

It was snowing heavily, and almost no one went out at this time, but unexpectedly, someone knocked on their door despite the wind and snow.

When they heard the knock on the door, all three of them were startled. Feng Huizhen hurriedly opened the door, and the curtain was rolled up by the wind and snow outside.

The cold wind flew in directly wrapped in snow.

Feng Huizhen saw Wang Dazhuang, the production team leader who had opened the curtain and crept in.

Wang Dazhuang wore a cotton hat covering his ears and a cotton coat wrapped around his body, making him look like a snowman.

The exposed nose and mouth are covered with snowflakes.

"Captain, what's wrong? You sit down!"

Feng Huizhen hurriedly closed the door, keeping the cold wind and heavy snow out.

Wang Dazhuang patted the snowflakes on his body.

"Feng Huizhen, hurry up and pack your things. I'll take you to the county seat. The letter of introduction has been opened for you. Your mother called and your mother is seriously ill."

Wang Dazhuang looked at Feng Huizhen sympathetically.

Feng Huizhen stood there for a long while, but she didn't react, she blinked her eyes and looked suspiciously.

"Captain Wang, Captain, what are you talking about? Impossible."

Wang Dazhuang also knew that when most people heard the news, they probably couldn't stand it.

This is a phone call from Feng Huizhen and the branch secretary of their brigade, so it is definitely impossible to fake it.

Thanks to Maodong, they couldn't let Feng Huizhen go if it was in time for the autumn harvest.

These are all regulated, and educated youths cannot casually go back to the city to visit relatives.

Now that Maodong is taking advantage of the heavy snow before the road is blocked, Feng Huizhen can still go back.

"The branch secretary of your village called me. Your mother is seriously ill. I want you to go back quickly and see your mother for the last time."

Feng Huizhen plopped and fell to the ground.

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun hurriedly jumped off the Kang and helped Feng Huizhen onto Kang Yan'er.

Zhang Xiuyun shook Feng Huizhen,

"Huizhen, wake up, calm down, this is not the time to be sad, you have to go back first."

Feng Huizhen reacted abruptly, and stood up in confusion.

Pulling out his cotton coat from the cabinet, this military coat was brought to her by her godmother.

Wrap in a military coat, scarf, hat.

Carrying a small bag, nothing else.

Everything else is in the space, she has nothing to take.

"Go, the carriage is outside, and I'll take you to the county."

Wang Dazhuang and Feng Huizhen braved the wind and snow, and the two of them wrapped their clothes tightly and got into the carriage.

On such a snowy day, if such a big event hadn't happened, Wang Dazhuang would definitely not be able to go out.

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