Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 120 The Light of Ideals

"Xiao Feng, you are here. Sit down, sit down, don't be polite, don't be so polite with me, and treat me as your elder."

Director Zhang greeted Feng Huizhen to sit in the chair at hand.

"Director, what do you want from me? I've never been polite to you, and I treat you as my uncle."

Feng Huizhen has always been the best at using it to hit snakes with sticks.

The hippie smile on her face made Director Zhang happy, this girl really didn't treat herself as an outsider.

"I came here this time because the work on our construction site has come to an end, and winter is coming soon. These tasks for you educated youths have been completed.

I want to ask if you are interested in staying in Jiansan Company in our province? "

Director Zhang has been thinking about this girl, even though she is a girl, she is young.

But the girl is very clever, and she can do whatever she wants.

It's a pity for such a talent to let her stay in the village to farm.

Drive the hand of the excavator to plan food in the loess.

Director Zhang was afraid that he would be struck by lightning.

Feng Huizhen froze for a moment.

It's not that you don't want to be a worker, everyone wants to be a worker.

But being a worker is not something that can be said casually.

It involves food relations and work relations.

"Director, what do you mean?"

Section Chief Liu hastily pushed her, why is Feng Huizhen so stupid?

You usually look very smart and clever, but you still don't understand the meaning of the director's words?

Hurry up and agree!

"The director means that you are very skilled in driving excavators, and I want to keep you in our Provincial Construction No. [-] Company to develop excavators. I will give you a place as an excavator driver."

Director Zhang smiled and remained silent.

Feng Huizhen was really stunned this time.

This is a dilemma.

As a driver of an excavator, she may spend her whole life working with excavators on the construction site.

In the next few decades, a state-owned enterprise like the Third Provincial Construction Company will develop better and better.

Huaguo's infrastructure will become the most advanced technology in the world in the future, known as the infrastructure madman.

It is conceivable that this profession will probably never be unemployed for a lifetime.

The problem is that Feng Huizhen is not prepared to drive an excavator for the rest of her life.

The director of her studies is not here. In order to earn a job, she will drive an excavator for the rest of her life?

Feng Huizhen chose to shake her head.

Section Chief Liu next to him was sweating all over.

"Director, this girl is so happy that she shook her head from nodding her head."

Director Zhang waved his hand and signaled to Section Chief Liu.

"Don't talk, this girl has her own ideas. I want to listen to her ideas. You can't replace her. "

Chief Liu impatiently kicked Feng Huizhen's foot.

Tell Feng Huizhen not to make mistakes.

How many people break their heads this year and want to have a job.

Especially for excavator drivers, the salary is much higher than that of ordinary workers.

The corners of Feng Huizhen's mouth curled up into a smile, the lovely Section Chief Liu, I was heartbroken because of her.

"Director Zhang, what I mean is that I don't want to stay with us to drive an excavator. To tell you the truth, I can drive an excavator, but I can drive an excavator as long as I learn for a while and get familiar with it.

What I like is not driving an excavator. If I have to drive an excavator for the rest of my life, I may really not be able to do it.A job without enthusiasm for work can only simply become a means of earning a living.

Director, what I want to do is that job that can make me devote my enthusiasm to it and make me fight for it all my life. "

Chief Liu simply turned his face away, he really didn't see it.

The girl is still too young to know the hardships of life at all.

How can there be so many ideals?

Eat a full stomach as the criterion.

Director Zhang's eyes showed appreciation instead.

"Xiao Feng, you can say what you said today. I am right on the contrary. You appreciate it more. Few people can make this kind of choice. Most people are forced by the pressure of life. In order to survive, they choose the simplest choice for themselves. a way.

Although the path you chose is difficult, I believe you can go further in the future. "

"Director, why are you messing around with this girl?"

Chief Liu was a little out of breath.

"Director Zhang, thank you for your understanding and support."

"Feng Huizhen, if you encounter any difficulties in life or on your ideal path in the future, you can come to me for help. My elder is really your elder.

As long as I, an old man, can still talk.If you can still help, I will definitely be happy. "

It is a great recognition to be so appreciated by Director Zhang.

It is also one of the important connections Feng Huizhen has gained since her rebirth.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang..."

He changed his mouth very quickly.

Seeing the sly look in the little girl's eyes, Director Zhang laughed loudly, "I am your Uncle Zhang, well, you can go back."

Feng Huizhen made a face at Section Chief Liu, turned and left Director Zhang's tent.

Chief Liu wanted to chase, but was stopped by Director Zhang

"Stop messing around, this kid has an idea. Don't look at this girl who is smiling, talking nonsense when seeing people, and talking nonsense when seeing water ghosts. She looks like a soft-spoken and kind person.

But this girl has a good idea.We have all been young too, and we can make wise choices at such a young age without tending to the pressure of the surrounding environment.

We should help these juniors.Instead of making them compromise, tend to the pressure of reality. "

"Director Zhang, since you are so optimistic about this girl, you should know that the path this girl chose is a very difficult path. What kind of environment is this? Where is she allowed to talk about her ideals and pursuits?"

"I'm afraid that she'll have a bloody head when she meets her. A girl who looks very smart and capable, why is her mind full of water?"

Director Zhang patted Chief Liu on the shoulder.

"You! Don't use the same old things to restrain young people, that is, they use young people. Only then can they be motivated and motivated.

If you think about Xiao Jiang, if we hadn't discovered Xiao Jiang's ability and adopted Xiao Jiang bravely, then this talent would be buried now.

If you really follow what you say, Xiaojiang's family should honestly work in the machinery factory, sweeping the road.It's good to be a porter, at least you don't have to take any risks. "

"Okay, okay, Director, I'm just worried about that girl."

"It's okay to be worried. This girl's head was broken, didn't she still have us behind her? As elders, we have to take care of the younger generation."

Director Zhang's words completely brought Feng Huizhen under his wing.

This is a promise to protect Feng Huizhen.

Chief Liu could only sigh helplessly, what can he do?

The little girl chose this way, and the director agreed.

It seems that he needs to have a good talk with Wang Dazhuang.

Hey, didn't this cause him so much trouble?

If he went directly to Provincial Construction No. [-] Company and worked under him, how could he not be able to protect people!

He still has to use his brain like now.

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