Feng Huizhen seemed to be mute along the way, not saying a word.

Mainly she was upset.

In her previous life, her mother was diagnosed with severe kidney disease at this moment.

Mother died not long after struggling.

What Feng Huizhen couldn't understand was.

No, when she was about to leave, she had given her mother, brother, and sister all ate her peaches and drank her spiritual spring water from the space.

Needless to say, the quality of the finished products in the space is absolutely reliable.

After eating peaches, as long as one breathes, it can definitely bring people back to life.

Not to mention that the mother is nothing but kidney disease.

She's been gone for only a few months.

Feng Huizhen was flustered. She was worried that after her rebirth, some things would follow the same trajectory as in her previous life.

She may have changed some, but can some of them be changed by manpower?

If that's the case, what's the use of her coming back?

Amid all kinds of speculation, worry and fear, Feng Huizhen came to the train station, and Wang Dazhuang could only send her here.

Feng Huizhen rushed into the train station with a letter of introduction in a hurry, trying to buy a return train ticket.

Fortunately, the weather was bad, fewer people went out, and fewer people bought tickets. After queuing for a long time, it was Feng Huizhen's turn.

Who knew that when it was her turn, there were no tickets left.

Feng Huizhen was so anxious that she begged the conductor at the window.

"Comrade, I beg you, please help me find a way. My mother is seriously ill, and she is just waiting to see me for the last time. Please help me."

"Comrade, please."

The conductor felt sympathetic when he saw his begging, but he could only tell her regretfully.

"Comrade, I'm sorry, there are really no tickets, and there is nothing we can do. Otherwise, let me tell you, you can go to the ticket refund window to have a look.

There will be another two hours, and the train you want to take will leave.

If there are ticket refunds, maybe you can catch up now, so go there and inquire. "

This is only out of kindness to tell her that generally, even if there is a refund, you have to retreat into the train station, and it is impossible to refund it to an individual.

Thanks a lot, Feng Huizhen hurried to the ticket refund window, where she saw a long queue, apparently someone was refunding tickets.

Feng Huizhen inquired one by one, and sure enough, when she asked a middle-aged woman with curly hair, the other party had the train ticket she wanted.

"Comrade, can you sell me your train ticket?"

As soon as he finished saying this, a train station worker with a red armband rushed up and grabbed Feng Huizhen's arm.

"Well, you ticket dealer, you dare to do this under our noses in broad daylight. We have been waiting for several days and finally caught you."

Feng Huizhen struggled desperately, "Comrade, comrade, you are mistaken, I am not a ticket dealer. I have a letter of introduction, my mother is seriously ill, and I can't buy a ticket. I just came here to see if anyone refunded the ticket.

Comrade, I have a letter of introduction. "

Feng Huizhen was very strong, coupled with some skills, she broke free from the restraint of the two staff members, and took out the letter of introduction from her bag.

"Don't quibble here, who among you ticket dealers can admit that you are a ticket dealer?"

"If you have anything to say, tell us at the police station before the station."

"Don't think you can fool us. We've seen a lot of people like you. You say it very pitifully, and you sell train tickets at a high price. Do you know what it's called? It's called speculation."

"Don't listen to her, send her to the police station first."

The two staff members talked to themselves, completely ignoring the introduction letter in Feng Huizhen's hand.

The middle-aged woman who was held back by Feng Huizhen spoke first.

"Comrades, comrades, listen to me, I'm not a ticket dealer, I'm just here to refund tickets.

I don't think the girl looks like a speculator, otherwise, let's take a look at the letter of introduction.

What if you are mistaken?I looked at the little girl very anxiously. If it is really a family member who is seriously ill, then it is really understandable. "

"Comrade, don't believe her, let me tell you that the ticket sellers in front of the train station are all pretending to be very pitiful.

When I tell others, I often say that I have an 80-year-old mother on my side and a three-year-old child waiting to be fed.Otherwise, how can I trick you into selling tickets to them? "

"We've seen this a lot. You say you're a little girl, and you insist on doing this kind of thing."

"Just wait for the New Year in the police station."

Feng Huizhen was really in a hurry, she couldn't entangle with the staff in front of the station.

Just now the conductor said that the next train will drive in two hours, and it has been a long time, and it has been more than an hour.

Maybe that train has started checking tickets now.

Wait a little longer. This train must be delayed.

But beating people is definitely not an option. If she dares to do something today, then she must go to the police station in front of the station.

Even if the misunderstanding is resolved, she will not be able to leave today.

"Two comrades, even if you don't believe me, you should take a look at the letter of introduction. There is always time. I can't even make the letter of introduction a fake, right?

Really, you can tell by my age that I am an educated youth from the countryside.

I have only been here for half a year.As a result, the production team leader came to me today and said that our village branch secretary called and my mother was seriously ill to see me for the last time.

I beg you, please, comrades, can you just take a look?

Just look at the letter of introduction and you'll understand what's going on. "

The staff of the two stations looked at each other a little bit, and they were also a little bit uncertain whether the girl in front of them was a ticket dealer, mainly because it seemed that the girl was really pitiful now.

Everyone has compassion.

Just when they were hesitating, the middle-aged woman spoke again.

"Comrade, take a look at the letter of introduction. I don't think this girl is lying."

Feng Huizhen hurriedly handed the letter of introduction to the two comrades gratefully, and the two comrades unfolded the letter of introduction and took a look.

Check it carefully from top to bottom.

Others can be faked, but the official seal cannot be faked.

There are not many people who can engrave radish chapters these days.

The two couldn't help apologizing.

Return the letter of introduction to Feng Huizhen.

"Little comrade, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. When we saw you there just now, we asked people if they wanted a refund, and wanted to buy their tickets. We misunderstood, we misunderstood."

Feng Huizhen received the letter of introduction and was very grateful.

The two staff members also wanted to atone for their crimes. They glanced at the watches on their wrists, and their faces changed.

"Little comrade, the train will leave in 15 minutes."

The two of them mainly felt that it was because they wasted the little girl's time, otherwise, maybe the girl would be able to enter the station at this time.

This girl doesn't even have a ticket in her hand now.

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