"Feng Huizhen, how do you feel?"

Jiang Lei is also very anxious. In the past ten days, he has been working around the clock to sort out and revise all the materials, documents, and books.

A set of specialized technologies sorted out according to the current excavator technology has been formed.

At the same time, he also tried his best to modify some excavator parts through the advanced technologies in the book.

Of course, this must be reported to the superior before modification.

Jiang Lei was extremely fortunate that Director Zhang was a very enlightened leader, and from top to bottom, all the leaders stood behind him.

Give him strong support and trust.

He is also under great psychological pressure. It is not the first time that the excavator has been disassembled, nor is it the first time to assemble it.

However, the modification of spare parts is the first time.

Everyone is looking at this experiment with trepidation.

Feng Huizhen stood up from the excavator, jumped off, took off her gloves, and said to Director Zhang and Section Chief Liu.

"The modified excavator, at present, has at least 20% higher performance and is more fuel efficient."

Although there is still a huge room for improvement in the performance of the current excavator and future excavators, but according to the original excavator, this performance is already amazing.

After hearing this, Director Zhang turned his head and squeezed Jiang Lei's hand tightly.

"Xiao Jiang, you have made great contributions to our construction site. From now on, you are in charge of the excavators and changed all ten of our excavators for me.

Improve performance by 20%, but also save fuel, how much money can such a thing save the country?

Don't worry, what do you need?Whether it is financial resources, manpower and material resources, I will help you with the deployment. "

Director Zhang was so excited that he couldn't care about anything else at the moment. He was very fortunate to have dug the future into their Provincial Construction Third Company.

Jiang Lei is indeed a talent, but in just ten days, he has already researched a huge improvement plan.

Although they still need to pay a lot of hard work in the follow-up, if their excavators can be improved, the external excavators on other construction sites can also be improved.

Then how much money will be saved for how many counties and cities in the province, this resource can be known without thinking.

"Director Zhang, don't worry. I promise to complete the task."

Jiang Lei was also very excited.

It's an honor, it's an affirmation, through his hands, through his knowledge, through his efforts.

It can actually save so much financial resources for the country.

This is a manifestation of self-realization.

It cannot be replaced by anything.

Everyone's life quickly entered the right track, and at the same time, one person's life also changed.

Who is this guy?

This person is of course Meng Xianbin.

Meng Xianbin has been encouraging Li Xiaoyu to trip Feng Huizhen.

However, there were no accidents, and Meng Xianbin came to the construction site to drive a truck.

That's because Feng Huizhen is too busy now.

She now has to teach 20 apprentices how to use the excavator. The technology of the excavator seems simple, but there are some skills in it, which have to be taught by hand.

The project on the construction site must still progress.

The time has also become limited, because there will be another month of freezing.

In order to teach everyone how to use the excavator proficiently, Feng Huizhen used almost all her time this month.

Leave early and return late.

Of course, the truck didn't have time to take care of it. The original truck driver was still recovering from his injuries.

Meng Xianbin volunteered to go to Wang Dazhuang's place, and indeed won the job.

But obviously it wasn't for him to be an official player as a truck driver, who made Feng Huizhen have already cultivated a group of apprentices.

He's just acting as a second-in-command.

Among the ten drivers trained by Feng Huizhen, Wang Shun and Zhai Wei have followed Jiang Lei to the maintenance team.

The two missing people were filled by Meng Xianbin.

Although Meng Xianbin was not convinced, he originally thought that he was a logical candidate for the driver.

Unexpectedly, Feng Huizhen always spoiled his affairs.

Feng Huizhen's eight apprentices are all very capable and skilled in driving.

In comparison, Meng Xianbin, who has not touched a car for many years, although he says he can drive, has never touched a car all the year round. He is also a novice.

After turning off the fire a few times, Section Chief Liu asked him to learn from these eight people.

He became eight apprentices.

Meng Xianbin felt extremely aggrieved, he thought he could flex his muscles, but who would have thought it would not work.

The days passed quickly, like running water, and the first frost of this winter came.

Fortunately, before the end of the frost, the task of their construction site this year has been completed.

The educated youths like Feng Huizhen who came to work on the construction site ushered in the happiest days. The first is to pay wages, and the second is to have a complete vacation.

After writing her name and fingerprinting her name on the salary booklet, Feng Huizhen received two months' salary.

Get 120 bucks.

Feng Huizhen didn't believe it at first, didn't she say 38 yuan and 5 yuan a month?How come there are so many more?

The accountant who pays the salary explained to her with a smile.

"The extra is the subsidy for you as a driver. When you have a while to go, remember to go to the cafeteria to get a bag of flour and a bag of rice, which are specially subsidized for you.

You have made a great contribution to our construction site. "

Accountant Zhang told Feng Huizhen in a low voice with a smile that he naturally didn't want others to know about this, lest Feng Huizhen would become the object of others' envy.

Feng Huizhen left with a knowing smile.

They are all good people.

It's strange to say that in her previous life, she was unsuccessful in whatever she did and did not go well in whatever she did, and she met all kinds of people who troubled her wherever she went.

It's as if everyone has a grudge against her, and all the wonderful things and the best in the world revolve around her alone.

Since rebirth in this life, it always seemed to go smoothly.

Although it is said that going to the countryside does not have any experience in previous life to learn from, but the people I meet here are all good people.

The kind, brave, and warm people made her cold heart suddenly feel relieved.

It turns out that there are still many good people in the world. This sentence is true.

These simple people warmed her with their kindness and a little bit of selfishness.

Feng Huizhen ran into Section Chief Liu after walking a few steps, and when she saw her, she waved.

"I'm looking for you, Director Zhang is looking for you, hurry up and follow me to Director Zhang's office."

Feng Huizhen put her salary in her pocket, and followed Section Chief Liu with a smile.

"Section chief, what is the director looking for from me?"

Feng Huizhen can be regarded as the most useful soldier under Section Chief Liu, and Section Chief Liu also takes good care of her.

"Good thing."

Chief Liu had a smile on his face.

"Section Chief, don't be a fool, tell me what's going on, so I can prepare myself."

"You'd better wait for Director Zhang to tell you. It's useless for me to tell you."

"Anyway, it's a good thing. Hurry up, you ghost girl."

The two entered Director Zhang's tent one after the other.

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