"In this case, I can recommend five male educated youths to you."

Feng Huizhen immediately thought of Wang Shun, Zhai Wei, and Gu Huaigang.

All five of them had decent academic qualifications, and the lowest was a junior high school graduate.

Wang Shun has a higher degree of education.

Moreover, all five of them knew Jiang Lei, and they had a good time getting along with Jiang Lei.

Coupled with the recent days of getting along, the five people's temperament and character are trustworthy.

She didn't even mention Meng Xianbin and the other male educated youths because Feng Huizhen was not such a kind person.

She still can't do the thing of repaying grievances with kindness.

The children of Meng Xianbin and his cadres must have high education, but there are [-] to [-] such people.

It's really uncertain that Jiang Lei's subordinates are still not convinced that Jiang Lei will manage them, and other moths will come out at that time.

That would really hurt Jiang Lei.

It's better to let Meng Xianbin and the others honestly farm in the countryside.

Without saying a word, Feng Huizhen called Wang Shun and the other five over.

"Wang Shun and Zhai Wei, the two of them have already learned to drive a car, and sometimes I will teach them some simple car repair knowledge. Two of them have high education. The other three have good education.

In particular, they are very open-minded to learn, and their personalities are very trustworthy. "

When the five people heard Feng Huizhen's high praise, they all showed shy expressions on their faces.

"We are not as good as Feng Huizhen said."

"Comrade Jiang, is there anything we can help you with? Don't worry, as long as we can help you. You are Feng Huizhen's fellow villager and our friend."

Several people thought they were asking for their help.

They didn't know that Jiang Lei in front of them would lead them out of another world.

"Since Feng Huizhen has such a high opinion of you, I believe Feng Huizhen's vision! That's why we are going to form a maintenance team on the construction site. I am the team leader. Starting tomorrow, you will report to the construction site maintenance team.

I will officially join my maintenance team starting tomorrow.I will take you to start learning maintenance knowledge.Not only to repair cars, but also to repair excavators and various equipment that may appear on the construction site in the future. "

Jiang Lei's words made the five people both surprised and happy.

"Comrade Jiang, are we really going to stay and work on the construction site?"

This is unbelievable. You must know that although this is called a construction site, it belongs to the scope of work of the Third Provincial Construction Company.

If they stay in the maintenance team, it means that they become members of the Third Provincial Construction Company.

Who knew that going to the countryside could actually get a job quota.

Isn't this surprising and delightful?

Jiang Lei nodded seriously.

Wang Shun and the other five rushed forward, lifted Feng Huizhen high, and threw her into the air.

"Ah! Feng Huizhen, you are our family's great benefactor."

"If my mother knew that I was a worker here, I think our family would have to enshrine you."

"It's just that if my parents know, they will definitely treat you as a benefactor of our family."

Feng Huizhen fell from a high altitude, and her eyes met Jiang Lei who was standing aside and looking at her with a smile.

My heart is full of hope and joy, life is like this, always full of many uncertainties and surprises!

She is reborn, and many things seem to be different from her previous life, but she is always full of opportunities.

Even if you go to the countryside to jump in the queue, you can still have a good result.

Isn't that what it is now?

The five happily went to work.

"Don't you want to come to the maintenance team? I think you should also be outstanding in this area. You see, you can even teach them how to drive an excavator now, let alone repairing an excavator. That is not easy for you."

Jiang Lei most wanted Feng Huizhen to join his maintenance team.

Feng Huizhen has helped him so much, and he also wants to help Feng Huizhen. It is definitely not a long-term solution for Feng Huizhen to go to the countryside to farm.

Originally, when he said this, he hoped to give Feng Huizhen a spot.

Who knew that Feng Huizhen was completely different from the girls he had seen, and she never spoke for her own personal interests from the beginning to the end.

As if they couldn't understand the huge benefits contained in it, who isn't looking forward to being able to have a solid job now?

"I'll let it go. To tell you the truth, I can barely drive an excavator. I'm not good at repairing an excavator. I'm best at cooking, and you have eaten it. Compare it with my cooking.

Do you think I am suitable for cooking, or for repairing excavators? "

There was wit and humor in Feng Huizhen's eyes, and Jiang Lei burst into laughter when he said this sentence.

Indeed, considering Feng Huizhen's advantages in all aspects, Feng Huizhen's cooking is really amazing.

"That can't be compared. I'm sure you cook. I haven't seen a better cook than you so far."

Jiang Lei's words definitely came from the bottom of his heart.

Feng Huizhen spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders.

"You see, my talent has to be brought into play. To tell you the truth, it's not impossible to learn about excavators. It's because I didn't put my mind on it.

You just let me do something that I still like to do as much as I can. "

Feng Huizhen was not really a child, she knew in her heart that Jiang Lei wanted to repay her kindness.

The two have become friends now, she treats Jiang Lei well, and Jiang Lei instinctively wants to reciprocate her.

This is human nature.

If Jiang Lei really turned into a white-eyed wolf, probably Feng Huizhen would help him this time.

Moreover, she will keep a distance from Jiang Lei. She dare not have in-depth communication with a person who does not know how to be grateful.

"Okay, if there is a similar opportunity in the future, I will definitely think of you."

Jiang Lei, this is a guarantee.

"Okay, okay, let's go back to work quickly, and I'll free up the excavator for you."

Feng Huizhen didn't want Jiang Lei to carry a burden in her heart. The kindness she gave to others was not for the sake of others' return.

It is already rare to have this kind of intention.

Feng Huizhen took the people and freed up an excavator.

At the same time, Jiang Lei also led his subordinates to block the excavator.

It's not that I'm afraid others will see it, but I'm afraid that some parts will fly out during the disassembly process and it will be difficult to find them.

Jiang Lei took the people below very seriously, dismantling the excavator bit by bit according to the various procedures in his notebook.

At present, what he has learned from the book, generally speaking, there are not many major changes.

Although there are some differences in some parts, Jiang Lei feels that these differences are more advanced.

After some improvements in spare parts, it seems that the function has been improved a lot.

He took people to disassemble all the components tentatively, and then reassembled them.

When Feng Huizhen started the excavator again ten days later, she couldn't help being surprised.

Director Zhang took all the section chiefs and the team leader to stand around to observe. This was the first time that their own personnel dismantled the excavator and assembled it.

They all knew the huge risks involved, and even Director Zhang agreed to Jiang Lei's operation at the risk of his dismissal.

Every machine can be bought back with foreign exchange.

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