Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 916 Did She Be Fooled?

Lu Wanwan followed them and walked into the Wei Mansion with ease.

While other colleagues were looking at the luxurious decoration of the Wei mansion, she had already called the waiter and booked two private rooms for them.

With the revolving lantern above the head, the waiter saw Lu Wanwan's face clearly, and immediately said respectfully: "You are not Lu..."

Lu Wanwan interrupted him first: "Shh, where's your boss?"

"Our boss is entertaining." The waiter said with a chuckle: "Recently, many people come here admiringly, but what they adore is not our signboard, but our boss' name, but he is too busy."

Lu Wanwan looked around and found that the business here was even more prosperous than before.

"it is good."

As soon as the waiter answered, Lu Wanwan's shoulder was patted from behind.

"Wow, Wanwan, you actually talked to the handsome guy behind our backs!"

Taking a closer look, some parents even brought their children a few years old, which shows that they are either big-hearted or trust Wei Yu.

Lu Wanwan was very happy, Wei Yu finally reversed the image in most people's hearts.

She immediately said to the waiter, "Don't tell him about my visit."

The female colleagues said: "Hey, what kind of private room are you booking?"

Lu Wanwan asked: "Aren't you going to sing K?"

The female colleague said: "Hey, singing K is second, we mainly come to see handsome guys."

Lu Wanwan looked back, only to see her female colleagues winking at her.

They are all big sisters in their 40s and [-]s, just the age to dare to play and love to play.

Lu Wanwan said: "Hey, don't blame me, I'm booking a private room for everyone."

Lu Wanwan felt like she was on a pirate ship.

Not long after, I saw that the waiter just now had beer, snacks and fruit served to them.

Fu's employees thought it was arranged by Lu Wanwan, so they couldn't help saying, "Thank you, Manager Lu!"

After a moment of silence, Lu Wanwan asked, "Am I being fooled?"

"Ha, you just follow us!"

Perhaps it was because Lu Wanwan had no airs, or maybe Lu Wanwan was just a younger sister in front of them. The two female colleagues carried her to the booth, facing the dance floor and the band, one on the left and one on the right.

The waiter looked at her beautiful face even though she was frowning, restrained her gaze away, and said, "I didn't tell the boss, he saw it himself. If you don't believe me, go to the second floor."


Lu Wanwan looked up and saw Wei Yu standing by the glass window on the second floor, tall and tall, smiling at her.

Only Lu Wanwan knew that she only told the waiter to book two private rooms.

Facing Lu Wanwan's questioning eyes, the handsome waiter leaned down and whispered in her ear, "This is what our boss asked me to arrange for you. If you need anything, just ask, you're welcome."

Lu Wanwan's eyebrows twitched: "Didn't I tell you not to tell him?"

"I'm just an ordinary company party, not for fun." Lu Wanwan said seriously.

"Okay, I'll tell you about it." The waiter said, got up and went to find Wei Yu.

As soon as Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she was urged by the sisters next to her, "Wanwan, shall we go to the disco?"

And beside him, there are several guests.

Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, and she said to the aggrieved waiter: "I misunderstood just now, please tell Wei Yu, don't call Li Jingchen and say I'm here."


After the waiter came to Wei Yu, he said softly, "Boss, Miss Lu wants me to tell you, don't call and tell President Li that she is here."

Hearing this, Wei Yu raised his handsome eyebrows viciously, but he didn't!

The next second, he took out his mobile phone and called Li Jingchen on purpose.

Lu Wanwan subconsciously shook her head: "You guys go."

But women who are stupefied will not let her go easily: "Oh, it's already here, so don't be so reserved, if you don't, sister will teach you!"

The second floor.

Li Jingchen immediately asked concerned: "Where did you see her?"

"It's in my Wei mansion." Wei Yu said gloatingly, "Jing Chen, it seems that you are not charming enough, that's why my siblings came to me. Dee?"

Hearing this, Li Jingchen was furious: "Go and pull her down!"

"Jingchen, guess who I saw?"

Li Jingchen asked casually, "Who?"

Wei Yu dragged his voice and said lazily, "Your wife."

Wei Yu said that the sound was too loud and he couldn't hear clearly.

"I said, late, late, pregnant, pregnant!" Li Jingchen paused every word, saying clearly.

Wei Yu's peach blossom eyes were full of disbelief: "...whose?"

"What's the matter? Are you afraid that your siblings will be taken advantage of by others?" Wei Yu stared at Lu Wanwan closely, but said deliberately slowly: "Don't worry, she will be accompanied by a guardian, and nothing will happen."

Li Jingchen said angrily: "She is pregnant now, and she still goes to disco? Be careful to let the child pop out for me!"

"You... what did you say?"

Wei Yu finally came back to his senses, and said seriously, "Okay, leave it to me!"

The waiter next to him saw the surprise and joy on his boss's face, as if he heard a big happy event.

The next second, Wei Yu wiped his face and said to him, "Go and turn off the music on the dance floor."

Li Jingchen roared, "Mine!"

"You, yours?!"

"The doctor said she was at risk of miscarriage, I'm rushing over now, you have to find a way to stop her!"

first floor.

The sisters who pulled Lu Wanwan onto the dance floor saw her covering her stomach with her hands, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you? Did you eat your stomach?"

Lu Wanwan took advantage of the situation and said, "Well, I do feel a little uncomfortable."

The waiter was puzzled and said, "Why, boss? There are so many customers."

Wei Yu glared at him: "I'm the boss and you are the boss? I told you to close it, so you should hurry up!"

The waiter had to go to close it.

At this moment, the dance floor suddenly fell silent, and all the people who were shaking their heads and dancing stopped, and looked suspiciously at the DJ who was in charge of playing discs.

"what's up?"

"Why is there no music?"

"Aren't you lying to us?" The sisters looked at her suspiciously.

Everyone came out to play. If Lu Wanwan refused firmly, she would inevitably appear to be out of the group. Moreover, she was the initiator of this party, so she should respond to the group.

Lu Wanwan didn't want everyone to have such a good time before, so she ended up here.

"Aren't the police here to crack down on pornography? Aren't you a decent shop?"

The dj who secretly turned off the sound was trying to find an excuse when a big bony hand suddenly took his microphone away, and said calmly, "Sorry, our sound equipment is broken, which ruined everyone's interest." , I am the boss here, I will give everyone free drinks tonight, is this okay?"

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