Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 915 Don't give up, don't give up

Lu Wanwan's behavior of drinking all the wine in one breath surprised the high-level executives who came to talk to her. She thought to herself, did she say something so amazing that it resonated with Manager Lu?

At this time, Vice President Qiao said: "Manager Lu, don't just drink too much, tell us a few words!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan raised her eyes and looked at the senior management.

They all looked at her enthusiastically, waiting for her to speak.

"Then I'll just say a few words." Lu Wanwan put down her glass and said.

"Good!" Vice President Qiao took the lead in applauding.

After Lu Wanwan straightened up, she said, "Fu Shuo often said that when he took over the Fu family, he took advantage of his father and made him suddenly the richest man in City Y. I still remember what he told me , staying in City Y is too comfortable, everything is at your fingertips."

No matter what setbacks and difficulties you encounter, you can never give up or give up on anyone. I will do it first, and everyone can do whatever they want! "

As Lu Wanwan said, she poured herself a glass of red wine and respected everyone.

After a meal, she went on to say: "And now, he came to S City to set up a branch company, and everything has to start from scratch. This road is long and difficult.

Not only him, everyone here also has a long way to go. I sincerely hope that everyone can continue to work together and make progress hand in hand in the days to come.

And they are willing to let go of the glory and wealth of the head office in City Y, and follow Fu Shuo to open up territory in City S. Apart from their passion, what remains is their absolute loyalty to Fu Shuo.

Therefore, Lu Wanwan's words not only boost morale, but also affirm that they are different from other employees, which is very pleasant.

Everyone was overwhelmed by what she said, and they all raised their wine glasses in return.

These old employees of course understand Fu Shuo's thoughts.

"That's a good thing! We want to make the branch bigger and stronger, so that those old guys who stay in the head office in City Y will have eyes!"

"Yes, we are in competition with the head office now, we can't lose to them no matter what!"

Everyone expressed that they would overcome difficulties for the branch, so that Lu Wanwan could rest assured.

"Listen to me, everyone, we strive to double the KPI of the branch compared to last month when Mr. Fu returns from abroad, no, twice, okay?"

After drinking and eating, a female executive suggested: "It's still early, why don't we go to a nightclub and sing ktv together?"

Seeing that they were excited, Lu Wanwan hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, you guys go to the bus and wait for me first, and I'll go to the bathroom."

Listening to their confident words, Lu Wanwan felt that the goal of team building today had been achieved.


From the corner of her eye, Lu Wanwan caught a glimpse of several male colleagues taking out their pockets, and she couldn't help but said, "It's settled, I'll treat you to this meal, and you can just get in the car."

"This..." Several male colleagues originally wanted to be a gentleman, but at this time Lu Wanwan caught him, so he had to take his hands out of his pockets: "Manager Lu, you have to spend money tonight."

"Well, let's get in the car first."

After the female executive finished speaking, she informed the others to go.


After a while, the sound of a toilet being flushed came from the toilet cubicle.

Lu Wanwan smiled lightly and said, "Just as long as everyone is happy."

After they left, Lu Wanwan suddenly clutched her chest and hurried all the way to the bathroom.

But this is a social occasion, and she couldn't refuse someone who came to toast.

In addition, she also used alcohol to relieve her sorrow, and accidentally drank too much.

After Lu Wanwan came out, she washed her face with cold water and woke up from the alcohol.

She knew she shouldn't drink so much.

When she went to the front desk to check out, she took the time to look at her phone.

Seeing that Xia Zhi sent her a text message every once in a while, reporting on Fu Shuo's situation, she felt relieved.

After wiping her lips, Lu Wanwan used lipstick to touch up her pale lips.

After confirming that she was invulnerable again, she turned and walked out of the bathroom.

After paying the bill, Lu Wanwan walked out of the restaurant and met her colleagues.

On the bus, someone saw her coming out, and immediately lowered the window and shouted, "Manager Lu, here, here!"

At this time, the waiter at the front desk asked, "Do you want cash or credit card?"

"Swipe the card." Lu Wanwan said.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan was a little puzzled, why did the driver leave without asking where he was going?

Then, she heard the female colleague next to her giggle and said, "Manager Lu, when you were away just now, we discussed which nightclub we would like to go to, and we finally agreed on it."

After Lu Wan got into the car at night, she only heard the female colleague beside her say, "Alright, driver, let's go."

"Okay." The driver stepped on the accelerator and started the bus.

The female colleague next to him let out a "huh" and asked curiously, "Have you been there?"

Lu Wanwan thought that not only had she been there, but she also knew the boss and his wife there.

After Lu Wanwan said "Oh", she said indifferently, "As long as everyone likes it."

However, when the scenery on the street became more and more familiar, Lu Wanwan couldn't help muttering: "Isn't this the way to Wei Mansion?"

Many netizens wanted to come to S City to pay their respects to his honor!We are lucky, we just work in S city, if we are lucky, we might be able to see him in person tonight! "

Lu Wanwan didn't expect: "Is he so popular?"

"Wei Mansion is quite famous."

Hearing this, the female colleague said enthusiastically: "It's more than famous! Didn't the boss of the Wei Mansion help the police solve a case recently?

Lu Wanwan thought of Wei Yu's peach blossom eyes, so she had to tell Sister Yan to be careful.

The female employee said: "And the most important thing is that he is obviously a nightclub owner, but he has such a sense of justice. The drama of the vagabond saving the lost little girl, ah, it's really tempting to think about it!"

The female employee said: "Of course, as soon as the court released the video of Dong Yi's trial, he was immediately rated as the most handsome man in the nightclub, bar none, and a lot of netizens cried and shouted under his photo husband!"

It turns out that being handsome is the key.

Lu Wanwan continued: "I also heard that they have a second child."

"..." The sexual dream of the female employee was completely shattered.

Seeing her wolf-like expression, Lu Wanwan couldn't help coughing lightly: "I heard that he seems to be married."

The female employee was suddenly confused: "Huh?"

Before Lu Wanwan could stand up, she was preempted by a male colleague: "I, I, I! I will lead the way!"

"So honest, aren't you afraid that we will tell your wife?" Everyone joked.

While speaking, the bus stopped, and the driver turned around and said, "Here we are, everyone can get off the bus."

After everyone chatted and laughed and got out of the car, Vice President Qiao asked, "Who has been here? Take charge of leading the way!"

The male colleague was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "You have misunderstood, Wei Mansion is different from ordinary nightclubs!"

Everyone laughed even more happily: "Yes, the boss of the Wei mansion is not an ordinary boss, otherwise we wouldn't be able to choose this place, and we even brought the proprietress with us."

Only then did the male colleague realize that this group of people deliberately made fun of him, he couldn't help scratching his head, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you in."

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