Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 917 You almost scared me to death

When they heard that Wei Yu was going to pay the bill for the audience, the dissatisfied guests burst into laughter and said, "Boss Wei is arrogant!"

Wei Yu smiled slightly at the audience: "It's easy to say."

The female colleague beside Lu Wanwan regretfully said: "Oh, this is the first time I came here, and this happened to me!"

"Forget it, since we don't have to dance, let's go listen to the music."

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as the guests on the dance floor rushed to leave, a girl in her twenties accidentally bumped into Lu Wanwan.

That's fine, but her boyfriend is eager to protect his wife, and scolded Lu Wanwan: "Sanba, you don't have eyes?"

This sentence instantly ignited the anger of her other female colleagues: "Boy, who are you talking about! No, who are you calling short-sighted! It was your girlfriend who bumped into us first, and you have no reason to apologize." gone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two thugs immediately stepped forward and dragged the man into a dark corner.

After a while, I heard the sound of being beaten and begging for mercy coming from the corner.

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Seeing that they are all female, the girl's boyfriend became even more arrogant: "Why do you apologize? A group of dead three-eight, also follow us young people to come to nightclubs to dance disco! Ha, just look at how old I am!"

A female colleague with a bad temper couldn't help rolling up her sleeves: "You brat! I'll teach you a lesson for your mother today!"

At this moment, Wei Yu came over and said to them, "Just leave it to me."

And as the lights on the dance floor turned, the girl finally saw Lu Wanwan's young and beautiful face clearly.

God!Where did her boyfriend have the face to call this young lady "dead"?

Girls are even more embarrassed.

"I'm sorry! I bumped into you just now, but my boyfriend was too impulsive and said something impolite. I apologize to you on his behalf!"

The female colleagues were amazed: "This kind of man who always scolds women to death, what is there that you like?"

"I..." The girl blushed slightly.

A moment later, when the girl carried her boyfriend past Lu Wanwan and the others, the other party covered his face, which was bruised and swollen from the beating, and urged his girlfriend to hurry up without even looking up!

"Ha, weren't you quite arrogant just now?"

"Bah, one soft-legged shrimp."

Lu Wanwan saw that she was sincerely apologizing, so she gave Wei Yu a look.

Wei Yu raised his hand, and the two thugs stopped.

"Thank you!" After the girl bowed to Lu Wanwan, she hurriedly ran towards her boyfriend who was paralyzed on the ground.

Wei Yu raised his hand and paused his suit jacket: "It's a fake one."

"You are already married at such a young age?"

"Am I young?" Wei Yu felt that since he got married, he had been "squeezed" by Lin Yan's mother and daughter in turn, and he had long since become a vicissitudes old man: "I am the father of two children."

The female colleagues didn't hide their ridicule. They then looked at Wei Yu and said, "Thank you for helping us get ahead."

Wei Yu smiled: "It was he who made trouble on my territory first, and then the man who made the lady unhappy should have been beaten."

Looking at this naturally romantic face in front of them, the female colleagues couldn't believe that their luck was so good, and they met the boss the first time they came here: "Are you really the boss here?"

There are so many people here, in case the child in Wan Wan's belly has a mishap, Jing Chen has no choice but to skin him!

But the female colleagues declined: "We don't need Boss Wei, we like crowded places, if we like quiet, we wouldn't come here."

Wei Yu chose the next best thing: "Then I'll arrange a central location on the second floor for you. Generally, distinguished guests will go to the second floor, so you can avoid the little gangsters like just now."

A female colleague looked at Lu Wanwan: "Huh? Then Wan Wan is really right!"

Lu Wanwan wrote lightly: "I also heard from others."

Wei Yu followed suit and said, "Okay everyone, let me take you to the private room."

When the group of them walked towards the second floor, Lu Wanwan intentionally walked behind and whispered to Wei Yu, "Sorry, I made you bleed a lot tonight."

Others didn't know, but Lu Wanwan knew that Wei Yu must have ordered the people under Wei Yu to turn off the audio equipment to rescue her.

Including the little gangster just now, who was dragged and beaten by Wei Yu's men because he scolded her.

The female colleagues were a little moved, but worried: "Will it be expensive?"

Wei Yu smiled and said, "Everyone forgot, I will pay the bill tonight."

Hearing this, the female colleagues smiled and said, "Boss Wei, you are so kind! Don't worry, we will visit you often in the future!"

After experiencing the "Dong Yi Orphanage" case, the relationship between Lu Wanwan and Wei Yu has improved by leaps and bounds, and their words are no longer tit for tat as before.

"It's hard to say." After a meal, Lu Wanwan asked, "Wait, how did you know I was pregnant? Did he tell you?"

"if not?"

Wei Yu walked behind her, showing a protective posture, and said, "You almost scared me to death."

Lu Wanwan turned her head and gave him a strange look: "What's wrong?"

"You are here..." Wei Yu glanced at her belly secretly: "I already have Jingchen's flesh and blood, and you dare to come to play with me? What do you think?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes darkened: "I can't help it, something happened to Fu Shuo."

Wei Yu, who didn't know the seriousness of the matter, couldn't restrain his excitement and said, "Really? Something happened to Fu Shuo!"

Lu Wanwan frowned: "Why are you smiling so happily?"

Lu Wanwan frowned: "Did you contact him?"

After Wei Yu made a "uh" sound, he explained: "I originally wanted to tease Jing Chen, but he became very angry and told me to get you to a safe place so that the child would not have any accidents."

For the sake of his good brother, Wei Yu can be said to have broken his heart: "Sisters and sisters, look at how dangerous it would be if that little bastard pushed you to the ground just now! You should take good care of your baby, don't come to such places, you know ?"

At this time, the voices of several female colleagues came from the front: "Boss Wei, where shall we sit when we come up?"

Wei Yu took a long leg, walked up the stairs in two steps, and led them to the central area.

Wei Yu didn't lie to them, the second floor also has a dance floor, and the decoration is more exquisite than the first floor.

"Sorry, sorry." Wei Yu was happy for his good brother.

"Did he have an accident with the company, or?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head, as if unwilling to talk more.

At this time, the graceful female dancers on the dance floor are performing pole dancing.

Their lithe bodies swirled on the cold steel pipes, and their long legs, which were looming under the skirts, were folded into various soft arcs like vines.

But the expressions on their faces are very holy, which makes people not have dirty thoughts.

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