Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 907 Killing people and punishing their hearts is nothing more than that

Lu Weiwei looked around and saw that there were no police patrolling, so she pleaded, "Ah Jiu, please, just give me that thing. My body hurts and itches right now, like an ant is biting me!"

The drug dealer Ah Jiu pinched Lu Weiwei's thin chin, looked around, and played with taste: "Lu Weiwei, do you know that this thing sucks too much, it's terrible?"

A trace of struggle flashed across Lu Weiwei's eyes. Of course, she knew that this thing was harmful to her body.

But ever since she lost Chu Mo's special medicine, the injury she left from falling off the helicopter has been aching all the time.

She had finished the box of painkillers given to her by the policewoman, so she could only use this thing to relieve the pain.

She will only spend the rest of her life in prison, she doesn't care anymore, she just wants to make herself more comfortable.

Thinking of this, Lu Weiwei went all out and said: "Ah Jiu, it's okay, just give it to me! You don't know, my wound is really painful, if I don't have that thing, I will die of pain!"

Every night, the pain made her toss and turn like bone erosion, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Poppies can relieve pain, but if you smoke too much, you will become addicted, and you will become less human and ghosts.

But for Lu Weiwei, it was better than being in so much pain that she couldn't sleep!

Anyway, she was already dead, and even Liang Zhen had lost expectations of her.

Who doesn't know that drug dealers have the ruthlessness to risk their lives?

One day, Lu Weiwei who appeared in the cafeteria was once again made things difficult by the female prisoners.

The female prisoners in this prison seem to dislike her by nature. Anyone who sees her will step on her.

The roommates who were woken up by her would join hands to clean her up and make her hurt even worse.

Later, they stuffed stinky towels into her mouth, or sealed her mouth with tape, so that she couldn't cry out when she was in pain, she could only cry helplessly!

Until half a month ago, a short-haired woman named "Ajiu" came to the prison. She did not shy away from her experience of being arrested for drug trafficking. Because of this, the female prisoners in the prison did not dare to provoke Ah Jiu.

The police did not show up.

She was beaten half to death, and every bone in her body felt like it had been torn out, and the pain was severe.

Lu Weiwei knew that this was the aftereffect of falling off the helicopter, and it would accompany her for the rest of her life.

The food was poured on Lu Weiwei's hair, and the soup splashed all over her face. The female prisoners surrounded her, laughed at her disfigured face, and let her lick the food on the ground like a dog.

Lu Weiwei couldn't bear it anymore and returned the words.

The female prisoners immediately rushed forward, raining fists on her body.

Lu Weiwei was fascinated and took the cigarette.

This inhalation lasted for half a month.

Every now and then, she would come to ask Ah Jiu for cigarettes, and Ah Jiu would always satisfy her.

Just as she was kicked into the corner like a dead dog, a short-haired woman came to her and handed her a cigarette.

Lu Weiwei looked at the stranger with painful eyes.

The short-haired woman stared at the cigarette in her hand, saying that it could relieve pain and make her feel ecstatic and forget all her troubles, as long as she took a puff.

After finishing speaking, Lu Weiwei, like a thief, carefully hid the smoke, and walked to her cell.

Seeing that she didn't even bother to eat breakfast, Ah Jiu couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, which showed that her addiction was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the prison.

Lu Weiwei once thought that Ah Jiu was going to develop her into an offline, but she had no hope of getting out of prison in this life, but she dared not tell the truth to Ah Jiu, for fear that Ah Jiu would never give her "smoke" again .

After listening to her words, Ah Jiu slowly reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette, and said, "Okay, for the sake of being so pitiful, I'll give it to you."

After Lu Weiwei hurriedly caught it, she said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Is there something wrong with the cigarette that the short-haired woman handed to Lu Weiwei?" As expected of a genius doctor, Chu Mo immediately saw the problem.

After Li Jingchen said "um", he said lightly: "That short-haired woman is called Ah Jiu. She is Lin Yue's subordinate and was borrowed by me temporarily. Do you understand now?"

Chu Mo asked in surprise, "Aren't you the one who hates drugs the most?"

Two handsome men were sitting in front of the monitor, watching what happened in the cafeteria.

One of the men asked strangely, "How did Lu Weiwei become like this?"

That face, which could be called beautiful at first, had become abnormally thinner, and her speech was trembling, which seemed strange no matter how you looked at it.

Chu Mo didn't say anything more.

At this time, a policeman came over and asked politely, "Young Master Li, have you finished watching?"

Li Jingchen said: "After reading it, I want to know more about Lu Weiwei's situation."

Li Jingchen said with a half smile, "That's right, that's why I need to borrow someone from Lin Yue."

After pondering for a moment, Chu Mo asked, "Will this lead to the flooding of drugs in the prison?"

Li Jingchen said firmly: "No, Ah Jiu's goal is only Lu Weiwei."

Liang Zhen?

Isn't that Lu Weiwei's mother?

Back then, Liang Zhen voluntarily took the blame for Lu Weiwei and was imprisoned in order to save her precious daughter.

The policeman recalled: "Lu Weiwei is often bullied by the female prisoners here, and her roommate said that she often makes trouble at night, disturbing their sleep, and asked us if we could change her cell, but because of your instructions, we There has been no change of cell for her."

Chu Mo on the side couldn't help asking: "What are your instructions?"

Li Jingchen said lightly: "I arranged for Lu Weiwei and Liang Zhen to live together."

After Li Jingchen snorted lightly, he said, "You've also heard about Lu Weiwei's situation, do you have any thoughts?"

Talking about the purpose of their trip, Chu Mo couldn't help saying seriously: "If I inject Fu Shuo with a large amount of special medicine like I saved Lu Weiwei, he may be able to stand up in a short time, but once the effect of the medicine wears off, he will be with you." Like Lu Weiwei, the wound hurts so much that I want to die."

When Lu Weiwei fell from the helicopter, she almost died on the spot. Even the best doctor in the hospital had a headache.

As a result, six years later, my precious daughter also went to prison, and she still lives with me?

Killing and punishing one's heart is nothing more than that, right?

Chu Mo looked at Li Jingchen fearfully: "You are really ruthless."

It was Chu Mo who broke the pot, injected her with several injections of special medicine, and then performed an operation on her himself, and snatched her back from the scythe of death.

If Lu Weiwei's body is compared to a rag doll, then she has become tattered, and even if Chu Mo sews her body together, it still cannot be restored to its previous appearance.

This is also the reason why Lu Weiwei would be in unbearable pain once she lost the special medicine.

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