Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 906 She Was So Greedy

Fu Shuo didn't want to be swayed by this kind of jealousy, so he slapped his forehead heavily with his palm.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan nervously walked over and grabbed his arm: "Fu Shuo, what are you doing?"

Fu Shuo frowned, and said hoarsely, "I have a headache."

Lu Wanwan immediately asked the nurse to call the doctor over.

The nurse hurried over.

After a while, a doctor hurried in and checked Fu Shuo's head.

During this period, Lu Wanwan kept holding his hand.

The roaring beast in Fu Shuo's heart gradually calmed down, and he said, "Wan Wan, I'm fine."

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan tried to let go of him.

Seeing that he didn't do what he did just now, Lu Wanwan was relieved.

Lu Wanwan wanted to help, but Fu Shuo held her hand instead.

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Did it hurt you?"

After Fu Shuo's eyes flickered, he said "Mmm" against his will.

At this time, the doctor said: "Mrs. Fu, Mr. Fu's headache is indirect, maybe it was accidental, maybe it was caused by trauma, I need to go back and have a look at the CT scan of his brain yesterday, and give you a positive answer. "

"Okay." Lu Wanwan nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the nurse began to change Fu Shuo's dressing.

Fu Shuo noticed it immediately, and asked nervously, "Where are you going?"

Is she going to see Li Jingchen again?

"Go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face, and then go downstairs to buy you breakfast." Lu Wanwan said gently: "What do you want to eat? I'll go and see if it's for sale."

Lu Wanwan immediately said, "Nurse, take it easy."

After the nurse finished changing Fu Shuo's medicine, Fu Shuo still held Lu Wanwan's hand tightly.

Lu Wanwan tried to twitch her hand.

"Then I went to the bathroom?" Lu Wanwan asked.

Fu Shuo nodded, and followed her into the bathroom with his eyes.

10 minute later.

"Just let the nurse do this kind of thing." Fu Shuo said without thinking.

Lu Wanwan followed him and said, "Okay."

Only then did Fu Shuo let go of her hand.

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's eyes dimmed.

"Fortunately, I have quite a few able-bodied officers brought from city y, and they will help me manage the company well."

After a short meal, Fu Shuo continued: "Later, I will call the vice president and tell him that I am on a business trip. Tonight, if you go to work and someone asks you, don't tell me."

Lu Wanwan came out, only to hear Fu Shuo say, "Wanwan, sit down here, I have something to tell you."

Lu Wanwan walked over and sat on his right hand where he could move.

"I can't go to the company for the time being."

After taking a deep breath, Lu Wanwan asked, "What if it's my parents?"

There was obvious pain on Fu Shuo's face, and after a long time, he said, "Then we have to hide it even more."

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth, and suddenly heard a voice from the door of the ward: "Daddy!"

Lu Wanwan asked in displeasure: "You decided to hide this matter?"

"Yeah." Fu Shuo said with some confusion, "Hide it for as long as you can."

He didn't want others to see his half-dead look.

In just a few seconds, Fu Shuo's mood fluctuated several times.

When the danger came, he chose to protect An'an.

This is not only out of love for An An, but also a sense of justice and impulse.

Fu Shuo froze.

Lu Wanwan stared at Fu Shuo closely, she wondered if he would... regret it?

An An has already rushed in, and said with concern: "Daddy, I'm so worried about you!"

Thinking about it this way, Fu Shuo felt that his sacrifice was worth it.

He fulfilled what he said in front of Li Jingchen and protected An An!

Even at such a high cost.

As a result, the person lying here now, who can barely feel his lower body, became him.

It is impossible to say that he has no idea at all.

But An An is still so young, if he doesn't protect her, Bai Qingluo will definitely hit him to death.

Fu Shuo said bitterly: "...OK."

"Talk." Lu Wanwan stood up abruptly, and said in a suppressed voice, "I'll go out for a while."

After finishing speaking, she bowed her head and walked out of the ward, leaning her back against the wall, panting heavily.

At this time, a burst of sobbing sounded beside him.

Fu Shuo turned his handsome face and saw that An An dropped the golden peas. He couldn't bear it and said, "An An, Daddy is fine, don't cry."

An An cried and said, "Daddy, you must... get well soon! We have an appointment... to climb Buzhou Mountain again, to see... the meteor shower!"

Lu Wanwan cheered up a little and said, "Come on, let's go in."

Xia Zhi followed Lu Wanwan, walked into Fu Shuo's ward, and saw An An at a glance: "Master, didn't I ask you to wait for me in the room?"

An An turned around and explained: "Sister Xia, I can't help but want to see how Daddy is doing."

Buzhou Mountain was the best gift they gave An An, but for her and Fu Shuo, it seemed that the most important piece of the puzzle was missing, which was not good.

Therefore, An An's childlike and expectant words are undoubtedly a kind of torture to them.

"Young Mistress." Xia Zhi walked out of the elevator carrying the breakfast, "You must be hungry, right? I bought breakfast for you and your husband."

No one can tell Ann the answer.

It was still Lu Wanwan who said: "This depends on what the doctor uncle said. An An doesn't want Daddy to be discharged from the hospital before he fully recovers, does he?"

"Okay, I want Daddy to be well." An An fell on Fu Shuo's chest, hugged him with her small hands, and whispered, "Daddy, An An is waiting for you to go home."

Fu Shuo said at this time: "In two days, let An An be discharged from the hospital first."

"What about Daddy?" An An asked hurriedly.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

She put her arms around herself and kept yelling contradictory words like "It hurts and itches".

Seeing this, her roommates in the same cell exchanged glances.

"Is she an addiction again?"


At the same time, inside the women's prison in S city.

A young woman with slightly sunken cheeks was lying shivering on a single bunk.

After they finished their calculations, they walked out of the cell indifferently and went to have breakfast.

After they left, the woman on the single bed suddenly turned over and fell hard to the ground.

Immediately, she got up from the ground, dragged her body tortured by the disease, and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Well, you can see that her back is covered with sweat."

"Do you want to tell the warden? It would be bad luck if she couldn't make it through and died here."

"Then let's talk about it after she dies."

After coming to the cafeteria, the woman found a woman with short hair in the corner with a pair of dull eyes, and walked towards her quickly.

After licking her lips, the woman asked impatiently: "Ah... Ah Jiu, do you... have that thing on you? Can you... give me some? I can't stand it anymore!"

The short-haired woman's name is "Ajiu", she only came in in the last half month, and she is a drug dealer.

Ah Jiu leaned against the wall and cast a sideways glance at the woman in front of her: "Lu Weiwei, didn't you just ask me the day before yesterday? Today?"

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