Li Jingchen thought of something and asked, "Hasn't your specific medicine been improved?"

Chu Mo said unhappily: "Then we must also respect the basic dosage? Whether it is Dean Xie or Lin Yue's father, I have followed the strict dosage,

If the balloon is too full, it will burst, and so will people. In the final analysis, no matter how good my special medicine is, it is not a panacea. It plays more of a supporting role.

The key lies in the person. If the person has the will to survive, actively cooperates with the treatment, and insists on exercising after the operation, then my specific medicine will be his life-saving medicine.

If this person is like Tang Yezu and Lu Weiwei, who just want to rely on my special medicine to continue their life and do nothing by themselves, then the consequences will be the same as theirs. "

Step by step means that Fu Shuo will not be able to stand up in a short time.

After a moment of silence, Li Jingchen said, "Okay."

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes and asked, "So, what do you mean?"

"I suggest injecting Fu Shuo with a small amount of special medicine first, and proceed step by step."

After Lu Weiwei got the cigarette, she couldn't wait to go back to the cell. Before the other female prisoners came back, she opened the cigarette with shaking hands and poured out the white powder inside.

Then, Lu Weiwei rolled up the cigarette paper again and placed it under her nostrils...

Chu Mo went on to say: "And before that, I have to get his physical examination report first. My special medicine is not suitable for everyone. If he has a drug reaction, then I will be doing bad things with good intentions." ?"

the other side--


"Yes!" Lu Weiwei hurriedly raised her head, only to see that it was Liang Zhen who asked her.

Just as she was intoxicated, an indifferent voice suddenly came from the door: "What are you smoking?"

Lu Weiwei was startled, and hurriedly swept away all the white powder left on the table with her arms, and said in a trembling voice, "It's nothing!"

Just like an invisible person, she cleans up her roommates every day, does laundry, and picks up trash without complaining.

Because of this, the female prisoners in the same room did not make things difficult for her.

She was stunned for a moment.

Liang Zhen has not spoken for a long time.

Once, Lu Weiwei heard it, and couldn't help rushing up to reason with them. She told them that Liang Zhen could talk, so stop calling her dumb.

As a result, the other female prisoners thought she was meddling in her own business, so they gave her a severe lesson.

After all, Liang Zhen was just like an old woman, keeping their cell in good order. If she was bullied and became sick, they would have to do all the work themselves.

But because Liang Zhen hardly spoke, other female prisoners would call her "dumb" behind her back.

Even though Liang Zhen ignored her day after day, she always wanted to do something for him.

At this moment, Lu Weiwei stared blankly at Liang Zhen walking towards her, grabbed the cigarette paper in her hand, and asked coldly, "Have you taken drugs?"

But Lu Weiwei felt it was worth it.

Because she stood up for Liang Zhen, this was the only time she stood up for her mother.

Liang Zhen looked at her coldly, with unclear emotions in her eyes.

"Mom..." Lu Weiwei boldly grabbed Liang Zhen's white-washed prison uniform, and tears of regret fell one by one: "I'm sorry for you, why didn't I come to see you sooner? I have shouldered all the blame, but I let you suffer here alone, I am unfilial!"

Lu Weiwei's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

She opened her mouth and explained in a helpless way: "Mom... I don't want to do this either... But my whole body hurts... I can only use this to relieve the pain..."

At this time, Lu Weiwei looked a little like when she was a child.

Lu Weiwei even felt that if Liang Zhen was willing to talk to her, she could quit this harmful thing for Liang Zhen.

Liang Zhen listened to her confession with unchanged expression.

After a long time, Lu Weiwei suddenly raised a smiling face, happy as if she owned the whole world: "Mom, you are finally willing to talk to me! I'm afraid you will ignore me in the future!"

The smile on Lu Weiwei's face froze just like that, as if a big hole had been broken in her heart, it was terrifyingly empty.

Is there anything more terrifying than Liang Zhen ignoring her?

But at this moment, Liang Zhen shook off her hand forcefully, and said indifferently: "I want to tell you, if you want to die, die far away. Don't come here, and I will collect your body."

After finishing speaking, Liang Zhen threw the cigarette paper on Lu Weiwei's body, and left without looking back.

The latter, it was Liang Zhen who sentenced her to death, which made her feel ashamed.

After a long time, she picked up the crumpled piece of cigarette paper on her body, showing an illusory and broken smile.

That is, Liang Zhen hated her so much that she wished that even if she died, she would die far away, so as not to dirty her eyes.

For the former, Lu Weiwei can still lie to herself, Liang Zhen just hasn't forgiven her yet, as long as she works hard, Liang Zhen will understand that she is sincerely repenting one day.

After looking at the time, Lu Wanwan said to Fu Shuo, "It's almost nine o'clock, I have to go to the company, do you have anything to tell me?"

Fu Shuo looked at her and said, "Call me when you arrive at the company."



After Lu Wanwan walked out of the ward, she told the two male nurses outside to guard Fu Shuo closely.

After two male nurses pushed the door lightly and entered, they said, "Mr. Fu, you don't know our names yet, do you? My name is Xiao Duan, and his name is..."

"Okay." After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "Then I let those two nurses come in?"

Fu Shuo said "hmm".

Fu Shuo looked at them, and there seemed to be sharp thorns in his eyes: "I said, help me up."

After the two male nurses looked at each other, one of them stepped forward and raised the upper part of the hospital bed. In this way, Fu Shuo's upper body was also raised.

Before they finished speaking, Fu Shuo interrupted: "Help me up."

The two male nurses were stunned and said, "Mr. Fu, we are your hands and feet. You can tell us whatever you want."

His face sank instantly: "If you don't listen to me, then get out of here!"

"Mr. Fu, don't be angry, we'll just help you up."

From a certain level, Fu Shuo can be regarded as "getting up".

But in Fu Shuo's view, this little cleverness they used was an insult to his IQ.

Fu Shuo said in disbelief, "Let go."

A male nurse said: "Mr. Fu, with all due respect, your current body is not suitable..."

The two male nurses had no choice but to bite the bullet and helped Fu Shuo out of the hospital bed, one on the left and the other on the right.

Fu Shuo's feet stepped on the ground limply, but he didn't have that "down-to-earth" feeling, as if the sensory nerves had disappeared.

In the next second, Fu Shuo's lower body softened and he fell to the ground.

Fortunately, two male nurses helped him in time and put him back on the bed.

The rest of the words were annihilated in Fu Shuo's stare.

No way, they had to let go.

During the process, Fu Shuo gritted his teeth, and his eyes were even bloodshot.

"Mr. Fu, you just finished the operation, so it's better not to rush it."

Not only did Fu Shuo not understand a word of their explanation, he was even very irritable: "Get out!"

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