Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 905 It's good that she came

After being silent for a moment, Lu Wanwan said, "That's the reason, but now, I need to take care of Fu Shuo while pregnant. It's only the first day, and I can't do what I want. That's why I think this child is a drag."

"It's you who put too much pressure on yourself." Li Jingchen stroked her long hair lightly, and comforted him: "Li Yuanzhong arranged nurses for you to reduce your burden. If you think they are not professional enough, then I will Come please."

Li Jingchen's embrace was warm and reliable, gradually calming down Lu Wanwan's frizzy nerves.

"I feel better, let me go first."

Li Jingchen let her go as promised, but his deep eyes still locked her tightly: "Listen to me Wanwan, you should try to accept my kindness now."

Li Jingchen didn't want to speak so nakedly, but this is reality.

Fu Shuo saved An An and lost his body. No matter how much the Fu family loves An An, he is not Fu Shuo's biological son after all.

Lu Wanwan murmured, "Your kindness?"

"You think, if Fu Shuo's parents find out the truth about the car accident, the Fu family will most likely blame you. If you push me away at this time, you will be really helpless."

Lu Wanwan closed her eyes and said heavily, "I owe them that too." <.97 xiaoshuo. net

The sacrifices made by Fu Shuo have greatly exceeded the Fu family's tolerance.

Now that Bai Qingluo, the culprit, was dead, they might vent their anger on Wanwan.

At this moment, the two men upstairs and downstairs were silently jealous of each other.

Lu Wanwan said dejectedly: "Actually, Bai Qingluo has been waiting for me outside Mingyuan for the past few days. When I saw her, I pretended I didn't see her. Later... this happened!"

Lu Wanwan's heart skipped a beat, and she raised her eyes to look at him.

Li Jingchen noticed her red and swollen eyes, and couldn't help sighing, if he was Fu Shuo, would she shed tears for him too?


"No but." Li Jingchen repeated firmly: "No but, Wanwan."

No wonder she blamed herself so much.

Li Jingchen said: "What if you don't reject her? She is greedy. If you satisfy her with the first thing, she will force you to satisfy her with the second thing. "

After Lu Wanwan chatted with him, her dull mood seemed to be opened: "Li Jingchen, thank you for coming to relieve me so late."

She is not a ignorant person.

After biting her lower lip, Lu Wanwan said, "I know, no matter what happens next, I will face it bravely."

"That's right." Li Jingchen finally smiled.

Lu Wanwan was in a daze: "Here?"

"Yes." Li Jingchen helped her adjust the lower seat so that she could lie down more comfortably, then squatted down beside her legs, and with her surprised expression, said longingly: "Wanwan, I want to touch the child."

Whether Li Yuanzhong arranged a nurse for her or Li Jingchen came to see her so late, it was all out of good intentions.

Li Jingchen asked softly, "Do you want to take a rest?"

After Li Jingchen smiled, he gently put his hand on it, his expression was very focused, as if he was greeting the little life inside.

Seeing this, a strange feeling surged in Lu Wanwan's heart.

Lu Wanwan saw the color of request in his eyes.

"Hmm." She nodded.

Now she sees it.

However, the time was wrong and the place was wrong.

When she was pregnant with An'an, Li Jingchen had never done this like now, and he had no chance to do so.

It's not like Lu Wanwan didn't think about how Li Jingchen would react if he knew she was pregnant.

"Really?" Li Jingchen asked curiously: "When will I hear it?"

Lu Wanwan was distracted by his words, and subconsciously replied: "I only heard about it when Huai'an was four months old."

The next second, Li Jingchen suddenly put his handsome face on her flat belly, and listened carefully.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head, looked at him with a complicated expression, and said, "It's only 7 weeks old, and it can't hear the baby move."

Lu Wanwan said: "Doctor."

After Li Jingchen nodded, he said in a tense voice, "You actually climbed Buzhou Mountain while pregnant, it's more than 1 meters high!"

"Who heard that?"

Thinking that Fu Shuo would listen to the fetus like him, Li Jingchen suppressed his jealousy and asked.

Lu Wanwan subconsciously gathered her coat.

After Li Jingchen caught her little protective action, he suddenly asked: "Wanwan, you won't kill our child, will you?"

Lu Wanwan didn't expect it to be like this. After she and Fu Shuo climbed to the top of the mountain that evening, she felt a little pain in her lower abdomen, but she thought it was menstruation, so she didn't take it seriously.

After touching and sticking for a while, Li Jingchen sat back in his seat with a little satisfaction, his sharp eyes still staring at Lu Wanwan's stomach.

Back then when she hated him so much, she didn't get rid of An An, and now it's even more impossible for her to get rid of him.

Lu Wanwan had an inexplicable feeling of being overwhelmed by him: "I don't even know if I owe you in my previous life!"

Lu Wanwan narrowed her eyes slightly: "How do you know I won't do this?"

Li Jingchen said firmly, "I just know."

Unlike Lu Wanwan, Li Jingchen felt that this child came at a very good time.

Otherwise, Wan Wan will most likely turn her guilt and gratitude towards Fu Shuo into a shackle that binds her, and she will never be able to leave the Fu family for the rest of her life.

Originally, she planned to live alone with An An for a period of time after divorcing Fu Shuo, but the sudden appearance of this child brought her and Li Jingchen into a new relationship!

Li Jingchen said seriously: "I owe you, God wants me to spend the rest of my life to repay you and the child."

The next morning.

When Fu Shuo opened his eyes, he immediately walked around the ward.

This child can always remind Wanwan that his existence, Li Jingchen, made her subconsciously separate "love" from "kindness".


It's good that she's back.

In the next second, he thought to himself, is his current request so simple?

Seeing Lu Wanwan curled up on the long sofa, covered with a gray blanket, the edge of the blanket slipped to the ground, revealing a haggard face.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Wanwan woke up immediately after hearing the voice.

She straightened up and looked at Fu Shuo, and greeted him as usual: "Good morning."

It doesn't matter who she goes to see, as long as she comes back.

At this moment, a nurse pushed away from the ward and said to Fu Shuo, "Mr. Fu, let me change your dressing."

Fu Shuo looked back at her, his thin lips trembled slightly, and said, "Good morning."

He actually saw the vitality in her eyes!

Did Li Jingchen bring it to her?

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