Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 904 It's all her fault

"He's not attacking you."

"I know." So Xia Zhi was not angry.

Lu Wanwan then said: "Xiao Xia, go back and take care of An An, leave it to me."

Seeing her pale face, Xia Zhi couldn't help asking: "Young Mistress, it's almost 12 o'clock, where are you going to sleep tonight?"

Lu Wanwan took a look at the ward: "There are sofas and empty beds inside."

"This..." Xia Zhi hesitated to speak.

Lu Wanwan sighed, "I'm worried about Fu Shuo's behavior."

An An would at least cry to vent it, but Fu Shuo would not, so she had to be careful.

After Xia Zhi left, Lu Wanwan asked the two nurses to stay outside while she pushed the door open.

She glanced at Fu Shuo first, and then at the paper cup that he casually discarded in the trash can.

In the end, Lu Wanwan came forward, took another paper cup and poured him half a cup of boiled water, then put it to her lips and blew it, then she held the back of his neck with her hands, and finished feeding him carefully water, and gently put his head back on the pillow.

This wave of skillful operation stunned Fu Shuo, and then he couldn't help thinking, is this the experience she gained from taking care of Li Jingchen before?

Lu Wanwan pretended that the episode just now hadn't happened, and said, "Sorry, I was only talking to you just now, and I forgot to ask if you want a drink of water?"

Fu Shuo opened his mouth, thinking that even if the water was poured, he would not be able to drink it.

After finishing these things, Lu Wanwan said to him: "Sleep, I will stay here with you."


Lu Wanwan couldn't see through his thoughts at this time, after drying the corners of his mouth, she used the ointment in the drawer to apply medicine to his reddened area.

Fu Shuo's body froze, and then under her focused eyes, he gradually relaxed.

He couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

Lu Wanwan said: "I promise, you will see me when you open your eyes tomorrow."

Ever since he got her divorce agreement, Fu Shuo has been very worried about gains and losses.

Not to mention this moment, as long as she wants, she can take An An away at any time.

She took it out and saw that it was a message from Li Jingchen.

[Wanwan, I'm downstairs in your hospital. ]

Half an hour later, Fu Shuo fell asleep.

Just as Lu Wanwan relaxed, her cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip, wanting to say that she didn't have time to see him now, when another message popped up——

[Come down, I'll talk to you about the kids. ]

Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then got up and walked towards the window, looking down.

I saw a Rolls Royce with double flashes parked next to the street lights of the hospital.

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to cover her lower abdomen, always feeling a little unreal.

She looked back at Fu Shuo to make sure he was asleep, then gently opened the door, and made a silent gesture to the two male nurses who were watching the night outside.

Lu Wanwan's pupils trembled slightly, did he know?

Li Yuanzhong must have told him!

He dreamed that he and An An had a car accident!

As the car was knocked over, a sense of weightlessness hit him.

"I'll be back as soon as I go." After telling them, Lu Wanwan walked quickly to the elevator.

Not long after she left, Fu Shuo suddenly shook and woke up!

Halfway through the conversation, Fu Shuo suddenly found that Lu Wanwan was not in the ward.

He waited a little while, and soon became restless.

This feeling is like dreaming of stepping on air when I was a child, but it has to be ten times, a hundred times more real!

"Late night..."

His fingers scratched at the cold edge of the bed, wanting to straighten up and take a look.

But he still failed, which annoyed him even more.

Wanwan clearly said that as soon as he opened his eyes, he would see her!

Where is she now?

A cloud of gloom appeared in Fu Shuo's heart, making him more tormented.

When others are free, they can't grab Li Jingchen, but now that they are sick, it is even more impossible to keep Wan Wan!

Lied to him every night!

It's so late, leaving him Wanwan, did he sneak to see Li Jingchen?

As soon as Li Jingchen saw Lu Wanwan appearing, he stretched his legs and embraced her involuntarily.

"Wan Wan!" He said excitedly, "Li Yuanzhong told me about your pregnancy!"


Hospital downstairs.

"I'm afraid you have to hurry up." Lu Wanwan said, looking worriedly at the floor where Fu Shuo was.

After Li Jingchen noticed this scene, he said calmly, "Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Lu Wanwan said tiredly: "Don't do this."

"Okay, I'm not like this." Li Jingchen was considerate of her mood, so after briefly hugging her, he reluctantly let her go, turned around and opened the car door and said, "It's cold outside, let's talk in the car."

After sitting beside her, Li Jingchen held her cold fingertips and said, "What's the situation with Fu Shuo now?"

Seeing that he took the initiative to care about Fu Shuo's situation, Lu Wanwan felt better: "He woke up, but the situation is not very good. When he asked me if I would be paralyzed, I tried to comfort him, but He seems to know better than me, I'm afraid I can't fool him."

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she gathered her coat and got into his car.

Li Jingchen drove here by himself without a driver.

Yes, they also have special medicines!

That was the medicine that could snatch Lu Weiwei back from the hands of death!

Li Jingchen saw her anxious expression, and couldn't help but feel distressed: "Listen to me, hasn't Chu Mo developed a special medicine? Maybe it can help Fu Shuo recover."

Lu Wanwan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lu Wanwan said anxiously: "It doesn't matter, let's ask Chu Mo to send the special medicine to the hospital, and call Fu Shuo first!"

Li Jingchen comforted: "Don't worry."

"I just don't know if he is willing to accept the kindness of the Li family."

After all, in Fu Shuo's view, Chu Mo was from their Li family.

If he didn't understand this point, would he come to give Fu Shuo advice?Just grab your beloved woman and two children over!

Lu Wanwan's eyes were red, and she swallowed: "Fu Shuo still has such a big company to manage, and if his parents, sister, and brother-in-law in Y City knew about this, how would they feel? "

Lu Wanwan said excitedly: "I have no choice but to be in a hurry, it was Fu Shuo who saved An An! If he hadn't protected An An, An An would have been lying in the operating room! He wouldn't have been like this, do you understand? ?”

Li Jingchen nodded: "I understand."

"Wanwan, calm down."

If they saw Fu Shuo lying on the hospital bed unable to move, they would definitely not be able to bear it...

In the eyes of Fu's parents and Fu's mother, Fu Shuo is their pride, an existence who has been outstanding since childhood.

Li Jingchen saw that something was wrong with her, so he forcibly hugged her into his arms, and comforted her: "You are still pregnant, so you shouldn't get excited, you know?"

Lu Wanwan said painfully: "Li Jingchen, this child really didn't come at the right time..."

Li Jingchen froze, thinking she was speaking in anger: "It's not that the child came at the wrong time, it's that Bai Qingluo shouldn't have driven into Fu Shuo's car. There are thousands of mistakes, and it's all her fault."

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