Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 900 He Will Not Be Alone

Li Yuanzhong pursed his lips. He also heard what the surgeon said just now.

Fu Shuo was mainly injured in the spine, and his lower body has a 50% chance of being paralyzed. After that, there will be a very long recovery period, and there are still major and minor operations waiting for him.

Lu Wanwan watched the operating bed pass by her, and Fu Shuo's handsome and pale face came into her eyes. His left arm was covered with plaster, which should be the hand that protects An An...

Thinking of Fu Shuo, whom she has always regarded as a relative, half of them may be paralyzed in bed, unprecedented anger and heartache hit Lu Wanwan.

But Bai Qingluo was already dead, and she had nowhere to vent her anger, and all that was left was heartache.

Fu Shuo, an adult, was seriously injured in this car accident, and Bai Qingluo died directly, which shows how dangerous the situation was at that time.

Thinking about it this way, it's a miracle that nothing happened to An'an.

Li Yuanzhong noticed that she quickly wiped her eye sockets with her fingertips, and he couldn't help comforting him: "Wan Wan, Fu Shuo is An An's benefactor, no matter what price the Li family pays, they will definitely heal him."

This is his heart.

"Let's talk about this, I have to take care of him." Lu Wanwan said, trying to catch up with the surgery cart. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

And this miracle was brought about by Fu Shuo.

For this, Li Yuanzhong is grateful, and will naturally do his best to repay him.

"Is it a stomachache?" Li Yuanzhong's face turned serious, and he shouted: "Doctor! Doctor!"

The doctor on duty rushed back after hearing the sound.

Li Yuanzhong, who had been paying attention to her, hurriedly asked, "Wan Wan, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Wanwan covered her stomach with her hands, her face pale.

Half an hour later——

Lu Wanwan, who was sent to the ward to rest, waited for Li Yuanzhong and a doctor to arrive.

Li Yuanzhong looked at Lu Wanwan, who was so painful that she was about to lose her footing, and said to the doctor: "She has a stomachache, please see what's wrong with her!"


Her heart couldn't help but "thump", something happened to Fu Shuo, if she was sick, what would An An do?

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan asked nervously: "Doctor, there should be nothing wrong with my body?"

After taking a look at Li Yuanzhong, the doctor said to Lu Wanwan, "Miss Lu, your examination report is out."

Lu Wanwan noticed that Li Yuanzhong seemed a little desperate.

"This is the examination report." The doctor handed her the report and said, "It says that you are 7 weeks pregnant."

Lu Wanwan picked up the inspection report and read it word by word, but she still didn't believe it: "No, it's impossible!"

The doctor said: "Miss Lu, you are pregnant."

Lu Wanwan was startled, and blurted out: "This is impossible!"

The doctor suggested: "If you don't believe me, why don't you have another test?"

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip: "Impossible, I obviously..."

The doctor couldn't help asking: "How long has it been since you had your period?"

After thinking about it, Lu Wanwan said excitedly: "It's been more than a month, but a month ago, I went to the hospital for a physical examination. The doctor said that I had mild chronic hepatitis, and didn't say that I was pregnant! "

The doctor nodded and said: "Yes, Miss Lu is overworked and worried, that's why she has pain in her lower abdomen. If she doesn't pay attention to rest and adjust her mentality, she may have a miscarriage."

Li Yuanzhong's face darkened, and he said after a long time: "I see, you go out."

Is it that time?

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was in a trance, Li Yuanzhong asked the doctor himself: "So her abdominal pain is related to her pregnancy?"

However, Lu Wanwan was still thinking about the relationship between her and Li Jingchen more than a month ago.

That time, it was because Lu Weiwei plotted against her and sent her to Tang Yezu's bed. Later, Li Jingchen appeared and rescued her, and pestered her all night in order to relieve her of the medicine.

"Okay." The doctor nodded and left.

Li Yuanzhong immediately looked at Lu Wanwan, forced to hide his disappointment, and said, "Wanwan, did you hear that? You need to rest and relax more now, or it will be bad for the fetus in your womb."

In Lu Wanwan's chaos, Li Yuanzhong said: "Grandpa knows that Fu Shuo has become like this, you must be very sad, but since you... are pregnant with his flesh and blood, you should cheer up."

Lu Wanwan was stunned, Li Yuanzhong thought she was pregnant with Fu Shuo's child?

But afterwards, she obviously took the contraceptive pill, why did she still get pregnant?

Is it because the contraceptive pill is only effective for 12 hours?

These words made Lu Wanwan unable to utter sarcasm.

Li Yuanzhong then said: "Grandpa went out and made a phone call, and asked some servants to come and serve you."

No wonder, Li Yuanzhong looked like the end of the world just now.

Lu Wanwan was about to laugh at him, but Li Yuanzhong continued, "Wanwan, no matter who you choose to be with in the end, grandpa will support you."

Li Yuanzhong patted the back of her hand and said, "You should rest first, Grandpa is out."


As soon as Lu Wanwan opened her mouth, Li Yuanzhong knew what she wanted to say, and comforted him: "Don't refuse grandpa, you are two people now, if you keep running around, in case of miscarriage, wouldn't the Li family feel sorry for Fu Shuo even more?" ?”

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan fell silent.

Xia Zhi has no idea in her heart, but she is an adult, so she must stabilize the situation: "No, if there is something wrong with the husband, the young mistress will be back long ago. I guess the young mistress should be still outside the operating room, waiting for the husband to come out safely." right."

An Anfei was not comforted, but was even more worried: "But it's been 3 hours, is Daddy's surgery still not healed?"

At this time, in An An's ward.

An Anzheng asked impatiently: "Sister Xia, it's been so long, why hasn't Mommy come back? Is it Daddy..."

Xia Zhi looked at his pale face, and said slowly and kindly: "I know the young master is worried about Mr., but if you don't eat all the time, how can you have the energy to wait?"

An An threw off the quilt and said eagerly, "I'll go and see Daddy!"

After Xia Zhi choked, she tried to distract him: "Young master, you haven't eaten dinner yet, do you want me..."

An An's eyes were red, and he roared, "How can I eat now!"

Xia Zhi hurriedly hugged his small body, and said: "Young Master, Young Mistress told you to stay here to rest, just listen to her!"

An An raised her tears and said sadly: "But Daddy...he must be in pain now. He protected me when I was in the most danger. I don't want him to be alone!"

Xia Zhi felt at a loss, her obedience to Lu Wanwan and love for An An kept pulling her back.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded from the door of the ward: "An'an, your daddy will not be lonely with your mommy by his side."

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