Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 899 Sorry, we have tried our best

Li Yuanzhong took a step forward, looked down at Bai Qingluo's pale face, his cheeks twitched with anger.

Due to Li Yuanzhong's obstruction, the three doctors had to stop, and asked a little tiredly, "Who are you?"

The traffic police introduced: "This is the family member of the perpetrator who came specially after receiving our notice. His surname is Li."

The surgeon in charge said, "Old Mr. Li, we have tried our best, but we still haven't been able to save your relatives. Please express your condolences."

Li Yuanzhong's eyes finally lifted from Bai Qingluo's face, and he looked at the chief surgeon with some astonishment: "You mean, she died?"

After the chief surgeon nodded, he emphasized: "Yes, we have tried our best."

Li Yuanzhong thought blankly.

But his expression, which fell into the eyes of the three doctors, had another meaning.

After the assistant rolled his eyes, he suddenly said angrily, "Mr., if a woman hadn't rushed into the operating room to make trouble just now, we wouldn't have failed the operation!"

Li Yuanzhong reached out to check Bai Qingluo's breath, and found that she was indeed not breathing.

No wonder, when Bai Qingluo was pushed out, his face was lifeless, and he didn't have any tubes or medical equipment on his body.

However, Bai Qingluo died like this, it really did her a favor!

Several security guards winked at them desperately, telling them to stop talking.

But the assistant said without any discernment: "Could you have let her run away? She was the murderer who killed this old gentleman's relatives!"

Several security guards: Yes, you can continue to die!

Another doctor interjected: "We are all trying to stop her, so we missed the golden time to rescue your loved ones!"

Li Yuanzhong asked with a fake smile: "You mean, that woman killed her?"

"That's right!" After the assistant's head was heavy, he turned to several security guards: "Where's that crazy woman? Didn't Dr. Zhao tell you to keep an eye on her?"

The assistant immediately turned into a licking dog, and said: "Yes, yes, yes, listen to our doctor Zhao. He has worked in our hospital for more than 20 years and has rich clinical experience. What he said is absolutely right!"

After Li Yuanzhong squinted his eyes, he said, "Say it."

Doctor Zhao said: "It was true that a woman rushed in to make trouble just now, but when your family member was brought here, he was already bleeding heavily. We took a picture of her and found that her internal organs were displaced. The success rate is inherently low, only 10% chance."

After the assistant saw the criminal policeman behind Li Yuanzhong, his eyes lit up, and he said quickly: "Comrade policeman, you came just in time, we can tell you the appearance of that woman, you hurry up and arrest her, and return this old gentleman Fair, okay?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the policeman's forehead. At this time, don't get involved with him!

"Wait." At this moment, Bai Qingluo's chief surgeon suddenly said, "Mr. Li, listen to me."

Just when they were under a lot of pressure, Lu Wanwan suddenly broke in. They originally planned to shift the responsibility to Lu Wanwan if they failed to rescue Bai Qingluo, but Dr. Zhao suddenly turned his back on him and told the truth out.

After Li Yuanzhong listened, his tone was slightly slow: "You mean, even if no one goes in to make trouble, it is very likely that you will not be able to save her?"

The assistant said: "Mister, the level of our hospital is unquestionable!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the assistant and the other doctor changed drastically. This Dr. Zhao is talking nonsense!

Originally, the success rate of the operation was only 10%. If it wasn't because Bai Qingluo was sent by the traffic police, they wouldn't even want to take over the operation.

Because once the operation fails, these doctors will have one more failed operation case.

After a meal, Dr. Zhao said: "Mr., I think you are an open-minded person. I hope you can think about it and handle her funeral as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Dr. Zhao walked away.

The other doctor and assistant were left behind, their faces were flushed, and they were both embarrassed to see Li Yuanzhong.

"Shut up, I'm not asking you." Li Yuanzhong said coldly.

The assistant stared angrily.

"Yes." Dr. Zhao said: "The patient's injury is already too serious, and there is nothing we can do."

But if someone like Bai Qingluo kills her in Wanwan, it will only dirty Wanwan's hands!

Li Yuanzhong preferred to come by himself.

Thinking of this, his sharp eyes turned to Bai Qingluo.

What they didn't know was that Dr. Zhao's words saved the three of them from death.

Li Yuanzhong was very satisfied with Dr. Zhao's explanation.

Taking a step back, even if Wanwan rushed in and indirectly killed Bai Qingluo, he still had plenty of ways to help her settle.


Two hours later—

Fu Shuo's operating room light finally turned from red to green.

He wants to crush her to ashes, and she will never be reborn forever!

After lowering his head to record the time and place of Bai Qingluo's death, the criminal policeman on the side said, "Mr. Li, since the perpetrator is already dead, we won't be here to watch."

Li Yuanzhong looked at them and ordered: "Don't bother Wan Wan, this matter ends here."

Li Yuanzhong said: "Wanwan, Bai Qingluo died."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan looked at Li Yuanzhong in surprise.

Li Yuanzhong understood the meaning of her eyes: "Bai Qingluo's death was not because of you, nor because of me. She was to blame for it."

Lu Wanwan straightened up, for some reason, she felt a little weak.

At this time, Li Yuanzhong's voice sounded beside her: "Grandpa will face it with you."

Lu Wanwan looked at him, and asked lightly, "Don't you need to accompany Bai Qing down?"

He has already had Bai Qingluo's body transported away, and he plans to bury her in a very dark place in Southeast Asia. After her death, she is not allowed to enter the cemetery of Li's family to worship, nor is she allowed to enter the Buddhist hall. Being a lonely ghost, you will never be able to stand up again.

Lu Wanwan didn't understand what he meant, so she shook her head.

Li Yuanzhong said meaningfully: "It's fine if you don't understand."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan understood that it was Bai Qingluo who failed to survive the operation.

She smiled silently, although she failed to kill Bai Qingluo with her own hands, she could not escape death after all.

Li Yuanzhong suddenly asked: "Wanwan, do you believe in past and afterlife?"

Lu Wanwan was half happy: "What do you mean by 'not so bad'?"

The chief surgeon was silent for a long time, and said something with a heavy expression.

After taking off his mask, the doctor who operated on Fu Shuo said to Lu Wanwan, "The patient's surgery went well."

At this time, the door of the operating room was opened.

Lu Wanwan immediately stepped forward and asked several doctors who came out: "I am a family member of Fu Shuo, how is his surgery going?"

After Lu Wanwan heard this, a deep haze shrouded her pretty face.

"Sorry, we've tried our best." After the chief surgeon finished speaking to her, he directed the doctor next to him to push Fu Shuo to the ward after the operation.

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