Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 901 She Should Trust You

An An, who heard the voice, raised her head from Xia Zhi's embrace, and looked at the person who came: "Grandpa Li..."

Li Yuanzhong looked at his eyes that were red from crying, and his heart was twisted together: "Come to Grandpa Li."

With that said, he glanced at Xia Zhi who was holding An An.

Seeing that the other party was the old man of the Li family, Xia Zhi didn't dare to confront him head-on, and it seemed that he was here to stop the young master from going to see the husband.

That being the case, it doesn't matter if she lets go.

Xia Zhi then let go of An An.

An An pursed her mouth and walked towards Li Yuanzhong.

Li Yuanzhong squatted down with some effort, caught him, and said, "An'an, Grandpa Li knows about your car accident. Are you injured?"

"Grandpa Li, my dad has had surgery for a long time, and I am very worried about him."

An An is now fully focused on Fu Shuo, and even forgot to ask why Li Yuanzhong appeared here. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Li Yuanzhong sighed: "Grandpa Li knows that your father has suffered."

"Really." Li Yuanzhong trimmed the doctor's words beautifully. In the end, he was also doing it for An'an.

An An raised her arms excitedly, wiped her wet eyes, and stopped crying.

Li Yuanzhong said: "Grandpa Li went to see your mommy just now, and happened to see your father being pushed out of the operating room. The doctor said that his operation went well, and he needs to rest more."

An An was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

After Li Yuanzhong was silent, he said: "That person is dead."


Xia Zhi showed a relieved expression on the side.

An An cheered up and said, "Grandpa Li, I beg you to help me catch that bad guy who hit me and Daddy on purpose!"

An An anxiously asked: "Is that man a man or a woman? What does he look like?"

Li Yuanzhong's eyes flashed, and he said: "She is a lunatic, her face is bloody, and Grandpa Li can't see her clearly."

An An was stunned: "Dead?"

Li Yuanzhong nodded: "Yes, Grandpa Li has seen that man's body with his own eyes."

Li Yuanzhong was afraid of provoking him, so he didn't say that person was Bai Qingluo.

He was even more worried that the tragedy between Li Jingchen and Li Xiangchen would happen to An An and Li Xiuqi.

An An repeated in a daze: "Crazy?"

"Yes, she's crazy."

Xia Zhi walked forward understandingly, lightly held An An's shoulder from behind, and said, "Young master, since the husband's operation went well, you should be obedient and go to bed, right?"

An An was pulled back to the bed by Xia Zhi, and after settling down, she said, "Grandpa Li, is my dad really alright?"

The person who wanted revenge was dead, and An An, like Lu Wanwan, fell into confusion.

Li Yuanzhong gave Xia Zhi a look.

Grandpa Li has a high position and authority, and he usually doesn't like to joke around. If he says it's true, it must be true.

After An An relaxed a little, Li Yuanzhong ordered Xia Zhi to buy some food for their mother and son.

Li Yuanzhong sat in front of his bed and said seriously: "Grandpa Li assures you."

These words made An An feel at ease.

Xia Zhi walked to the door, suddenly worried, would Li Yuanzhong abduct the young master while she was away?

After all, now that Mr. is injured, it is the best time for the Li family to take advantage of it.

Xia Zhi also had this plan: "Yes, I will come back as soon as I go, and I will trouble you, young master."

"No trouble." Li Yuanzhong waved his hand and said naturally.

However, how did Li Yuanzhong know that the perpetrator was a lunatic?

Xia Zhi was full of doubts. After going downstairs to buy some dinners, she came back and said to Li Yuanzhong, "Mr. Li, if you don't mind, can you eat some too?"

She turned her head and saw Li Yuanzhong was leaning over and talking to An An.

Xia Zhi felt like a villain again.

After hearing this, Li Yuanzhong felt that it made sense, so he agreed.

Xia Zhi didn't expect him to be so talkative, so she hurriedly handed him chopsticks.

Li Yuanzhong raised his eyes and glanced at her: "Do you think I need it?"

His tone sounded harsh, and Xia Zhi was a little apprehensive, so she quickly explained: "I think, if you eat with the young master, his appetite should be better."

"Wanwan should trust you a lot, right?"

At this time, Li Yuanzhong's eyes were a little more veiled.

Li Yuanzhong felt that she was very capable, so he asked, "Are you a servant of the Fu family?"

Xia Zhi nodded: "Yes."

Xia Zhi said: "The doctor said, apart from a slight concussion, the young master has no other injuries."

Li Yuanzhong let go of his hanging heart: "It's really a miracle."

Xia Zhi said from the bottom of her heart: "Young Mistress is kind."

After Li Yuanzhong nodded, he asked, "What does the doctor say about An An's condition?"

"Thanks to sir, the young master is safe and sound."

not good!


This car accident resulted in one death and two serious injuries. It is not so much a miracle that the young master can sit here, but rather a...

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, as expected of a high-ranking person who has lived for many years, even if Fu Shuo was his eldest grandson's rival in love, Li Yuanzhong could still be impartial.

After eating a simple dinner with An An, Li Yuanzhong helped him tuck the quilt, and said gently: "Okay, Grandpa Li is going back, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

As soon as the words came out, Xia Zhi consciously slipped a sneak peek at Li Yuanzhong.

Li Yuanzhong did not get angry, but nodded and said: "You are right."


Li Yuanzhong didn't go downstairs, but took the elevator to Lu Wanwan's ward, but he was in vain.

"Thank you, Grandpa Li, for being here with me." An An looked at Xia Zhi, and said, "Sister Xia, help me see off Grandpa Li."

Xia Zhi responded, "Okay."

The nurse stopped and replied, "She said she had rested and left."

Li Yuanzhong asked nervously, "Where did she go?"

In sight, there is only one nurse who is tidying up the hospital bed.

Li Yuanzhong frowned, walked in and asked, "Where are the people here?"

Immediately, he thought of something and walked to Fu Shuo's ward.

As expected, Wan Wan was with Fu Shuo.

The nurse shook her head apologetically: "I don't know about that."

Li Yuanzhong tightened his hand on the crutch.

At this moment, in Fu Shuo's ward.

Lu Wanwan glanced at his left hand, which was in plaster, and then at his right hand, which was being transfused. The tip of her nose felt sore again: "Why are you so stupid?"

Li Yuanzhong stood at the door and watched for a while, then left silently.



At 11 o'clock in the evening, Li's house.

She even filed for divorce with him, and told him that she would not give up An An's custody rights, but he still chose to save An An first at a critical moment.

Thinking of what she said to him on Mount Buzhou, Lu Wanwan's tears fell again.

A hasty doorbell rang through the silence of the night.

Li Qingling, who was curled up on the sofa and entangled Li Jingchen's staff at the wedding shooting location, wondered, "Who is it in the middle of the night?"

It can't be the sister-in-law, can it?

Although she called this evening to ask her sister-in-law to come and look for her when she had time, it was too late.

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