Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 886 Where Can You Hide?

Half an hour later, a gazebo caught the eyes of Lu Wanwan and the three of them.

Fu Shuo turned his handsome face and asked caringly, "Wanwan, should we take a break?"

Lu Wanwan caught a glimpse of An An sticking out her tongue, probably thirsty, so she said, "Okay."

It happened that a middle-aged couple got up and continued to climb the mountain, and gave up an unoccupied stone chair, which was just for Lu Wanwan and the three of them to sit down.

"Tonight, do you want some water?"

"Mommy, do you want some oranges?"

At the same time, Fu Shuo took a bottle of mineral water, An An took an orange, and handed them all to Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan looked at the food in front of her, took the oranges first, then walked to the public faucet, washed her hands together, came back and peeled the oranges, twisted a piece of orange flesh and sent it to An An's small mouth .

A smile curled up on Fu Shuo's lips, and he was asking with his eyes: Is it okay?

He was already handsome, let alone exuding charm like this. <.97 xiaoshuo. net


An An took a sip, and after eating the orange flesh into her mouth, she said, "Mum, the oranges are so sweet, can you feed them to Daddy too?"

Lu Wanwan looked at Fu Shuo.

After Fu Shuo glanced at the orange in his hand, he said to him, "No rush."

He and Wanwan will live in a tent tonight, and he will spend a lot of time with her.

And Lu Wanwan, who walked to the edge of the cliff guardrail, slid down the answer button on the phone, put it to her ear and said, "Li Jingchen, it's me."

She stuffed the oranges that had been peeled in half into the hands of Fu Shuo and An An, straightened up and said, "Sorry, I'm going to answer the phone, share the rest with you."

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone and walked away.

"Hi!" An An said depressedly: "Failed again..."

Li Jingchen's eyebrows twitched fiercely: "Mountain climbing?"

He was worried about her, but she actually ran to climb a mountain?

Lu Wanwan hummed lazily, and said, "With Fu Shuo and An'an."

At the same time, inside the Li residence.

Li Jingchen was copying his pocket with one hand, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, pretending to ask casually: "Today is Saturday, what are you doing?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Climbing the mountain."

"I didn't promise you." Lu Wanwan asked after a meal, "Is there anything else you want?"

Li Jingchen was dissatisfied with her perfunctory tone. The most important thing was that she never mentioned that she wanted to rent a house. This simply treated him as an outsider!

"Wanwan, if you have any difficulties..."

Li Jingchen's chest heaved up and down, and he couldn't control his soreness and said, "What's there to do with him?"

Lu Wanwan replied: "I want to leave some good memories for An'an."

Li Jingchen blurted out: "Every day in the future, I can create beautiful memories for An'an with you!"

"good very good!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jingchen ended the call first, and looked out the window heavily.

At the end, an almost cruel smile flashed across his face.

"I have no trouble."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen's eyebrows showed a trace of coldness.

To this day, she still refuses to have a thorough heart-to-heart relationship with him. Is it because she is worried that after she divorces, he will run to harass their mother and son?

What did Li Jingchen call her for?

Forget it, it's more important to accompany An'an.

After calming down her thoughts, Lu Wanwan turned around to meet Fu Shuo and An An, and the three continued their journey.

As long as he thinks, S City is his, so where can you hide with our son at night?


After Lu Wanwan put down her phone, she felt baffled.

"Isn't that simple?" Fu Shuo said, lifting An An up and placing it on his shoulders, while Lu Wanwan was behind him to protect him.

"Is it close enough?"

"Almost there!" An An found the panorama of the squirrel hiding in the bushes, took out her phone, and took a picture of it.

When passing through a pine forest, An An suddenly tugged at the corners of their clothes excitedly, and shouted: "Daddy, Mommy, look, there are squirrels in the tree!"

Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo followed his little finger to look, but they couldn't see anything.

An An said: "If I can take a picture, I can show it to Nian Nian and Xiu Qi on Monday."

He said "Ouch!" and put down the phone.

"What's wrong?" Fu Shuo quickly put him back on the ground.

After An An rubbed her forehead, she said, "It's nothing, hey, what is this on the ground?"

The little squirrel was combing its big fluffy tail. Seeing a human approaching suddenly, it immediately let go of its fluffy tail and quickly climbed up.

An An took the opportunity to take a few more photos.

The next second, something fell from the tree and hit An An on the forehead.

Fu Shuo saw that there was indeed a squirrel moving among the bushes, and he couldn't help joking: "It seems that Daddy and Mommy are old, and they didn't see anything just now."

When An An heard this, she became anxious immediately: "That's not it, it was just a matter of the angle, and the leaves just blocked Daddy's and Mommy's vision."

After Lu Wanwan looked away, she said, "Let's continue walking."

After Lu Wanwan glanced at it, she said, "It's pine nuts."

Seeing that it was a false alarm, Fu Shuo asked instead, "Did you get the whole picture?"

"It's taken!" An An shared it with them.

She thought that her aunt who was late for many days was finally coming, so she said to the freshman next to her, "Fu Shuo, I'm going to the bathroom, you can take An An to find a place first."

"Okay." Fu Shuo agreed.

After Lu Wanwan went to the bathroom to put on sanitary napkins, she found that Fu Shuo had already bought a tent and was hugged by An An. The little man was shaking under the weight of the big tent.


Before the sun set and night fell, the three of Lu Wanwan finally reached the top of the mountain.

Lu Wanwan wiped the sweat from her forehead and felt a dull pain in her lower abdomen.

"Okay, okay, we can lie down comfortably and watch the meteor shower. By the way, will Daddy set up a tent?" An An asked expectantly.

Seeing Wan Wan's mother and son looking at him, Fu Shuo subconsciously raised his head and said, "Of course."

"Okay!" An An didn't have to worry about it now.

Lu Wanwan hurried up to help.

There was excitement in An An's voice: "Mummy, we will set up camp here tonight!"

Fu Shuo was more thoughtful: "The hotel is not far from here. How about we take a shower, have a meal, and come back here after we finish setting up the tent later?"

Lu Wanwan picked up a tent pole on the ground and said, "Tell me how to install this?"

Fu Shuo said, "Wanwan, just let me do this kind of thing."

An An also said: "Yes, Mommy, you are a girl, just leave this kind of rough work to me and Daddy."

However, Fu Shuo quickly turned around while they were not paying attention, and Baidu's video of how to set up a tent went.

Fortunately, Fu Shuo was smart, he grasped the essence after reading it once, and started working with confidence.

An An also pouted her little butt and followed Fu Shuo, passing tools, taking things and so on.

When she saw her doing things, the setting sun gathered into two spots of light in her eyes, as if it had exhausted the haze that filled the sky, the beauty was unbelievable.

Seeing this, Fu Shuo had no choice but to teach her how to put the tent pole into the cloth cover.

During the teaching process, physical contact was inevitable, and Lu Wanwan did not avoid him.

Lu Wanwan shook her head and decided to join them.

Fu Shuo's movements slowly stopped, staring at her reluctantly to look away.

But all of this, because it is so beautiful, seems a little unreal.

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