Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 885 She Can't Make Him Wish Anymore

Early the next morning, Lu Wanwan put the packed luggage into Fu Shuo's car.

Fu Shuo put one hand on the hood of the trunk and looked at her tenderly: "Have you brought enough things?"

"Well, I brought some food and drink, and I also brought some standing medicines. As for the tent that An An mentioned last night, I think there are usually sold on the mountain. Let's talk about it later."

After putting away her luggage, Lu Wanwan raised her head and said to Fu Shuo.

He was wearing casual clothes today, a white shirt and gray shorts, and a black sports cap on his head, looking very capable.

Lu Wanwan also wore clothes and trousers that were convenient for sports, and her long hair was bundled into a bud shape, and a few strands of hair were scattered behind her neck unfettered, looking a little playful.

"Yes." Xia Zhi was about to go into the house to find An An, but An An came out with a travel bag on her back.

He was wearing a small tracksuit, and after pulling the brim of his hat with his hand, he raised his delicate face and said, "Daddy, Mommy, I'm ready!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Then get in the car."

"Wanwan, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing how much she cared about this parent-child trip, Fu Shuo was a little surprised and only happy.

After Lu Wanwan pursed her red lips, she looked at Xia Zhi beside her: "Xiao Xia, can you go and see if An An is okay?"

"Sister Xia, I will miss you!" An An, who was sitting between Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo, poked her head out and waved her little hand at Xia Zhi.


On the road.

"Yeah!" After An An got in the car, Lu Wanwan sat on his left, and Fu Shuo sat on his right.

Through the car window, Fu Shuo lightly explained to Xia Zhi: "The family will be left to you."

"Yes." Xia Zhi bowed to them and said, "Mr. Zhu, the young mistress and the young master had fun together."

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she said, "Honey, it takes 3 hours to get to Buzhou Mountain, do you want to sleep for a while?"

"Mum, no need, I'm not sleepy."

Having said that, An An still leaned into Lu Wanwan's arms with attachment, and then put her arms around Fu Shuo's arm, sighing in satisfaction.

An An took out her mobile phone, clicked on the map, and said to the Fu family driver who was driving: "Uncle driver, we are going to this mountain, so don't drive by mistake."

After looking at his mobile phone, the driver smiled dotingly and said, "Young Master, I know that there are not many mountains around City S, but there is only one called Buzhou Mountain."

Hearing this, An An blushed and silently retreated to Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo's side.

The driver replied: "Okay, young lady."

Lu Wanwan immediately said to the freshman next to her, "Let's get out of the car."

"Yeah." After Fu Shuo got out of the car, he hugged An An neatly, and then reached out to pick Lu Wanwan out of the car.

Fu Shuo took the opportunity to glance at Lu Wanwan, but saw that her eyes were light, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

This journey was passed by An An's twittering.

When they got to the foot of the mountain, Lu Wanwan, a local resident of City S, explained to the driver: "There are two roads in Buzhou Mountain, one is the road around the mountain for cars, and the other is a walking trail for climbers. Drive directly to the hotel on the top of the mountain and wait for us, we will meet you in the evening."

"Sir, young mistress, I'll take a step first." After finishing speaking, the driver drove past them and headed for the Huanshan Highway.

Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo held An An's little hand and walked towards the entrance.

Today is Saturday, and experts say that a once-in-a-hundred-year meteor shower will descend on S City in the early morning of tonight, so there are a lot of people who come to climb the mountain.

Lu Wanwan avoided his hands by arranging her clothes.

Because she did it very naturally, Fu Shuo didn't think much about it.

After the three simply brought some water, food, medicine and cash, they were ready to set off.

After An An pushed down the brim of her hat with her index finger, she revealed a pair of beautiful cat eyes, looked at them, and instantly made them very cute.

After stepping into the scenic spot in an orderly manner, a road made of stone steps appeared in front of everyone.

There is only one road, divided into two sides, one side goes up the mountain, and the other side goes down the mountain.

Some of them were couples, some were college students traveling together, some came to sketch, carrying drawing boards behind their backs, and some reporters came directly with cameras on their shoulders.

When Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo led An An to line up, the young people around unconsciously looked at them twice.

Several girls looked at An An and said something excitedly.

"I heard that Mount Buzhou is 1 meters high. When we climb halfway, we won't be short of oxygen, right?"

"I've been here. There are oxygen cylinders for sale halfway up the mountain, and there are sedan chairs to sit in. Don't worry, you won't die."

"That's all right, go! I'm going to make a wish on a shooting star tonight! I hope I can catch up with my male god next year!"

Before Lu Wan went to the mountain, she subconsciously looked up at the top of the mountain.

I saw that the people above were as small as ants, which shows that the altitude is not low, and I don't know if An An can bear it?

Just at this time, a pair of little sisters' discussions came from behind them——

"It's autumn." Fu Shuo said.

The leaves of ginkgo are turning yellow, and the golden leaves are all over the branches, embellishing the whole mountain.

"Yeah, the wind blows so comfortably, it's not hot at all." An An said comfortably.

Under the aura of this pair of little sisters, Lu Wanwan and the three were almost pushed upwards.

At this time, a gust of wind blew.

Lu Wanwan had an extra hand on her shoulder. She froze and looked to the side, only to see Fu Shuo helped her take a leaf down.

"Then be careful." Lu Wanwan said.

Even though the two exchanged positions, An An still walked in the middle.

At this time, the little guy suddenly raised his head and said, "Daddy, Mommy, can you let me walk for a while? If I get tired, I'll let you lead me."

Lu Wanwan didn't say anything and continued to climb up.

On the way, a couple ran down chasing each other, brushed Lu Wanwan's arm, and caught Fu Shuo's attention.

"Wan Wan, let me go outside." Fu Shuo took the initiative to change places with her.

While walking, An An suddenly slowed down and deliberately fell behind Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo.

Seeing this, the two girls behind An An couldn't help asking, "Little friend, are you okay?"

An An quickly turned her head and pointed at them: "Shh."

Lu Wanwan hesitated to speak: "An'an..."

Fu Shuo supported: "It's okay, An'an's sports cells are very good."

"Okay then." Lu Wanwan reluctantly let go of An An's hand.

But Lu Wanwan soon found out that he was gone, and immediately turned to look for him: "An'an, are you unable to walk anymore?"

"No, my shoelace fell off and I was tying it just now!" An An said nonsense.

After Lu Wanwan thought about it for a while, she said, "Then you come in front of us, otherwise Mommy won't worry."

He is creating opportunities for Daddy.

[Stupid daddy, now, hurry up and hold Mommy! ]

An An encouraged Fu Shuo in her heart.

"Okay." An An walked slowly in front of them, but in this way, he couldn't see the situation of Daddy and Mummy.

It would be better to walk among them!

Thinking of this, An An stepped back and took the initiative to hold the hands of Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo.

Lu Wanwan glanced at him calmly, and she knew that An An was playing tricks again.

She was the one who indulged him before, but from today onwards, she can no longer let him do what he wants.

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