Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 887 You Must Keep It Safe

Will not.

Wanwan had set up a tent in front of him, and her every move was so vivid, it was definitely not his fantasy!

After shaking his head, Fu Shuo continued to focus on the matter in front of him. The three of them worked together to quickly set up the tent.

An An looked at the "big guy" standing up in front of him, feeling full of accomplishment: "It feels like surviving in the wild, it's great!"

While talking, a couple beside them suddenly exploded. It turned out that when the boy was fixing the four corners of the tent with a hammer, he accidentally hit the girl's finger holding the nail. After getting up, the girl finally said "I can't stop", and ran away crying.

An An smiled "hehe" and said, "I'm telling the truth."

After finishing the final reinforcement of the tent, Fu Shuo said, "That's all, let's go to the hotel."

Seeing this, An An rejoiced and said, "Fortunately, Daddy's command is good. Of course, Mommy is also good at cooperating."

Lu Wanwan nodded the tip of his nose: "You are not alone, you have praised us all."

"That's good." An An said reassuringly: "Then let's go to the hotel to take a shower, eat, and then come back and wait to watch the meteor shower!"

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she straightened up, and she and Fu Shuo led An An to the hotel not far away.

An An asked worriedly: "Daddy, no one will come to snatch our tent?"

Fu Shuo pointed to the names on the tent, which belonged to the three of them: "This tent has been registered. If anyone dares to snatch it, we just need to tell the staff here and let them handle it."

"Young master." The driver stood up, took out a room card and said, "Sir, young mistress, I have reserved a suite for you, here is the room card."

After Fu Shuo took the room card, the driver continued: "By the way, I have put all your luggage in the suite."

The driver of the Fu family arrived early in the morning and was waiting for the arrival of the three of them in the hotel lobby.

An An's sharp eyes saw him as soon as he entered the door: "Uncle driver!"

Fu Shuo glanced at his watch and said, "It's still early, should we go out and relax?"

"Go with An'an, I'll take a rest." Lu Wanwan said lazily as she leaned on the sofa in the restaurant.

"Thank you uncle driver!" An An said sensiblely.

The three of them immediately went to the suite, took turns to wash away their tiredness, and then had a hearty meal in the restaurant.

After a pause, she looked at Fu Shuo and said, "I'll leave An An to you for the time being."

After hesitating for a while, Fu Shuo said, "Okay, we'll be doing activities outside the hotel. If you need anything, feel free to call."

An An immediately said nervously: "Is Mommy not feeling well? Daddy and I should stay here with you."

Lu Wanwan rubbed An An's soft short hair, and comforted her: "Mummy is fine, don't be nervous."

Outside the hotel.

An An saw a firefly flying over faintly and landed on Fu Shuo's arm. She couldn't help opening her eyes wide and said, "Daddy, don't move!"

Lu Wanwan said "Mmm", watching Fu Shuo lead An'an outside the hotel through the glass window of the restaurant, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in mist.

She just wanted to give them a little more time together.

As a result, the firefly flapped its wings and flew out of An An's future hands.

An An immediately found a helper: "Daddy, help me catch it together!"

Fu Shuo asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

"There are fireflies!" An'an is now at the age when seeing everything is novel, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand: "Look at me catching it!"

Fu Shuo was afraid that the bag would be dirty, so he only asked An An to observe the fireflies through the bag.

At this moment, there was an exclamation of "Wow" from the edge of the cliff, and more and more people walked over there.

Fu Shuo caught the firefly in a set of discarded plastic bags.

"Wow, Daddy is awesome!" An An clapped her hands happily.

After An An nodded, she pointed to the firefly in the bag and said, "Daddy, shall we let it go?"

"Okay." Fu Shuo opened the plastic bag, and the fireflies inside froze for a while before flying out of the bag.

An An turned her gaze, looked over there strangely and said, "Daddy, what are they looking at?"

Fu Shuo said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

As soon as he got closer, An An heard someone say that.

"Excuse me." Fu Shuo gently opened a gap to make it easier for An An to see.

After it flew away, An An couldn't wait to hold Fu Shuo's hand and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

"Ah, what kind of fairy place is this!"

An An's pupils trembled slightly because of excitement: "I have never seen such a beautiful sight!"

Fu Shuo held his shoulder and gave a soft "hmm".

With just one glance, An An was stunned.

I saw countless fireflies flying in the valley below the cliff, like a blue galaxy, shuttling through rivers, mountains, and bushes, flying to unknown places.

I saw a middle-aged man with a big beard, holding up a camera, introducing business to them.

"It turns out that this uncle is specially taking pictures of tourists in scenic spots." After hearing this, An An raised her head and asked, "Daddy, do we want to take pictures?"

At this time, an enthusiastic voice sounded from behind them: "You two, do you need me to take a picture of you?"

Hearing this, Fu Shuo and An An turned their heads.

This kind of forced buying and selling behavior is not uncommon in any scenic spot.

Fu Shuo was in a good mood today and didn't bother to argue with the other party. After paying the money, they quickly got the edited photos.

Fu Shuo lowered his eyes, and was about to talk to An An, when he heard a "click" from ahead...

Immediately afterwards, the bearded man came forward with a smile: "I have already taken a photo for you, and it costs 50 yuan a piece. Thank you for your patronage."


in the restaurant.

An An looked at the photo and said with a little regret: "Without Mommy, I always feel that something is missing."

Fu Shuo also felt lost: "Just wait until next time."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "Really? That's great."

An An excitedly narrated what he saw just now: "Mum, Daddy and I just saw a large group of fireflies in the valley, it's so beautiful!"

After Lu Wanwan put down her coffee, she rushed to the one in front of her, "Are you back?"

"By the way, an uncle with a beard took a photo of me and Daddy. Mommy looks handsome, right?" An An took out the photo and said to Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan took the photo and looked at it, and found that the background was a dreamy green valley. An An and Fu Shuo were looking at each other with natural expressions, not like a posing, but like being secretly photographed.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Wanwan reached out and opened An An's pocket, put the photo in, and said meaningfully: "Then you have to take good care of it."

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