Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 880 He Should Have An All-American Life

Two days later, Lu Wanwan received a call from Fu Shuo.

"Wanwan, I'm at the airport, I'm going back now."

Lu Wanwan glanced at her watch, it was almost time to get off work, so she asked, "Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No need." Fu Shuo chuckled, "I asked the driver at home to pick me up."

"That's good, has the accident been dealt with?"

Fu Shuo said with some seriousness: "Basically, the aftermath has been dealt with, but unfortunately, an employee was too seriously injured to be rescued, and finally died in the intensive care unit."

"There is no way that a person cannot be resurrected after death. How are the families of the deceased employees?"

Fu Shuo said: "Fortunately, I told them that I will return to City Y sooner or later. If they have any difficulties in the future, they can come to me directly."

After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan got up, picked up her bag, walked out of the office, and took the elevator to the underground garage.


After Lu Wanwan said "um", she said, "Then I'll go to school to pick up An'an now, and you can go back to Mingyuan and have a good rest."

Fu Shuo said, "Thank you for your hard work, Wanwan."

The students below wailed: "Ah, the public execution is going to happen again!"

This English teacher has a characteristic of handing out the test papers, that is, he likes to hand out the test papers from the last one to the front. The sooner the name is called, the lower the score and the lower the ranking.

At the same time, Nankai Primary School.

When get out of class was about to end, the English teacher slowly spread out the test papers on the podium, and said to the students below: "Those whose names I have read, come up and get your English test papers."

The girl named "Li Rong" blushed and was about to cry after she took the test paper.

But the English teacher continued to read ruthlessly.

"Li Rong."

Soon, the countdown No.1 was born gloriously.


After Wei Nian responded, he came to the podium and took his test paper from the English teacher.

I don't know how much time has passed——

"Wei Nian."

Wei Nian gave him a strange look, not understanding why the always strict English teacher suddenly became so gentle: "Understood, teacher."

"Well, let's go." The English teacher nodded at her and said.

She looked down, 94 points, not bad, she shouldn't fall out of the first class this month.

And the English teacher looked at Wei Nian, uncharacteristically, full of loving light: "Wei Nian, your grades have improved this time, but you can't be proud, you know?"

Wei Nian leaned over and said, "At the same table, the English teacher actually smiled at me just now, do you think it's scary?"

After Li Xiuqi was stunned for a moment, he said, "It's quite scary."

After returning to his seat, Wei Nian looked at the English teacher who was sullen again, and couldn't help muttering, "Could it be because of my dad?"

Li Xiuqi next to him asked softly, "Nian Nian, what are you talking about?"

Li Xiuqi agreed: "It's possible, because Uncle Wei is really doing a great job, and the parents are all praising him."

Wei Nian had an expression of admiration on Apple's face: "I also think my dad is great, I like him the most!"

Their English teacher is an old pedant, let alone smiled at them, and even rarely praised them.

Wei Nian scratched the little curly hair, and said, "So I was wondering, is it because my dad recently won the 'City Hero' pennant, that's why the English teacher smiled at me?"

Li Xiuqi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter who gets the first place, me or him."

Wei Nianxin said bluntly, "Oh, stop pretending in front of me."

While speaking, the English teacher said seriously: "Now announce the results of the top three."

Hearing this, Wei Nian glanced at Li Xiuqi, and asked quietly: "At the same table, who do you think will be No.1 this time, you and An An?"

"Yes." Li Xiuqi straightened up.

He is No.2.

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Li Xiuqi just smiled back and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, the English teacher raised the test paper and called out, "Li Xiuqi."

I still remember that a month ago, when An An snatched the first place in his grade, his face turned pale. It took Wei Nian a lot of effort to make him feel better.

But it was only "a little bit". When Li Xiuqi came to class the next day with big dark circles under his eyes, Wei Nian knew that he must have stayed up all night studying, waiting for the next monthly exam to "take revenge".

Wei Nian looked at Li Xiuqi's side face, trying to find traces of loss or resignation, but no, he was so indifferent that Wei Nian felt that he didn't know him for a moment.

However, she and Li Xiuqi have been at the same table for two years, and she knows very well how strong he is, because he is not in good health, and he knows that his physical strength is not as good as that of others, so he puts all his desire to win and lose on his studies, It even reached the point where he could force himself to immerse himself in his studies without Bai Qing being forced to do so.

After the English teacher finished announcing the rankings, An An left her seat and stepped forward to take the test papers.

On the way, An An and Li Xiuqi, who had finished taking the test papers, passed by. Wei Nian twitched his heart and looked at them nervously.

But now...

"Fu Huai'an, No.1."

Therefore, Huai'an is 100 points.

Li Xiuqi pinched the test paper, lost in thought.

Fortunately nothing happened.

After Li Xiuqi took the test paper and sat back to his original position, Wei Nian looked over his head and said wow: "99.5 points! It's also very good!"

At 06:30 in the evening, Mingyuan.

After Lu Wanwan brought An An back, she heard the little guy excitedly say: "Mummy, I have a surprise to tell you!"

That's great, Huai'an should have a perfect life.


Lu Wanwan took his little hand and entered Mingyuan, only to see Fu Shuo's leather shoes on the shoe rack.

An An suddenly realized: "Dad is back?!"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said, "What a coincidence, Mummy also has a surprise to share with you."

"Then Mommy first?" An An asked expectantly, tilting her head.

After seeing Lu Wanwan and An An, Fu Shuo's eyes lit up and he walked downstairs quickly.

An An didn't have time to put down her schoolbag, so she ran over and scolded, "Daddy! Why did you just come back?"

Lu Wanwan smiled and said "Yes".

"Great!" An An looked around, just in time to see Fu Shuo coming out of the room on the second floor with his short hair brushed.

An An was giggled by Fu Shuo, she couldn't help turning her upper body in his arms, and said, "Daddy, Mommy, my results in this monthly exam are out, and I got full marks in all three subjects!"

"Wow, baby is awesome!" Lu Wanwan couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed his little cheek appreciatively.

Fu Shuo picked him up, rubbed the tip of his nose, and said, "Sorry baby, this is already Daddy's fastest speed."

"Okay then, forgive Daddy this time."

Fu Shuo said generously, "As long as Daddy has it."

An An glanced at him and Lu Wanwan, and said, "Then let's go out to play together on Saturday?"

Fu Shuo greedily looked at Lu Wanwan's pretty face, and he came back to his senses after a while. He lowered his head and asked An An, "Son, this is the second time you have won first place in your grade. Is there anything you want?"

An An asked softly, "Is everything okay?"

Fu Shuo froze and looked at Lu Wanwan.

"Okay." Lu Wanwan held An An's little hand and asked softly, "Where do you want to go, baby?"

"Wan Wan?" Fu Shuo looked at her in shock, as if he didn't expect her to agree!

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