Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 879 Change of heart so quickly

The property manager took a look at Bai Qing, who was lying in the puddle like a dog in the water, behind him, and sternly said to the security guard, "Don't let her lie here, what if there is an infectious disease?"

The two security guards looked at each other: "Then..."

The property manager waved his hand violently: "Then what? Get her away!"

The two security guards showed embarrassment. They didn't want to touch this woman who stinks all over her body!

One of the security guards tapped Bai Qingluo with the tip of his shoe and asked, "Hey, can you stand up by yourself?"

Seeing that Bai Qingluo was trying her best to wrap her arms around her, looking like she wanted to hang on here to the end, another security guard lost his patience and said, "Forget it, let's just move her away."

When she yelled, the two security guards were immediately embarrassed: "Don't yell, we don't want to do anything to you, you didn't want to get up."

After Bai Qingluo was forcibly pulled up by them, she said with red eyes: "Don't drive me away, I want to wait for someone here!"

After finishing speaking, the two security guards, head to tail, prepared to move Bai Qingluo away.

Bai Qingluo kept struggling and said, "Don't touch me!" <.97 xiaoshuo. net


The property manager narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you waiting for?"

Bai Qing lowered her head, letting half of her face sink into the drenched black hair, making it difficult to see her expression: "I'll wait for Lu Wanwan."

Not long after, the call was connected.

The property manager had a smile on his face, and said politely: "Mrs. Fu, it's me, Xiao Zhang. There is a woman who has been waiting for you by the green belt these days. Do you know her?"

The property manager thought she looked suspicious, so he said, "Wait a minute."

Then, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the owner group, found Lu Wanwan's number, and dialed it.

Bai Qingluo asked anxiously: "If I don't know her, can I call her by her name?"

The property manager said contemptuously: "You are not the only one who can name Mrs. Fu, does she need to know everyone?"

After hearing Lu Wanwan's reply, the property manager said: "Oh, you don't know me, that's fine, it's okay, I'm sorry to bother you to send your child to school, drive carefully, goodbye."

After the call was over, the smile on the property manager's face disappeared instantly, and he glared at Bai Qingluo gloomyly: "Mrs. Fu said she didn't know you, can you get out?"

The property manager sneered: "Come on, Mrs. Fu is gentle, and she will greet us when she sees you. If she really knows you, she doesn't have to pretend that she doesn't know you. I think you are thinking that Mrs. Fu is rich. Blackmail her?"

Bai Qingluo shook her head and murmured: "No, it's not..."

"Believe me, I really know her, she pretended not to know me!"

Bai Qing raised her pale face anxiously, and said to the property manager: "If you don't believe me, wait until she comes back this evening, and I will prove it to you."

Bai Qingluo didn't resist anymore, the corners of her skirt dripped with water, and her eyes were fixed on Mingyuan's signboard.

After dragging her to the side of the road, the two security guards pushed her hard, clapped their hands and left.

But her appearance at this time was too sloppy, coupled with her sickly state, she was not convincing at all.

The two security guards next to her didn't wait for the property manager's order this time, they grabbed Bai Qingluo's arm and dragged her away.

And where she was standing at this time, it happened to block one of the tables.

Bai Qingluo swallowed, she was very hungry.

As soon as Bai Qingluo stood still, a middle-aged woman yelled at her impolitely: "Hey, go away, you are blocking our business!"

Bai Qingluo turned her head to look, and saw a middle-aged woman running a breakfast shop, and there were two tables outside the shop for customers to sit.

Bai Qingluo said hoarsely: "Buy breakfast."

The middle-aged woman looked her up and down, with disgust in her eyes: "I won't sell it!"

She touched the money on her body and wanted to walk into the breakfast shop.

When the middle-aged woman saw her, she immediately stopped her and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Bai Qingluo stared blankly at herself in the glass window, and saw that her face, hair, neck, and skirt were all covered with mud. She was placed in S City, an international metropolis, where she was smuggled from. same as refugees.

Bai Qingluo couldn't help but raised her hand and wiped her face, but her hands were even dirtier, and the more she wiped, the uglier she looked.

Bai Qingluo frowned and asked, "Your shop is open, which means it's already open. Why don't you sell it to me?"

"Come, come, let me tell you why." The middle-aged woman pulled Bai Qingluo to a glass window, and said earnestly, "Look at what virtue you have. I put you in the store, and I won't put you in the shop." Have all my guests been smoked away?"

"Huh, what about people?"

When the middle-aged woman came out with breakfast, she found that the miserable-looking woman had disappeared.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman said, "Forget it, seeing how miserable you are, I'll go to the store to get you breakfast, just wait."

1 minutes later--

After Lu Wanwan sent An An to the school gate, she asked softly, "Honey, I remember today is your monthly exam day?"

An An said: "Yes, Mommy."


At this time, outside Nankai Primary School.

After finishing speaking, An An opened the door and got out of the car.

After watching him enter the school, Lu Wanwan turned the car around and drove towards Fu's company.

Lu Wanwan said: "Just play normally, don't put too much burden on yourself."

An An said to herself: "Don't worry, Mommy, I will work hard."

Lu Wanwan pushed open the office door and said concisely: "He's on a business trip."

While picking up the documents on the table, the assistant chased after him and asked, "Sister Lu must miss Mr. Fu very much, right?"


When she came to her office floor, Lu Wanwan heard her assistant ask, "Sister Lu, I heard that Mr. Fu hasn't come to the company for several days. What's the matter?"

Lu Wanwan laughed and said, "Are you sure this is a boyfriend, not a son?"

The assistant nuzzled her nose and said, "Sister Lu, you don't know how attractive Mr. Fu is. If you hadn't been able to control the situation, many girls in the company would covet him."

After a pause, Lu Wanwan said, "I'm used to it."

After putting the documents on her desk, the assistant said, "I really admire Sister Lu's determination. If I had a boyfriend like Mr. Fu, I would wish to be with him every day. If he was on a business trip, I would definitely Call him every hour to make sure he's there."

After speaking, the assistant ran away.

After all, she is a little girl with a thin skin and can't bear to be teased.

Lu Wanwan said with interest: "Oh? Didn't you say you liked Mr. Shi a few days ago? You changed your mind so quickly?"

Hearing this, the assistant's face quickly turned red: "Sister Lu, you are laughing at me, so I won't tell you anymore!"

After shaking her head with a smile, Lu Wanwan began to deal with the work.

During the break, Lu Wanwan suddenly moved the mouse, clicked on "", and began to search for housing listings.

She had thought about it, if she and Fu Shuo divorced, she had to rent a house first and settle down in An'an.

As for the rest, let's talk about it after Fu Shuo comes back.

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