Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 881 Make You Unable to Stand Up For Your Life

Facing Fu Shuo's shocked gaze, Lu Wanwan said, "An'an has always hoped that we could hang out together, so let's satisfy him once."

It's time to make it clear to him.

Lu Wanwan thought to herself.

After receiving her affirmative answer, Fu Shuo's originally shocked eyes turned into undisguised surprise.

He couldn't restrain his excitement and said: "Okay, this Saturday, our family will go out and relax!"

Lu Wanwan turned to look at An'an, and said softly: "Then baby, you can choose the location. You must choose the one you like, and we will cooperate with you."

An An jumped in Fu Shuo's arms and said, "Yes! Daddy and Mommy are the best!"

However, if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a sense of disobedience in Lu Wanwan's words, but Fu Shuo and An An, who are in the midst of excitement, don't notice it.

Li Xiuqi didn't dare to let Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong wait for him, so he quickly unloaded his schoolbag, washed his hands as quickly as possible, and walked towards the dining table.

I saw Li Yuanzhong filling soup for Tang Qiong, and Tang Qiong said from the side: "Enough is enough, it's almost overflowing." <.97xiaoshuo. net


On the other side, in Li Yuanzhong's mansion.

After Li Xiuqi came back from school, he only heard Zhong said gently: "Master Xiuqi, the meal is ready, the master and the old lady are waiting for you."

At this moment, Li Yuanzhong's majestic voice suddenly sounded towards him: "Have you distributed the test paper today?"

Li Xiuqi was stunned, realized that Li Yuanzhong was asking about his monthly exam results, immediately put down his chopsticks, and said, "Go back to great-grandfather, the test papers have been handed out, but the grade rankings haven't been announced yet."

But I also want to know that Huai'an will be the first in the grade, because he got full marks in every subject.

Li Yuanzhong looked up at him, and said indifferently: "Come and eat."

"Yes." Li Xiuqi found a seat and sat down.

Seeing that Li Yuanzhong and Tang Qiong were busy taking care of each other, Li Xiuqi quietly ate his share. Such a life without disturbing each other made him a lot easier.

After sitting down in the living room, Li Yuanzhong said, "Take out the test paper and let me have a look."

Li Xiuqi lowered his head and took out the test paper from his schoolbag, and handed it to Li Yuanzhong's thick palm.

After Li Yuanzhong took it, he looked through it one by one.

After Li Yuanzhong said "hmm", he said: "After dinner later, take out the test paper and show it to me."

Li Xiuqi suddenly became nervous: "...Yes."

After finishing the meal, Li Xiuqi came to Li Yuanzhong with his schoolbag in his arms: "Great-grandfather..."

Then, Li Yuanzhong focused his attention on the missing questions on Li Xiuqi's test paper, and found out: "How can you make mistakes for such a simple question?"

Li Xiuqi leaned forward nervously and found that Li Yuanzhong was checking his English test paper. He couldn't help whispering: "Great-grandfather, these questions are easy for you, but they are still difficult for me now."

Li Yuanzhong glanced at him: "Don't hide it from me, your mother said that you can communicate with foreigners fluently, I believe that such a simple spelling of words will not trouble you."

"Well, 100 points in mathematics, 98 points in Chinese, 99.5 points in English..."

After Li Yuanzhong finished reading, he gave Li Xiuqi a meaningful look.

Originally, he thought that Li Xiuqi would be affected by the relocation and Bai Qingluo's suicide, and his performance in the exam would be abnormal, but he did not expect that his grades were quite stable.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm convinced."

"Are you convinced?" Li Yuanzhong squinted his eyes: "Really?"

Li Xiuqi pursed his lips, and argued, "It was my carelessness that caused the misspelling of words. I will definitely pay attention in the future!"

After Li Yuanzhong put down the paper, he asked, "Who is the first in the total score of your class this time?"

"It's still Huai'an."

Li Yuanzhong's eyes sank, and he was not angry: "Tell the truth!"

"Great-grandfather, I..."

When he hesitated, Li Yuanzhong couldn't understand anything, so he couldn't help but sneered: "Li Xiuqi! Is this what I usually teach you?"

Li Xiuqi nodded: "Yes."

Li Yuanzhong suddenly raised his English test paper, and asked seriously: "It's really not that you made a mistake on purpose, just to lose points, so that you can lose to An An?"

Li Xiuqi panicked, and denied it flatly: "No!"

"A man has gold under his knees, do you know that?" Li Yuanzhong pointed to Li Xiuqi, and said to Wen Zhong, "Go, pull him up for me."

Wen Zhong stepped forward and advised: "Master Xiuqi, get up quickly, the master has no intention of punishing you."

Under Wen Zhong's persuasion, Li Xiuqi dared to straighten up.

Li Xiuqi turned pale, and subconsciously knelt down and said, "Great-grandfather, I was wrong!"

Li Yuanzhong was even more displeased: "Get up, I will make you stand up!"

Li Xiuqi said in fear: "Great-grandfather, don't be angry, okay?"

"Let me see you kneeling again in the future, and I will directly break your legs, so that you will not be able to stand up even if you want to stand up in your life!"

Li Xiuqi lowered his head and said timidly, "Yes, great-grandfather..."

"Also, remember! You don't need to do such a stupid thing to repay An An!"

Li Yuanzhong thought displeasedly, this is all Bai Qingluo's fault!

If Bai Qingluo hadn't threatened Li Xiuqi and abused Li Xiuqi at every turn, he would not have formed such a conditioned reflex.

What Li Yuanzhong has to do now is to correct his bad habit.

Li Xiuqi's heart was greatly shaken: "Great-grandfather, I, I don't think about it at all!"

Seeing his strong reaction, it can be seen that he does not want to become a person like Li Xiangchen at all, Li Yuanzhong's stern expression softened a little: "Then don't use such crooked brains, and compete with An'an in an upright manner!"

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiuqi suddenly asked in a low voice: "If I win against Huai'an, will great-grandfather...will be happy?"

Li Yuanzhong patted the English test paper in front of his small chest, and said word by word: "You use this low-level method to let An An win the first place. You are not only looking down on his ability, but also ruining your own efforts. Do you understand?!"

"I..." Li Xiuqi, who had been punctured, was extremely ashamed.

Li Yuanzhong stared at the tiger's eyes, and then said: "No matter who wins or loses between you, you should be upright, instead of making such small tricks behind your back! In the past, your father was too fond of twisting his mind and making small moves, so I Will always look down on him! Do you want to be like him?"

Li Yuanzhong said harshly: "The grades are your own, what do you care if others are unhappy?"

Because Bai Qingluo conveyed a concept to him since he was a child, his great-grandfather would be happy only if he got the first place in the grade.

But now, the truth of his life experience is bloodied in front of Li Xiuqi's eyes. It turns out that he has snatched his rich life from An'an all these years. He is not sure at the beginning, if he continues to fight with An'an, will he make Li Yuanzhong unhappy? .

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